Nancy Lawson

Nancy Lawson
a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

June 20, 1978: Weevils in the Cupboard

There were weevils in my kitchen cupboard again.  I can't think where the little devils come from but they were there in my ironstone cups when I put the groceries away.  I poured out some of the open rice from both boxes and Dad and I looked, but couldn't find any weevils.  I had some lasagna, some Hamburger Helper, some Noodle Roni, and some chicken noodle to go-all in the same cupboard, but they're still sealed.  The only other possibility is in the walnuts, but I didn't think weevils ate those.  I'm getting rid of everything on suspicion anyhow.  From now on, I'll only keep sealed glass jars in that cupboard.  I'll starve them out!  I had weevils there once before, but cleaned out everything and washed out the cupboard with hot water and detergent.  I don't know how they survived, but I'm not housing a third lot!  Let's see them get in a pickle jar!  I scrubbed and scalded the cups-eliminating the evidence, but I'm not happy.  I imagine I can hear them crunching away in there, the way I could here the termites in my old wooden desk in Hawaii.


Tonight we had barbecued steaks at the farm.  Pete didn't want to play with the little girls at all today because he had to "stay clean".  he even washed his hair last night  to be ready, and he changed into his summer clothes (shorts and a tank top), at the last possible minute.  After he'd eaten, his stomach was swollen and he said "Mommy, I should have worn a bigger shirt!".

I told Harold I'd read somewhere that one char-broiled steak contains as many carcinogens as 600 cigarettes, but I didn't intend to stop eating steak.  He uses a lot of msg in his steak sauce too.  Fortunately, I'm not sensitive to it.  I drank a cold beer, champagne punch (lukewarm) and coffee (also lukewarm), and didn't feel more than a slight glow.  I indulged in another forbidden pleasure (you can't buy alcohol with food stamps, so it seems wrong to buy it at all), potato chips (while Pete was outside so he wouldn't see, since he's on a low salt diet).  He had hotdogs instead of steak and wrecked his low carbohydrates diet by having one and a half baked potatoes and a piece of Pastor Phil's and Linda's anniversary cake.  I told him I'm not feeding him tomorrow, but he just said "You are to!"-couldn't fool him!

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