Nancy Lawson

Nancy Lawson
a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Thursday, September 8th, 1977-in which Pete doesn't roar like a lion or croak like a frog

John Sandquist came by early this morning (about 9:30am) to pick up Stewart's latest letter.  He asked me what Stewart meant by "perjury" (this letter Stewart said he'd told Gene Stunz to put me in jail for perjury and that "a few days in the slammer would do me good"...and he'd make arrangements for Petey AFTER I was in jail), but of course I didn't know.  I don't even have a copy of the divorce petition so I can't imagine what he's referring to.  John arranged for volunteers to get us to Pete's music lesson after all.  Lorraine Bennett called a couple of times-said she'd take us on Thursdays if she's in town.  2:00pm finally came and Pete and I went to Frontier Music.  We saw a movie about Yamaha, then Mary (the teacher) had us all sit on the floor and let the children play tambourines.  Pete was very tentative about making a noise.  In fact, he was very shy about participating in anything today, so I'm glad I didn't start him in a regular school this year.  They were introduced to high, middle, and low notes today-along with "loud" and "soft", and different tempos.  Pete wouldn't roar like a lion, croak like a frog, or tweet like a bird...he just watched and listened to the others.  Sylvia came by for her vegetables and we had a pot of tea (had forgotten I'd locked the back porch door and she had to shout to remind me).  After we got home from Yamaha (Pete with his $18.50 kit of music books, music paper, colored pencils, and coloring book), it was time for Pete's programs so I turned them on and lay down for my nap.  Vicky called about 5pm and woke me, but Pete was asleep so I let him sleep through "Mr. Rogers" and woke him up for "Electric Company" (his favorite).  Vicky came over and they watched "Electric Company" and "Zoom".  Vicky painted (there was a leak in the pan for water, and water ran everywhere.  In fact, it was dripping down Vicky's leg but she didn't seem to care).  She ripped out a whole lot of construction paper then hid it in the bathroom wastebasket-why, I don't know-then we all played Batman outside and Vicky golfed with Pete's clubs.  Laurie called Vicky home just before 8:00pm (I'd just told Vicky I wanted to fix Pete's dinner), and offered to babysit for Pete.  I asked her how much she charged and she said $1.00 an hour so I can't afford her (I only get 50 cents an hour for babysitting!).  Dad stopped by just for a few minutes on their way home from Mom's doctor (he thinks she has another {illegible} but doesn't know whether to cauterize or not).  It was just before 2:000pm and we were expecting Thelma to take us to Pete's music lesson so we didn't have much of a visit.  Peter and I played with his "letter board" tonight.  He knows all his letters but confused "M" and "W".  Then we tried spelling words and sounding them out.  Pete performed quite well.  We had cube steak and watermelon for dinner and Pete finally ate something (finished his steak).  We read Hop On Pop, The Fire Station, and The March Wind tonight.  I finished Leninger's Death By Inches and started Macombers A Clearing In The Fog.  Called Margaret Bunce to see if Erik wants to go to library story hour.  Maybe we'll go together.

