Nancy Lawson was an Educator, a Single Mom, a Writer, a Cancer Survivor, a Welfare & Food Stamp (pre "SNAP") recipient, a World Traveler, a Poet, a Theologian (or at least deeply spiritual) a Playwright, an Actress, a Victim of Domestic Abuse, and a lover of Earl Gray Tea. She also suffered at various points from depression, Bi-Polar disorder/ schizophrenia (depending on diagnosis). In her own words...
Nancy Lawson

a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Thursday, August 18th, 1977-Another Day another Doctor's visit, plus an unwanted request from Stewart.
Thelma came for us at 10:30am, just after I'd gotten Pete out of his bath. She brought him an Oklahoma football shirt just like her boys (Tommy and Jim both had theirs on, so we put Pete's on too). The boys had something on their shoes, I don't know what , but they've left tracks all over my kitchen floor and I haven't the faintest notion how to get them off. We got Pete's medicine out of the refrigerator and were off. Thelma didn't know where Dr. Holt's office was so we had to spend a little time tracking it down (no asking Siri or checking Google Maps in those days!-PL). Then we had to wait. Tom, James, and Pete wandered into the crafts room at the convalescent Home where Dr. Holt has her offices and the lady in the charge gave them each some ceramics to paint. Of course, it was a shrewd move on her part because Thelma and then had to buy their ceramics since they couldn't be parted from them. Pete's picture frame set me back $2.00, but he'd done a nice job of it and it did keep him happy and quiet till time for his IV's. Dr. Holt used a 25 needle, found a tiny vein in his hand and got in on the first try. Pete held perfectly still. Dr. Holt said we'd better plan to bring him either to Weiser or MSTI for his IV's from now on because he just hasn't any good veins left. She gave me a small cooler so we can pack his medicine in ice to transfer it. We'll have to pick it up at the hospital, then take it with us-I just hope we don't have such a bad winter that traveling will be difficult. Thelma stopped at Ashley's in Weiser and I used the $10.00 Dad had loaned me to buy Pete three pairs of pants (labeled "girls", but they were 6X and had elasticized waists as none of the boys pants fit) and 3 matching shirts in a size 10-all for $10.96. We'd planned to go to the fair, but Thelma had to keep an appointment at Ore-Ida (this being pre HJ Heinz' buy out-PL). After 4 years they told her they were firing her for being unreliable. We stopped at Safeway, where I got some cigarettes and cashed a check, then then we went to the A&W for lunch and Pete had burrito and milk. We went to John's office-explained to John again that I don't want Pete to start school this year-he really has trouble accepting that-gave him my letter to Stewart, and he gave me a letter, postcard, and photo of Pete's half-brothers and Stewart's step children that Stewart had sent to me. The letter was "won't you come be a mother to my four children?" John said he'd talk to Cliff Looney before sending my letter and the he'd end Stewart a copy of the advertisement from the Vale paper. Talked to Glenn Morinaga briefly about dental care for Pete and me (I've got a toothache and Pete has never been to a dentist). Then Thelma had to go to her meeting. Pete and I got home just in time for his programs and I napped while he watched. Then Thelma called-we couldn't go to the Fair tonight because she had another meeting at 7:00 pm and she was upset today, too, because either Monty or Jim had stolen some money out of her purse. She gets upset but she never seems to do anything about it except threaten. Pete cried because we had to stay home but I explained at length how important jobs are. Then we had dinner (hamburger, green beans, and melon again), and mike and Julie Warren came over to play. They threw Pete's whistle up in a tree and couldn't get it down again so I had more tears. They're too old and they come to play with Pete's toys, not him. I listened to "Carmina Burana" while they played. Carol Carr came over tonight very late, her last visit before she leaves , and Pete and I are both sad she's going. Pete was very grumpy (no nap) so I put him to bed and read Hey Elephant and Mr. Bernard the Robbers. I read some of Night and Silence Who Do Here? by CP Snow's wife-and looked at the end. Started the Lady and the Giant (the Cardiff Giant that is).
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