Nancy Lawson was an Educator, a Single Mom, a Writer, a Cancer Survivor, a Welfare & Food Stamp (pre "SNAP") recipient, a World Traveler, a Poet, a Theologian (or at least deeply spiritual) a Playwright, an Actress, a Victim of Domestic Abuse, and a lover of Earl Gray Tea. She also suffered at various points from depression, Bi-Polar disorder/ schizophrenia (depending on diagnosis). In her own words...
Nancy Lawson

a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso
Friday, January 1, 2016
Friday, August 19th, 1977-in which Nicole comes to visit, the Fair is in town, and Nancy has a "Day-Mare"
Petey woke me up just before 10am, and just in time. I'd only gotten my bathrobe on when the doorbell rang. It was Marilyn with Nicole and Christen. I'd totally forgotten I invited Nicole over to play with Pete this morning. Fortunately, Pete dashed into the bedroom and dressed and I had coffee in the pot to give Marilyn a cup. Then she left to run errands and Nicole stayed. I managed to get dressed while they played-they went outside and I followed to keep my eye on them but Petey "ordered" me back inside. Then they disappeared and I found them in back-Pete barefooted-so I persuaded them both into the house so I could put Pete's shoes on. Nicole painted and played the organ. Then Nicole's grandmother arrived to take her home, under protest. Nicole said she hadn't had any time to play at all. She and Pete had played pirate ship (and Pete lost his green fishing bole string he';d taken out to have his hands tied up by the pirate. I don't like his insistence on playing at being tied up-I've warned him about it because of the danger he might be hurt or hurt someone else that he must never ever put anything around his neck or anyone else's) and golf. Marilyn brought Pete some of Nicole's pants-he's a little shorter than Nicole and they were a perfect fit. The new ones I got have to be shortened, but now he has 5 pairs he can wear. I just hope nobody recognizes them and teases him (like they did me when I had to wear "hand-me-downs" at school and the little girl I got them from took pleasure in pointing them out-and with "girls" clothes, it would be worse for Pete). Nicole left an noon and we ate lunch (I had hamburger, corn , sweet potatoes, Pete had hamburger-most of it "plain" because we ran out of ketchup). Then it was 1:30pm and Dad arrived with Mom. They'd dropped Bernie off at the church for his backpacking trip. We went to the bank-$100 in checking, $46.00 in cash, ten into Pete's savings ($68.00 now!)-then to the post office-$37.00 food stamps, $11.00 + telephone, $11.26 to the Department of Revenue (final statement). Then we went to Frontier Music and paid the $15.50 "beginning fee", and I asked them to keep my address and phone number confidential in case they get a call from Stewart (I mentioned muisc lessons in my letter to him). Then to the fair! Mrs. Probasco didn't charge any admission for Pete. We went tot the carnival rides. Pete went on the Merry-Go-Round (we met Sissie and she held him on).the boots, the airplanes, the horse-drawn carts, and I have 2 tickets left for him tomorrow. We went through the main exhibit hall, flowers foods, sewing, garden clubs, and co-ops; the small animals exhibit (the ducks and geese scared Pete but he liked the rabbits), and the cow barn (Pete almost ran through that-all those big cows); then back outside to meet Dad. He treated us at the A&W (I'd meant to treat them)-burritos, milk, and a root-beer float. Dad asked why all my clothes were so heavy (he'd folded them). I told him I didn't have any "summer" clothes (I had to wear wool pants today). Safeway (coffee, WIC coupons, water melon n' such-still haven't defrosted the refrigerator). Home. Pete's programs, naps (he went to sleep in front of the TV)-we woke up about 7:00pm. 3 hours of watering Betty Phipp's lawn and plants (Pete wouldn't help) then dinner of hot-dogs, beans, and sweet potatoes for me. Bath and bed. Read Pete Raggedy Ann And The Cookie Snatchers and Little Bunny Follows His Nose. I read Someone Is Watching by Giberson and finished Kelland's The Lady And The Giant. I called the fire chief this afternoon and made an appointment to bring Peter to look at the new station next Tuesday at 1:00pm, He said "Come any time", but I thought I'd better make it definite, and we have hospital Monday and doctor Wednesday. Pete wants to see the poles. Was talking to Thelma tonight and she's going to call and see if Tommy can go along, too. Pete's relationship with the firemen is pretty special so I hope Tommy behaves himself if he comes. Thelma wanted to go to the Fair tonight, in time for the show, but Herman called at 6:00pm and said he was coming right in to go with them, and then didn't show up. We arranged to go over with her tomorrow afternoon, and tomorrow night for the gospel singing. Dad invited us out to the farm to pick beans tomorrow, but we arranged to go Sunday after church. He said there were tomatoes, too. He brought me another squash today. I had throw the crookneck squash away. It got soft before I used it. Must call Mr. Tuttle on Monday and remind him about Betty Phipps' doors-should have done it this week. I don't know how good a job I've done on her lawn. Had to water it by flashlight tonight, with Petey yelling from the house "are you all right Mom?". I had a weird "day mare" today-dreamed I was running away through a series of different rooms, each with deliriously colored dainty lingerie strewn around. Then I was hiding ("blending in" like in "Guns of Navarrone") in a dingy student union type restaurant. It was over 100 degrees again today and I've been pouring sweat all day. As Pete puts it, sadly, "I'm dripping, Mommy! I'm just sitting here and I'm dripping!" Even our fans don't help much, and I'm afraid Betty's petunias in pots are just about done for.
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