Nancy Lawson was an Educator, a Single Mom, a Writer, a Cancer Survivor, a Welfare & Food Stamp (pre "SNAP") recipient, a World Traveler, a Poet, a Theologian (or at least deeply spiritual) a Playwright, an Actress, a Victim of Domestic Abuse, and a lover of Earl Gray Tea. She also suffered at various points from depression, Bi-Polar disorder/ schizophrenia (depending on diagnosis). In her own words...
Nancy Lawson

a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso
Monday, November 2, 2015
Friday, August 12th, 1977
Patty came for us at 1:20pm. She dropped me at Safeway and took Pete to Lion's Club Park to play for half an hour while I shopped. I bought myself a present-MASH Goes to Montreal-I had read MASH Goes to New Orleans and found it very funny soI'm looking forward to this one. I bought a lot of fruit yogurt, and Pete started to fuss and fuss at the checkout counter because I hadn't bought any plain. He cried most of the way home and kept saying "we'll have to walk over to Safeway tonight after "Electric Company" and buy some." I spent all but two dollars of my food stamps. Good thing Monday is the 15th! When we got home, I gave Pete yogurt and soup for lunch, and he discovered he like the fruit yougurt after all, which is what I told him in the first place. I mailed letters to Carol Carr (including Pete's "Rabbit" string painting) and Noreen McGinley. Patty brought me a letter from Stewart-oddly complimentary after the last ones0but he did offer to send Petey something, so I'll have to write him a note. Pete should have something to remember his Dad by. Stewart told me he'd send support money for Pete if I would sign an affadavit that none of it would be used to finance our divorce. I doubt if he'll ever send any tho-he has a very good series of "what I'll do tomorrow" lines. We napped for only an hour and then Pete watched his programs (I've promised to get up at 7:00am to turn on cartoons for him in the morning). We took Pete's airplanes and Weebles out on the front lawn to play "Weeble's vacation...going camping". While we were outside, the phone rang. It was Maragaret Bunce who said she'd bring over her Bible Scdhool pictures to show us and could Pete go to the Dairy Queen for a treat? She asked us to go to Payette to look at the ruins of the large fires they've had there this summer. According to the Argus, the more recent one was started by an 11 year old playing with matches. Along the way she told me more than I wanted to know about how her husband beat her and the children and last time she called Pastor Petravsek and Byron Chatfield (The District Attorney, who also goes to our church), and the ministerial organization paid for her and the children to go to a motel. Then she told me she has a boyfriend, and stopped to see him in Payette on our way. She took his son along with Erik and Pete, to look at the fire remnants. Then we went to the park by the library. Pete skineed his knees but went all the way up to the top of the slide and down for the frist time. He was so pleased with himself, he had to do it 3 times.The squirrels there were very tame and came right up to us looking for food, but we had none. I resented being "cover" for Margarets visit to her friend-and anyhow, I don't want to get entangled in any family violence-too dangerous-but Pete enjoyed himself. When we got home, Daniel told us we'd just missed Dad, so I called him at the farm. He'd stopped by on his way home from a church "work party". Margaret offered to paper one wall of Pete's playroom for us and pay for it (kind, but I doubt Tuttle's would like the idea). Fed Pete soup and hamburger-read him In a Spring Garden and Hop On Pop. I ached all over today. Wonder if it's a touch of summer flu? I'll know tomorrow
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