Nancy Lawson was an Educator, a Single Mom, a Writer, a Cancer Survivor, a Welfare & Food Stamp (pre "SNAP") recipient, a World Traveler, a Poet, a Theologian (or at least deeply spiritual) a Playwright, an Actress, a Victim of Domestic Abuse, and a lover of Earl Gray Tea. She also suffered at various points from depression, Bi-Polar disorder/ schizophrenia (depending on diagnosis). In her own words...
Nancy Lawson

a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Tuesday, August 30th, 1977-in which the Sandovals pay a visit and Nancy stresses about teaching Sunday School
Pete had his mehatrexate today-apparently with no ill effects. I overslept this morning and Pete woke me at 10:30am when Betty Phipps came to the back door...she said, "I;m so sorry, I waited till I was sure you'd be up!". I got dressed and Pete and I took some vegetables (beans, corn, squash, tomato, cucumber, peppers) over to her house and I had a cup of coffee with her. Be5tty kept Pete while I dashed over to WIC headquarters to pick up my August coupons. I tried to fix lunch and Diane Sandoval phoned to say she was coming over, Thelma called (Vernon might have to go jail and she's having trouble collecting her unemployment), and Betty came over again to invite Pete for a walk. Betty Nelson brought our laundry over. Then Diane, Paul, Monica, and Carmelita arrived (she's expecting their sixth and Paul's not a year old yet!) Monica, Rosanna, and Yvonne will all be in school this year-Monica's in the bi-lingual program at May Roberts. They left just after 2:30pm and I tried to settle Pete for a nap, but he was too excited to sleep. I finally turned on the television for him and I slept till 4:30pm, when he woke me up from a dream about carrots. Betty Phipps made chicken in her pressure cooker and brought Pete a piece. He watched his shows till 6:30pm, when Betty took him for an exploring walk. I did my Sunday School lessons and panicked-I can't do all that singing, and craft work, and...but I called the farm and Betty (Nelson said she'd come over on Thursday and help me plan. Betty Phipps and Pete came back with a sack full of stuff they'd collected, which Pete plans to make into a picture tomorro0w with white glue and construction paper. He showed Betty his "school book" and tried working on "a" while she was here. We did "p" last night and a maze. Tonight he did a dot-to-dot picture and "o". "c" was harder than "p". After dinner I read him My Mommy Says There Aren't Any. I dusted half the books in the bedroom tonight. Pete told me Taybear poured a bucked of dust on them and certainly looked that way! Scrubbed Hermit's bowl today since Carmelita spilled his water and Paul got into his shells. Promised Pete a bath in the morning. He said he was too tired tonight. Must ask Patty to take his pills for refills tomorro0w. I'll ask Betty Phipps to babysit while I see Dr. Daniels-don't want Pete there while I have my Pap. Thelma said she'd take us to MSTI. Read The Amiable Meddler today. Supposed to be funny...really sad.
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