September 7th, 1977-A Red Letter Day and a threat from Stewart

Today wqas a red letter day for Pete-he got his library card!  They let him check out his own books on the application card today and said they'd send him his blue card in the mail.  He had to write his name (but only his first name) on the application himself.  He was "practicing" all weekend.  Sylvia and Davy came by this morning and I used the last of my English Breakfast tea making a pot for Sylvia and me.  They left @ 11:30am.  Dad didn't come in till nearly 2:00pm.  We got my Mellaril at Ontario Pharmacy, my Trimon (Artane, that is) at Skaggs, along with two punchout books for Petey-Tiny Little Circus and Tiny Country Fair.  Dad took us to lunch at "'tucky Fried Chicken".  Pete only ate part of one piece of chicken and we saved the rest.  Then we went to the library.  I took havlf an hour to check out 8 books (I'm into the "M's" now) and Pete checked out 3.  Then Dad read to him while they waited for me.  We stopped at Safeway at 4:00pm and I did all my shopping in 15 minutes-I think that's a record!  Dad brought in a lot of vegetables from the farm and I called Sylvia to see if she wanted any.  Called thelma and offered her a dozen eggs (I filled a WIC coupon today and I still have over a dozen in the refrigerator).  Got a letter from Stewart today-said he had instructed Gene Stunz to have me "put in the slammer" for perjury, but if he heard from me before September 10th, he'd change his order (but he isn't going to like my letter when he gets it).  Thelma had a bad trip to Boise.  It was 92 degrees today and the 84 year old man she took was in such bad shape she had to leave him at St. Luke's and the doctor wasn't even sure whetherto treat him or not.  Glad we didn't go!  We're having a windstorm tonight whcich may cool things off a bit.  If not, I'll get out Pete's pool tomorrow!  Pete watched his programs-no naps (but slept a little during "Mr. Rogers").  Then Vicky came over to play (used up Pete's fingerpaints), puzzles, golf, Batman,..Then Pete went over to her house, she brought him back, then they quarrelled and he sent her home.  She said "she would never come again", but I got Pete to phone and apologize ("never let the sun go down on your anger").  Pete ate watermelon for dinner -wouldn't touch his steak.  We "punched out" for a while-Pete having a grand time tearing things.  Then I put him to bed (bath tomorrow to be clean for his music lessons), and read Dougal Looks For Birds and The Dead Tree.  We had a long discussion about what "mammals" are.  Pete's pretty good at classifying.  I read Lenninger's (Shannon's) Case Pending.  Stewart called Cliff Looney collect, he said, and Cliff refused the call.  Stewart's Gall!-Incredible!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday, September 6th, 1977-More run around, a bit of pumpkin pie, drop ins, and the promise of "tucky Fried Chicken"

The kind of day I had today, it makes me tired just thinking about it.  I called MSTI at 8:00am but no one could give me any information so they said they'd have Dr. Holt call melater.  Lorraine picked us up at 9:00am (and brought me a piece of pumpkin pie, bless her).  She held Petey on her lap while he had his blood test.  We got home about 9:30 and Dr. Daniel's office phoned (I'd seen him in the corridor at the hospital) to say he couldn't get in today and changed my appointement to the 19th.  I called Children's Services to cancel my ride and talked to Cindy Patten-who said she didn't have me down for a ride...and didn't think Pete's music lessonswere important enough for a vlunteer to take us, but said she'd ask John or his supervisor...but neither one was in and neither would be ther 'till Thursday morning so she wouldn't know 'till then if anyone could take us.  I did point out that I had been promised that a volunteer would stay with Petey one day a weekso I could get out and that never happened, and that John and the doctor both felt music lessons were important for Pete...but I was wastingg my breath.  And while I was on the phone with Cindy, Sylvia and Cheryl and little Davy arrived.  They'd just dropped Sharon and one of Cheryl's children at kindergarten for their first day.  I made a pot of tea and they stayed till 11:30am.  Cheryl will really be stuck if Sylvia moves because (like me) she doesn't drive.  Dad called to see what was happening about Boise, but I didn't know.  Pete and I had lunch and napped and at 3:00pm, Dr. Holt called-then she called Holy Rosary to find out the results of Pete's blood test.  His white coutn was 3100 so she said to put him on 3/4 of his medicine instead of 1/2 (but how do I give him 3/4 of 1/2 tablet? I'll give him a quarter tablet still, but 3 Methatrexate instead of 2).  Then she cancelled his appointment for tomorrow and changed the others to the 20th and 27th at 11:30am in Weiser.  I'm to bring his blood counts and medicine from the hospital.  Then Thelma called.  I told her his appointment was cancelled and she wanted to know if we'd like to go to Boise anyhow.  I told her no-I couldn't afford it and I'd asked Dad to come in and take me to get my medicine tomrorrow anyhow (asked Dr. Daniel's office to call Skaggs and Ontario Pharmacy and they called back to confirm they had so I can get it).  Dad said he'd take us to "tucky Fried Chicken"-I'd said "Let's go Dutch" 'cause Pete's wanted chicken ever since Sunday.  Dad also said he and mom would pay our cab fare to Frontier Music if the volunteers won't take us.  Pete watched his prorams and was adding some more to his paper train when Vicky came over to play.  They both were listening to "Hardtack Is A Fine Old Engine".  I made lamb chops (neck-all bone) and Pete wouldn't eat any.  Then Betty Phipps came to take him for a walk since he didn't get to see her this morning.  They returned the stray kitten to its home.  Them Pete saw Daniel out in front and Mike and Julie Warren came by (no trace of her stolen bike) and they all caught bugs out in front/  I made Pete some soup and we played with his LocBlocs.  I finally bathed him (he was all over "crumbs" fro the kitchen floor_ and read The Dead Tree and How The Sun Was Brought Back to the Sky.  I read The House on Cheyne Walk--very depressing more heroin pushing but the girl doesn't get a guy.

