Nancy Lawson

Nancy Lawson
a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso

Sunday, September 9, 2018

August 2nd, 1978 (Wednesday): An end in sight

Pete said today would be a terrible day, but it didn't turn out so badly after all.  Our early morning drive to Boise was pleasantly cool.  Pete was hungry when we got to St. Luke's, so I asked Dr. Vestal if it would be all right for him to eat.  We each had an order of cinnamon toast in the treatment room, while we waited for his tests.  They also gave him a paper cup of milk.  Then I told him "Don't Touch Me!", and he had a good time chasing me around the treatment room trying to touch me.  When he did, I'd chase him.  

They did a finger stick for his blood work, and gave him two lollipops.  When they did his bone marrow and spinal tap, Tuck was there, and she gave him a "Goofy" pin she had on her uniform pocket and a a tiny wrapped package (he thought it was candy, but it was a little car).  Best of all, Dr. Vestal said that his blood counts looked good, and his last bone marrow was normal.  If he stays in remission until May, they'll stop all medication!   She said "It looks like he's one of the leukemia patients who makes it!".  I told Betty and she said, "I always thought he would be.  Now you and Petey will have to get used to living a normal life.  It will be hard."  Talk about casting a damper!  I didn't "always think so"-especially not when Peter had pneumonia, and Dr. Baskerville told me, "He's going to die".  I also don't think a normal life will be hard.  I just hope we can remember how to treasure every minute and live in the present.

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