Nancy Lawson was an Educator, a Single Mom, a Writer, a Cancer Survivor, a Welfare & Food Stamp (pre "SNAP") recipient, a World Traveler, a Poet, a Theologian (or at least deeply spiritual) a Playwright, an Actress, a Victim of Domestic Abuse, and a lover of Earl Gray Tea. She also suffered at various points from depression, Bi-Polar disorder/ schizophrenia (depending on diagnosis). In her own words...
Nancy Lawson

a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Thursday, September 1st, 1977-in which Aunt Betty loses her ducks and geese
Dr. Baskerville's office called this morning. Pete's white count is down so they said to cut his medication in half till the next count. He goes to MSTI again next week. Thelma called @ 10:00 am and woke me. She's not sure if she'll be able to take us-last time they only paid her 4 cents a mile for her trip to Weiser and that didn't cover her gas. Betty called and she came @ 2 pm. I heated up and iced by second loaf of cinnamon bread. Petey fussed so much about having some I told him I wasn't going to give him any. Then I let him have half a slice. I told him tonight that was a mistake and I wasn't going to do it again-that if he wanted nice things, he must learn not to cry and fuss or he wouldn't get any. I explained to him several times that it was wrong to tell him I wouldn't let him have something, and then give it to him, and that it wouldn't happen again. Finally he said "I'm scared about what you said, Mama", but I was certain he understood. Betty came at two, and she helped me select 3 continuing projects my students can do in Sunday School. We agreed that was all the "crafts" I'd have time for. Aging "parchment" with a candle we decided to leave for the parents to do at home if they want to. I'm not risking burns or fire at church. She pointed out I didn't have to get through everything listed for each session and we crossed out the parts I don't intend to use. If Bryan is in the class, I'll have to do a lot of reading out loud because he's still having trouble reading...Betty says she wishes he could learn braille to see if that would help. He's dyslexic. Petey has just about memorized Batman. He "read" it to me last night. Betty said someone had shot, or else a pack of wild dogs had gotten six of their ducks and five of their geese. The bodies were torn but not eaten. The one remaining goose cost her $25.00 at the vet's-wing splint, antibiotics, salve because so many of it's feathers were torn off...and Babe didn't even bark. The police are investigating and they got another dog-part shepherd-to keep guard outside. Read last night about an electric shock method for stopping smoking-wish I could try it! Pete built a farm on the kitchen table tonight. He played with it for over an hour. I invented a "trash collector" tonight who collects little boys who don't pick up their toys in a big truck and takes them to work on a farm. Pete knows it's a "protest"...Betty wants a horse-and they're having sheep again.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Wednesday, August 31st, 1977 In which the Monster sneaks in
With apologies to all who've been following this series, please accept my sincere personal apologies for the serious lag between the last post and this one. Suffice it to say, I've been having some technological issues (specifically not having regular access to a computer) that's been part of the problem-the other piece being that I often don't take into account the emotional taxation of going through these passages and memories-keeping in mind that I am rediscovering many of them even as I transcribe them for others. That said, Mom's Birthday fell on the first week of May and Mother's Day Eve in particular seemed the appropriate time to begin again...
I feel sad and empty tonight-if only there were someone I could talk to at 11:30 p.m. Petey exasperated me at dinner. he took over an hour to eat-until, finally, I refused to tell him the stories of "Charlie Brown" and "Charlotte's Web", and threatened to spank him if he didn't sit up and eat his hamburger. He cried, but ate, and I relented and told him the stories while he had dessert (jello).
