Pete's growing up again. On Saturday the mere mention of the word "thunder" could throw him into a tizzy, and any time he saw lightening, his first words were "will it hurt me?". On Sunday it rained, but we walked to the Dairy Queen in the cloudy interludes. Pete wanted to take his bicycle out, and when I said, "But there's thunder.", he said "oh, that's just a noise". So he rode back and forth on the sidewalk across the street.
Today he, Lolita and Vicky were coloring in Lolita's new Batman coloring book and he was reluctant to come in even when the first drops of rain fell. The clouds were real purple thunderheads and the air was the curious color of storms. The rain sluiced down and we watched it skipping in the street.
"Is the rain dancing, Mommy?"
The rain dwindled down to a mist, and we went outside to play "monsters" on the lawn racing from tree to tree ("just one last race"), when the big drops started again. Petey took off his wet shoes, then went out on the drenched front steps in his stocking feet to see if it was still raining and watch the orange sliver of sunset. He spent a long time watching the storm from the front window after I'd dried him off, raining raindrops on the window pane, his fear of storms completely forgotten in the joy of rain.
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