Nancy Lawson was an Educator, a Single Mom, a Writer, a Cancer Survivor, a Welfare & Food Stamp (pre "SNAP") recipient, a World Traveler, a Poet, a Theologian (or at least deeply spiritual) a Playwright, an Actress, a Victim of Domestic Abuse, and a lover of Earl Gray Tea. She also suffered at various points from depression, Bi-Polar disorder/ schizophrenia (depending on diagnosis). In her own words...
Nancy Lawson

a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Monday, August 29th, 1977-in which Pete is not allowed to see the Star Wars of his generation
We're being invaded by insects. Pete found a big ant on the floor tonight and I found a big black beetle or cockroach or something on the floor in the bathroom and smashed it and smashed but I douldn't kill it so I finally flushed it down the toilet. I hate bugs. Mr. Baker came today to take us to the hospital, but before he came Lorraine Bennett phoned to let us know she was back in town. We stopped by Ontario Pharmacy to refill Pete's mercaptopurine, only to find out they've never gotten a drug exception for it so they couldn't fill it. Pete was fussy and whiny before his blood test today but Sister Angelica talked him into a better mood, and he went back to see her to see how she ran his blood test, while I waited for him in the waiting room. We saw Marsha Dekker and she told me she might bring Allen over Wednesday if she can-her baby is due almost any day now (she's still working too-at least she'll be handy to the hospital..). Pete told me tonight that when Dave babysat for him he saw his friend , Bonnie, who took care of him when he was in hospital, and he ran right over and jumped in her lap he was so glad to see her. Pete was upset with me because I wouldn't take him to "Star Wars", but I told him we had to save our money for music lessons. John still hasn't found anyone to help. Good thing it's not the $25.00 for Nursery School I'm facing (kindergarten, that is)! John called today. Stewart wanted to know if Betty would act as intermediary with me-I said "no, but ask her yourself", and Pete's inside leg measurement so he could send him a bicycle. I said "HA!" Forgot to ask about music lessons or tell him about the drug exception (I did call Dr. Baskerville) and couldn't get him back so I'll have to call Wednesday (he's out tomorrow). He said he'd have Patty pick up Stewart's letter. I think Pete and I will have to walk over to the WIC clinic tomorrow to get our coupons for August. I hope Pete can walk that far and it doesn't rain! (cloudy and cold again today, warmer tonight). Pete went out to see Daniel tonight and he gave us green and red peppers and swill chard-I ate some of Dad's cucumber today-a mistake! Petey played with his electric train tonight and was singing a song about it "down-a-down...plop!". The plops were when the train hit the track he said. Pete said Taybear (my teddy bear-PL) taught him the song , Taybear's Daddy (Pink Robert) taught it to him, and Rabbit taught it to Pink Robert-as good as the provenance of most modern folk music. Pete would please Robert Bebog-he thinks all poems and verses...nursery rhymes, et al...are songs. I said "Good night, Sleep tight" to him tonight, and he said "don't sing me that song!". He tried to have a tantrum today because I wouldn't let him have hot dogs for dinner, but he couldn't keep it up after I pointed out it wasn't getting him anywhere. I read Lathen's Ashes to Ashes (chapter heads from hymns) and By Hook or Crook today. I'm sorry I only got four Lathens, now I'll have to read someone else. Read Pete Ivanko and the She-Dragon and Batman tonight.
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