Monday, September 5th 1977 (Labor Day)-in which we get the Holiday Run Around, work on some letters, and try to do some good for others

Lorraine Bennett took us up to the hospital at 10:00am.  Shirley Kimball was on dutyat the desk and said they didn't do any out patient tests on Holidays (I don't know what she thinks Memorial Day and the 4th of July were!)-that technicians were swamped, and, in short, refused to do Pete's blood test today-now the results won't be available for MSTI tomorrow.  More hassle.
Lorraine promised to take us in @9:00am tomrrow and Shirley said they'd do his test right away, but what a mess!  Lorraine had Deena's 3 children with her and we all went to the Red Steer (Dutch).  Petey had a corn dog and I had a pizza-burger.  When we got home, Petey did some "lessons".  We worked on capital "R" and small "r".  He did quite well the the capitals.  We were both tired and took early naps-I slept from 12:30pm-3:00pm.  Then we watched part of Jerry Lewis' Muscular Dystrophy Telethon.  Then we switched over to channel 4 for "Lilias, Yogo, and You" and "Sesame Street".  Thelma picked us up about 5:15pm (Pete had watched part of "Mr. Rogers") and took us over to her place for charcoal broiled hamburgers.  I gave Thelma some more pineapple juice (6 cans), squash, cottage cheese, tomatos, and some of Dad's plums.  Thelma took Pete's outgrown clothes for some little children Sissie was babysitting with.  The mother took the 3 children and left her husband-with only the clothes they stood up in.  I gave Thelma Pete's "everyday" winter coat-he has the one Grandma and Grandpa gave him for his birthday last year, and these kids had no coats at all.  Promised Thelma one of my winter coats for the mother, too (I'll give her the one Marilyn gave me-it's missing a button, but it's a good heavy coat).  Thelma gave me a very pretty green dress that's too tight for Sissie, but unfortunately it's too tight for me too.  Pete and I came home fairly early (before I didn't want to Herman and Sissie came-I didn't want to make how I held my purse too obvious) because Thelma had a pain in her side she was afraid might be from her kidneys.  Daniel was out mowing the lawn so Pete got his wagon and Daniel put "hay" in it for him.  Vicky Plaza came over and Danel gave her and Pete a lot of leaves (she's "collecting" them and, of course, Pete wanted to too).  Pete's were still on the branch so I filled an old milk jug with water for it and put it in the bedroom.  Them Pete and I tried to make a leaf print-He coated a leaf with fingerpaint and it, paint-sid down-on construction paper.  He covered that with newspaper and put weights on top.  He was covered with paint but I had to spank him to him in the tub.  Read him Dougal Looks For Birds and The March Wind.  He's complaining of being tired again....and my toe REALLY hurts

Monday, June 6, 2016

Sunday, September 4th 1977-in which we practice our morning ritual, and Petey learns about Communion