I spent the whole day picking up toys he got out and finally tonight I told him I was going to put them all in a sack and throw them away...and I almost meant it. He spent so long in the bath tonight, playing, that I told him I was going to scream if he didn't get out. Don't know if I'm so edgy because I didn't take a nap, or if I forgot my pill this morning (Petey said I took it). But maybe I'm just sad...Sylvia called at 9:00 a.m. and came over @ 10:30 a.m. We were going to the park but it was cloudy and cold and the children were playing happily so we stayed home. Sylvia and I had a pot of tea and visited while Sharon and Pete played with play-dough on the kitchen table. Sharon starts school next week. I called John Sandquist about transport for next week, and Bob Keele about Pete's medicine. Dr. Baskerville refused to request the drug exception for 6MP-must ask her about it next week. Called Frontier Music and Pete can take a make-up class for the 22nd (and the week after if necessary). Patty came after lunch and we got Pete's medicine and pants (one says "Sesame Street"), some heavy winter shirts, and a pair of shoes (the only ones they had), but I'll have to buy arch supports to put in. Then Patty picked up Stewart's letter. I told her Diane was expecting their 6th, and she said " Just wait till I see Armando!". Then Pete had a nap, but I couldn't sleep so got up and read-intending to sleep during his programs (at least I finished today's paper today. Yesterday they reported the death of a little boy from eating too much salt at one can that be!?) but while his programs were on, Pete wanted to make a picture with the "found objects" he and Betty Phipps brought back from their walk yesterday. So, we got out the Elmer's glue and the construction paper and glued and glued. Everything seemed to stick pretty well exception for one leaf that kept curling, and Pete finally pulled it off in disgust and stuck in on numbered (illegible) they'd found. The tape "mustache" stuck well as did the bottle caps. Next question, what can we do with the picture? Pete and I made jello in a mold today (and consequently I washed all the molds and the wall) and Pete helped loosen it in hot water and turn it. He wanted to eat the "pretty jello" all by himself but let me have some. He made me a Tinker Toy swing set today, because Paul broke mine. I resolved to clean kitchen cupboards tomorrow...weevils (ugh!). Read Pete Black Is Brown Is Tan about racially mixed marriage. I read The Monster Makers. I worry I'm turning into a "Monster" too! Tired of trying to be perfect all the time!
I feel sad and empty tonight-if only there were someone I could talk to at 11:30 p.m. Petey exasperated me at dinner. he took over an hour to eat-until, finally, I refused to tell him the stories of "Charlie Brown" and "Charlotte's Web", and threatened to spank him if he didn't sit up and eat his hamburger. He cried, but ate, and I relented and told him the stories while he had dessert (jello).
I spent the whole day picking up toys he got out and finally tonight I told him I was going to put them all in a sack and throw them away...and I almost meant it. He spent so long in the bath tonight, playing, that I told him I was going to scream if he didn't get out. Don't know if I'm so edgy because I didn't take a nap, or if I forgot my pill this morning (Petey said I took it). But maybe I'm just sad...Sylvia called at 9:00 a.m. and came over @ 10:30 a.m. We were going to the park but it was cloudy and cold and the children were playing happily so we stayed home. Sylvia and I had a pot of tea and visited while Sharon and Pete played with play-dough on the kitchen table. Sharon starts school next week. I called John Sandquist about transport for next week, and Bob Keele about Pete's medicine. Dr. Baskerville refused to request the drug exception for 6MP-must ask her about it next week. Called Frontier Music and Pete can take a make-up class for the 22nd (and the week after if necessary). Patty came after lunch and we got Pete's medicine and pants (one says "Sesame Street"), some heavy winter shirts, and a pair of shoes (the only ones they had), but I'll have to buy arch supports to put in. Then Patty picked up Stewart's letter. I told her Diane was expecting their 6th, and she said " Just wait till I see Armando!". Then Pete had a nap, but I couldn't sleep so got up and read-intending to sleep during his programs (at least I finished today's paper today. Yesterday they reported the death of a little boy from eating too much salt at one can that be!?) but while his programs were on, Pete wanted to make a picture with the "found objects" he and Betty Phipps brought back from their walk yesterday. So, we got out the Elmer's glue and the construction paper and glued and glued. Everything seemed to stick pretty well exception for one leaf that kept curling, and Pete finally pulled it off in disgust and stuck in on numbered (illegible) they'd found. The tape "mustache" stuck well as did the bottle caps. Next question, what can we do with the picture? Pete and I made jello in a mold today (and consequently I washed all the molds and the wall) and Pete helped loosen it in hot water and turn it. He wanted to eat the "pretty jello" all by himself but let me have some. He made me a Tinker Toy swing set today, because Paul broke mine. I resolved to clean kitchen cupboards tomorrow...weevils (ugh!). Read Pete Black Is Brown Is Tan about racially mixed marriage. I read The Monster Makers. I worry I'm turning into a "Monster" too! Tired of trying to be perfect all the time!
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