Nancy Lawson

Nancy Lawson
a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso

Saturday, July 14, 2018

June 30, 1978: Bicycyle adventures, an invite to swim, and green peaceful evenings

Tonight was very special.  It was a long, light, hot summer evening.  Pete watched "Wonder Woman" till 8:00pm, and then we set out for a "bicycle walk".  Pete got off and we walked the bike across all the streets, but he rode on all the sidewalks.

"I want to do it all by myself, Mommy, and not be pushed".

He managed uneven pavements very well, and has finally learned to steer, so he wasn't always on the curb or in someone's lawn.

I was "the announcer" as he pedalled in an imaginary motorcycle race.  When we came home, Daniel and Maria were sitting in front with Patrick Plaza...just home from Germany.  We talked about different countries, and about being homesick while Pete lay in our lawn chair-with his Batmobile and his jeep, Batman, Robin, and Riddler.  Mary Jo came home and invited Pete and me to go swimming in the big pool before it opens to the public (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is referring to the now defunct Ontario Aquatic Center), and Daneil gave Pete an innertube to float in.  Pete squished in the water on the lawn to help was the innertube, then took off his shoes and socks and waded.  If there's a puddle anywhere, he'll find it and wade in it!

He played with his outgrown fire engine (soon to be given away to "Diana's baby") while I cooked tamales for dinner.  He wanted dinner by candlelight, so we lit my blue candle.  The fan made the candle flicker wildly and most of it melted away, so Pete promised to me a new one for Mother's Day.  He ate to my narration of Bible stories, from creation through the flood, and then he had the story of Abraham and Isaac for his bedtime reading.  He went to sleep without protest, so I'd be sure to wake up for "Super Friends" (I slept through it last Saturday and didn't get Pete up to watch).  It was a green and peaceful evening.

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