Nancy Lawson

Nancy Lawson
a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso

Sunday, November 27, 2016

November 28th, 1978*

 *PUBLISHING NOTE:  I've made an editorial decision to move the story along a bit into 1978 (prior entries have been from 1977) in order to add some variety to the daily proceedings (though perhaps we'll circle back at some point), I felt the changes that came in my first year in school might add something to the previous year's rhythms and information (new people, new situations, et. al.).  Additionally, I'll be (within the best of my abilities) trying to stay more concurrent with corresponding dates/time frames as applicable- (i.e. logging entries from December 1978 as we proceed through December 2016)-noting that perhaps BECAUSE of the increased activity, Mom jumps around a bit more in her daily recordings.  

Thanks to all who've voiced your support and continue to have an interest in this project!-

We had our first snowfall today and Pete hand his first real birhday party.  The United Methodist Women gave Yai Kido $20.00 to do something for Pete's birthday, and she suggested a party at MacDonald's.  Pete had never had a real birthday party before, so he was very excited about it.  It was scheduled for November 6th but Pete was ill and had to stay home.  Then it was scheduled for November 27th but Dr. Vestal scheduled his spinal tap that Monday.  Finally it was set for Tuesday, the 28th.  Then, this morning, it snowed.  But the snow had all melted off by this afternoon and Mike Kido had a cold and couldn't come.  We had Fawn, Vicky, and Tricia, and Pete and me in Yai's car.  Marilyn had to go to the bank so she met us at MacDonald's with Nicole and Kristen.  We ordered and then one of the girls came out with a target and velcro wrapped balls, and they had a contest. 

Each of the children got a certificate for free french fries, and Tricia, the winner, got two.  Then Pete opened his presents.  Tricia gave him a pretty blue shirt, Nicole gave him checked blue pants, Yai & Mike and Mr. & Mrs. Peters (friends of Yai's) gave him Superman socks, RDD2, a Battlestar Galactica shirt, and a Spider Man shirt.  Fawn gave him a Mickey Mouse shoe bag and two balloons.  I gave him a Star Wars X-Wing Fighter (PL NOTE:-soooo wish I still had this!).  We ate hamburgers and french fries and drank pop-it came in special plastic glasses for the children to keep and each child got a party hat and a plastic MacDonald's Christmas stocking.  They brought out the cake with six candles on it, and the staff sang Happy Birthday to Peter.  He had some trouble blowing out the candles-it took three puffs.  The cake had Ronald MacDonald with balloons and a little plaque that said Happy Birthday from Ronald MacDonald.  Pete got the Ronald decoration but just ate the chocolate cake under it.  It was moist chocolate cake with a thick creamy vanilla flavored vanilla flavored sugar icing.  Yai took lots of pictures (PL Note: Sadly these have been lost over the years).  The party came to just under $14.00 and Yai said she'd use the rest of the money to have the film developed.  She's going to give pictures to the United Methodist Women too.  Then it was time to go and we put everyone's coats back on-Fawn's under protest.  Marilyn took Nicole and Kristen home, and Yai took the rest.  We dropped Fawn and Vicky at Fawn's house then we brought Tricia home and I phoned Connie but she wasn't home.  I phoned Lorraine but got no answer.  Tricia and Petey played for a while and then there was a knock at the door-Connie.  After Tricia left, Petey tried on his new shorts.  They're big, but he likes them.  He has three new pairs of pants from Grandpa too, a new sweater from Daniel and Maria and a new shirt from Kay and George, so he's really well outfitted for a while.  Petey liked the party and it went well-no crying, no arguing, and no spills.  After waiting so long, I couldn't believe it finally came off so well (we sent home a hat, a stocking, and a hamburger/french fries for poor Mike).  I felt guilty about not inviting Lolita and Cindy but they didn't come the first time they were invited, nor bring Pete a present, and he hasn't played with them since before he got sick, so we asked Tricia, Vicky, and Nicole instead.

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