We had our cereal-Petey left me "a bite on the bottom" of his (it's a complicated ritual where he has to leave me "a bite on the bottom" of everything he eats and "a little drip" of everything he drinks and vice-versa so we're "sharing").  Dad picked us up just before 10:00am.  We were a little late and Pete and I shared a pew with Betty and the children.  Pete was delighted to sit by Richie.  We stopped for coffee after church and Pete and his little friends played "chasing Jason".  It was Communion Sunday today and tonight Pete and I had a long discussion about why he couldn't take Communion.  I explained to him that he had to be grown up enough to understand what Communion was all about, that at Confirmation he would make for himself the promises that Uncle Harold, Aunt Betty, and I made for him when he was baptised.  I told him that some churces let children study about and take Communion when they were seven, but our church started Confirmation lessons at about 11...and he said "When I'm 13, I'll take Communion!"...I hope he lives long enough to (PL NOTE: I Did!).  I suggested he talk to Pastor about Communion because he could explain it better,  Peter wanted to know what the wafers and the wine were for.  I explained to him that Jesus had given his friends bread and wine and said "This do in remembrance of me" and that every Communion was a celebration of Jesus' life and our being rescued from sin, and given enternal life so that when we die we don't just "stop".  He seemed to understand, tho I'm sure Pastor could have done better.  I think Pete's really "ready" for confirmation classes now.  Pete spent a lot of time with MaryJo today.  She was very kind to him even playing ball on the front lawn with him.  I went out once to see what he was doing, then went back in and left them together.  Pete has a big crush on MaryJo-sometimes just seeing her will render him speechless and shy, and he'll hide behind my back-so he was in a state of bliss to have her all to himself...and playing!  Dad brought in lots of vegetables.  I took some over to Betty Phipps and put some adide for Thelma.  I saved some squash for Sylvia, but remembered when I phoned her that they're camping this weekend.  I called Thelma today and Monty picked up the phone and yelled "NO, VERNON'S NOT HERE!"  I was rather surprised but Thelma explained that a gang of kids had been taking it in turn to call up and ask for Vernon (he's in jail this weekend).  We're going to Thelma's for supper tomorrow.  Took Pete for a tricycle walk-we went down as far as the Episcopalian Church where he'll go to kindergarten next year-all going well.  A thin black and grey cat with a purple collar follwed us most of the way-in fact all the way home.  It must be someone's pet because of the collar, but it had no tag and we couldn't find anyone it belonged to-poor thing.  If it's still around tomorrow, I'll put some food out for it (even tho I know better).  Pete made "B"'s and "D"'s tonight, but said it was too hard for him to do any lessons.  I told him he dind't have to for a long time yet.  Bathed him, cut his finger nails, and read him Firerose.  I read The Ghost and Mrs. Muir and Practise to Deceive (Linenger Police procedural).

Saturday, September 3rd, 1977-in which we do some Thrift Store shopping and do some reading.

Pete watched cartoons all morning-switching from channel 2 (tennis open) to channel 6, and stopping only briefly to have his breakfast creal.  This afternoon-at 3:oopm, Betty Phipps took us the Little Red House (theri 10 cent sale was over, but we picked up one Avon motorcycle full of aftershave for Pete-50 cents), to the Episcopalian Thrift Store <PL NOTE-Now the home of Next Chapter Food Pantry, managed by my wife, Wendi> (two dresses fro me @ 75 cents each, 3 books-10 cents each, and a doll bathrobe for Pete's dolly, a nickel), and to Salvation Army.  Their clothes were so high ($3 for a pair of pants, 75 cents for a navy blue skirt with no hem) that I didn't buy anything...but I found two records; Wanda Landowski playing the harpsichord and Glen Gould playing Bach (the corner of the cover had been chewed...probably by a puppy, but the record had never been opened) for 40 cents each, and Pete got 15 plastic horses he's put with his army.  I told Thelma about the skirt and she went over and got it for Sissie's school uniform.  I bought a few more books, too.  Got a copy of Aiken's Castle Barebone for 10 cents-so new it still had the jacket on, at the Thrift Shop.  The Salvation Army overcharged me a dime-not much but it's indicitive of their attitude.  I'll make my contributions, and they're fairly hefty, to the Thrift Shop from now on.  We got a letter from Carol Carr today-she's having a problem with the fishing boat.  She gets seasick!  Petey and I took naps at 5:00pm and spept till 8:30 because I didn't set the alarm.  Petey didn't want any dinner.  He just ate green pepper strips and jello.  The steak bulged in the pan and I had to slice it with that nice sharp knife Bill gave me to make it lie down flat.  Saved some for lunch tomorrow (hate to reheat it but I can't afford to waste that much).  After all that shopping, I just hhave a dollar left for church tomorrow.  Will have to take Monday's coffee money (Lorraine's taking us for our blood tests and stopping  afterwards) out of my $10.00 for Boise (be nice if we don't have to go).  My toe hurts.  I think I've popped out the joing.  Read Petey The Dead Tree and How The Sun Was Brought Back To The Sky, and I read Lathen's Come To Dusk (for the second time)-college politics, and A Stitch In Time-taking on the medical profession.  Pete and I listened to "Hardtack is a Fine Old Engine, Landowski", and Gould tonight.  He's getting an eclectic musical education.  Wish I knew more about music.  He said today he wants me to be his teacher in school because I'm a good teacher...nice someone still thinks so...

