Nancy Lawson

Nancy Lawson
a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso

Monday, June 6, 2016

September 2nd, 1977-In which there's a schedule mix up and Thelma adds the drama

Thelma called this afternoon and said MSTI had tried to reach me, that they wanted to shift Pete's September 7th appointment to the 28th, "because his blood test was so good.".  Obviously there's been a foul up.  I called MSTI but everyone had left and the switchboard was closing down, so they said to call @ 8:00 a.m. Tuesday.  Thelma said they told her they were trying to reach me all morning...but that can't be true because Petey and I were home until 1:30pm.  In fact, I called Children's Services trying to talk to Patty Baladez.  So now I have to stew until Tuesday.  Had a piece of good news today-Petey only has to write his first name to get a library card, and he can do that now.  They gave me the card for us to fill in...maybe Betty Phipps will take us by the library tomorrow so he can get it...Dad picked us up @ 1:30 pm.  We went to the bank (instead of depositing $5.00 in savings, I put it aside for Boise), to the post office (food stamps and rent), Harry Erlebach's office (life insurance premium), and Frontier Music (Pete's lessons-and I checked on make ups).  Then Dad took Pete and Mom to the park, while I went to the library.  I checked out the rest of the Lathins (?) I hadn't read, and went through the "L"'s to Leniger (Dell Shannon).  They ought to print a list of pseudonyms.  Dad sent Pete in to fetch me.  Then we went to Safeway-I'd forgotten the grocery list but got everything on it.  Pete helped me shop-I got him a lined tablet, red ruler (he picked it out), pen, and school box (to keep supplies in).  Filled a WIC Coupon and got coffee too (I couldn't even have a cup this morning...had instant orange capucino).  Left me with $19.00 in the bank to last till the 13th.  Pete wanted a toy car, but I said no.  He said "Damn it!" but didn't fuss any more.  I explained to him we had to be careful how we spent our money.  I explained carefully and he seemed to understand...Dad was pleased.  I know he thinks Betty's boys spend too much, too freely.  Pete wants a lunch bucket with BatMan and Wonder Woman but they're $4.95.  Suggested it to Dad for his birthday.  Then Dad took us to the A&W.  I had a rootbeer float.  Pete had milk and a sip of my rootbeer.  We got home at 4:15pm and Marilyn Cates called because she'd found the brass button from the brown dress she gave me.  We plan to get together next week-probably Friday.  Made a puzzle and punched out some pictures.  Pete napped for a while after Electric Company-then Thelma called about 8:00pm and woke him.  Herman told Vernon that Thelma was "having him put in jail", and he should come and live at the farm, and the police thought it was a good idea"...Good Ol' Herman (oy!).

Then Pete went outside with Daniel for a while and Daniel gave him lots more green peppers.  We both love them.  Had cubesteak, green peppers, and canteloupe for dinner.  I bought a jar of apple butter today-sheer nostalgia-one time I got lost in Missouri and the family who found me fed me apple butter-I've loved it ever since.  Gave Pete a bath and read him Keats' Letter to Amy and The March Wind, and Farm Pets.  I read Murder Without Icing (Ice Hockey as big business).  Pete had 2 Methatrexate today.

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