Nancy Lawson was an Educator, a Single Mom, a Writer, a Cancer Survivor, a Welfare & Food Stamp (pre "SNAP") recipient, a World Traveler, a Poet, a Theologian (or at least deeply spiritual) a Playwright, an Actress, a Victim of Domestic Abuse, and a lover of Earl Gray Tea. She also suffered at various points from depression, Bi-Polar disorder/ schizophrenia (depending on diagnosis). In her own words...
Nancy Lawson

a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso
Sunday, June 12, 2016
September 7th, 1977-A Red Letter Day and a threat from Stewart
Today wqas a red letter day for Pete-he got his library card! They let him check out his own books on the application card today and said they'd send him his blue card in the mail. He had to write his name (but only his first name) on the application himself. He was "practicing" all weekend. Sylvia and Davy came by this morning and I used the last of my English Breakfast tea making a pot for Sylvia and me. They left @ 11:30am. Dad didn't come in till nearly 2:00pm. We got my Mellaril at Ontario Pharmacy, my Trimon (Artane, that is) at Skaggs, along with two punchout books for Petey-Tiny Little Circus and Tiny Country Fair. Dad took us to lunch at "'tucky Fried Chicken". Pete only ate part of one piece of chicken and we saved the rest. Then we went to the library. I took havlf an hour to check out 8 books (I'm into the "M's" now) and Pete checked out 3. Then Dad read to him while they waited for me. We stopped at Safeway at 4:00pm and I did all my shopping in 15 minutes-I think that's a record! Dad brought in a lot of vegetables from the farm and I called Sylvia to see if she wanted any. Called thelma and offered her a dozen eggs (I filled a WIC coupon today and I still have over a dozen in the refrigerator). Got a letter from Stewart today-said he had instructed Gene Stunz to have me "put in the slammer" for perjury, but if he heard from me before September 10th, he'd change his order (but he isn't going to like my letter when he gets it). Thelma had a bad trip to Boise. It was 92 degrees today and the 84 year old man she took was in such bad shape she had to leave him at St. Luke's and the doctor wasn't even sure whetherto treat him or not. Glad we didn't go! We're having a windstorm tonight whcich may cool things off a bit. If not, I'll get out Pete's pool tomorrow! Pete watched his programs-no naps (but slept a little during "Mr. Rogers"). Then Vicky came over to play (used up Pete's fingerpaints), puzzles, golf, Batman,..Then Pete went over to her house, she brought him back, then they quarrelled and he sent her home. She said "she would never come again", but I got Pete to phone and apologize ("never let the sun go down on your anger"). Pete ate watermelon for dinner -wouldn't touch his steak. We "punched out" for a while-Pete having a grand time tearing things. Then I put him to bed (bath tomorrow to be clean for his music lessons), and read Dougal Looks For Birds and The Dead Tree. We had a long discussion about what "mammals" are. Pete's pretty good at classifying. I read Lenninger's (Shannon's) Case Pending. Stewart called Cliff Looney collect, he said, and Cliff refused the call. Stewart's Gall!-Incredible!
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