September 2nd, 1977-In which there's a schedule mix up and Thelma adds the drama

Thelma called this afternoon and said MSTI had tried to reach me, that they wanted to shift Pete's September 7th appointment to the 28th, "because his blood test was so good.".  Obviously there's been a foul up.  I called MSTI but everyone had left and the switchboard was closing down, so they said to call @ 8:00 a.m. Tuesday.  Thelma said they told her they were trying to reach me all morning...but that can't be true because Petey and I were home until 1:30pm.  In fact, I called Children's Services trying to talk to Patty Baladez.  So now I have to stew until Tuesday.  Had a piece of good news today-Petey only has to write his first name to get a library card, and he can do that now.  They gave me the card for us to fill in...maybe Betty Phipps will take us by the library tomorrow so he can get it...Dad picked us up @ 1:30 pm.  We went to the bank (instead of depositing $5.00 in savings, I put it aside for Boise), to the post office (food stamps and rent), Harry Erlebach's office (life insurance premium), and Frontier Music (Pete's lessons-and I checked on make ups).  Then Dad took Pete and Mom to the park, while I went to the library.  I checked out the rest of the Lathins (?) I hadn't read, and went through the "L"'s to Leniger (Dell Shannon).  They ought to print a list of pseudonyms.  Dad sent Pete in to fetch me.  Then we went to Safeway-I'd forgotten the grocery list but got everything on it.  Pete helped me shop-I got him a lined tablet, red ruler (he picked it out), pen, and school box (to keep supplies in).  Filled a WIC Coupon and got coffee too (I couldn't even have a cup this morning...had instant orange capucino).  Left me with $19.00 in the bank to last till the 13th.  Pete wanted a toy car, but I said no.  He said "Damn it!" but didn't fuss any more.  I explained to him we had to be careful how we spent our money.  I explained carefully and he seemed to understand...Dad was pleased.  I know he thinks Betty's boys spend too much, too freely.  Pete wants a lunch bucket with BatMan and Wonder Woman but they're $4.95.  Suggested it to Dad for his birthday.  Then Dad took us to the A&W.  I had a rootbeer float.  Pete had milk and a sip of my rootbeer.  We got home at 4:15pm and Marilyn Cates called because she'd found the brass button from the brown dress she gave me.  We plan to get together next week-probably Friday.  Made a puzzle and punched out some pictures.  Pete napped for a while after Electric Company-then Thelma called about 8:00pm and woke him.  Herman told Vernon that Thelma was "having him put in jail", and he should come and live at the farm, and the police thought it was a good idea"...Good Ol' Herman (oy!).

Then Pete went outside with Daniel for a while and Daniel gave him lots more green peppers.  We both love them.  Had cubesteak, green peppers, and canteloupe for dinner.  I bought a jar of apple butter today-sheer nostalgia-one time I got lost in Missouri and the family who found me fed me apple butter-I've loved it ever since.  Gave Pete a bath and read him Keats' Letter to Amy and The March Wind, and Farm Pets.  I read Murder Without Icing (Ice Hockey as big business).  Pete had 2 Methatrexate today.