Nancy Lawson

Nancy Lawson
a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Saturday, September 10th, 1977

Got up at 7:00am to turn the TV on for Pete and went back to bed.  Then I watched part of "Batman and Robin" with Pete and slept some more.  Vicky showed up before we had lunch and I finally had to send her home so I could feed Pete.  She came back before he'd finsihed eating and I told her he had to take a nap and sent her home again.  Margaret Bunce called and offered to take us to Sunday School.  I told her I didn't know what arrangements Linda Petrasek had made.  Then Linda called and said she had arranged for Linda Warren to pick us up since they live close to us.  I tried and tried to call Margaret back to tell her, but they were out.  I will call again in the morning.  Linda said she'd pick us up at about a quarter to 10.  Linda P said not to worry too much about the lesson for tomorrow since the children have to learn a song for the Fall Festival and practice marching in and out of the church.  And there are the opening excercises, so it will be pretty busy.  Vicky was outside when the mailman came and took my mail out of the box.  Petey had a fit (and I nearly did too)!  I tried to explain to her gently but firmly that you just don't get out other people's mail, but I don't know if I made any impression at all.  I was schocked.  Betty Phipps came over and gave me her house key, a list of phone numbers including her daughter's, and a written authorization to seek medical help if needed.  I hope Bill doesn't get into any trouble while she's gone.  Betty told me she'd given him orders not to let the Plaza boy in, because he's "tough" and a fighter (a bit of a bully, I gather), so I hope there's no trouble with him.  I spent the whole day (in spite of Vicky) unpacking winter clothes, sorting them into outfits that go together, and hanging them up-rummaging all over for clotheshangers.  Finally got most them taken care of (I still have some sweaters left over that no longer match any skirts or slacks I have since I gave away some of my winter clothes last year).  My period started tonight-it would just before I have to teach Sunday School for the first time.  At least I know why I felt so tired today.

I ate the leftover squash and Swiss chard today.  Couldn't get Pete to touch any vegetables.  He's going to get sick if he doesn't start eating something besides meat-I don't think a daily dose of vitamins is compensation enough.  He helped Daniel water the flowers tonight.  he and Daniel sat in lawn chairs and had a long conversation.  Pete was pretending to speak Basque.  Daniel gave us some lovely onions (I really like them even though they always give me a stomach ache).  Pete had a temper tantrum today about putting on his shoes to go outside, but apologized for it repeatedly afterwards.  I baked a cake (out of things to snack on) and promised Pete I'd bake one for his Sunday School class on his Birthday (it's on a Sunday this year).  He bathed and washed his hair (under protest)-even brushed his teeth!  I read him A Friend For Jenny and Dr. Seuss' ABC.  I read Alchemy and Acadame (sci fi anthology).

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