Nancy Lawson was an Educator, a Single Mom, a Writer, a Cancer Survivor, a Welfare & Food Stamp (pre "SNAP") recipient, a World Traveler, a Poet, a Theologian (or at least deeply spiritual) a Playwright, an Actress, a Victim of Domestic Abuse, and a lover of Earl Gray Tea. She also suffered at various points from depression, Bi-Polar disorder/ schizophrenia (depending on diagnosis). In her own words...
Nancy Lawson

a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Tuesday, September 6th, 1977-More run around, a bit of pumpkin pie, drop ins, and the promise of "tucky Fried Chicken"
The kind of day I had today, it makes me tired just thinking about it. I called MSTI at 8:00am but no one could give me any information so they said they'd have Dr. Holt call melater. Lorraine picked us up at 9:00am (and brought me a piece of pumpkin pie, bless her). She held Petey on her lap while he had his blood test. We got home about 9:30 and Dr. Daniel's office phoned (I'd seen him in the corridor at the hospital) to say he couldn't get in today and changed my appointement to the 19th. I called Children's Services to cancel my ride and talked to Cindy Patten-who said she didn't have me down for a ride...and didn't think Pete's music lessonswere important enough for a vlunteer to take us, but said she'd ask John or his supervisor...but neither one was in and neither would be ther 'till Thursday morning so she wouldn't know 'till then if anyone could take us. I did point out that I had been promised that a volunteer would stay with Petey one day a weekso I could get out and that never happened, and that John and the doctor both felt music lessons were important for Pete...but I was wastingg my breath. And while I was on the phone with Cindy, Sylvia and Cheryl and little Davy arrived. They'd just dropped Sharon and one of Cheryl's children at kindergarten for their first day. I made a pot of tea and they stayed till 11:30am. Cheryl will really be stuck if Sylvia moves because (like me) she doesn't drive. Dad called to see what was happening about Boise, but I didn't know. Pete and I had lunch and napped and at 3:00pm, Dr. Holt called-then she called Holy Rosary to find out the results of Pete's blood test. His white coutn was 3100 so she said to put him on 3/4 of his medicine instead of 1/2 (but how do I give him 3/4 of 1/2 tablet? I'll give him a quarter tablet still, but 3 Methatrexate instead of 2). Then she cancelled his appointment for tomorrow and changed the others to the 20th and 27th at 11:30am in Weiser. I'm to bring his blood counts and medicine from the hospital. Then Thelma called. I told her his appointment was cancelled and she wanted to know if we'd like to go to Boise anyhow. I told her no-I couldn't afford it and I'd asked Dad to come in and take me to get my medicine tomrorrow anyhow (asked Dr. Daniel's office to call Skaggs and Ontario Pharmacy and they called back to confirm they had so I can get it). Dad said he'd take us to "tucky Fried Chicken"-I'd said "Let's go Dutch" 'cause Pete's wanted chicken ever since Sunday. Dad also said he and mom would pay our cab fare to Frontier Music if the volunteers won't take us. Pete watched his prorams and was adding some more to his paper train when Vicky came over to play. They both were listening to "Hardtack Is A Fine Old Engine". I made lamb chops (neck-all bone) and Pete wouldn't eat any. Then Betty Phipps came to take him for a walk since he didn't get to see her this morning. They returned the stray kitten to its home. Them Pete saw Daniel out in front and Mike and Julie Warren came by (no trace of her stolen bike) and they all caught bugs out in front/ I made Pete some soup and we played with his LocBlocs. I finally bathed him (he was all over "crumbs" fro the kitchen floor_ and read The Dead Tree and How The Sun Was Brought Back to the Sky. I read The House on Cheyne Walk--very depressing more heroin pushing but the girl doesn't get a guy.
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