Another sticky hot dripping day. Pete got me up about 9:30am and we stayed in our night clothes. Colleen came at 10:00am, and I had just time to snap up my bathrobe before I let her in. Pete dashed into the bedroom and put on his clothes. Then he showed Collen how he could play the organ. She was pleased with how well he looked, but Pete had two nosebleeds today, one while he waited for me at the library, one from sheer rage when he woke up from his nap and realized he'd missed "Electric Company"-he had one of his worst temper tantrums ever, but finally frightened himself into being calm when he had a really bad nosebleed. Took all his clothes off again after Colleen left and gave him a bath. Cut his fingernails and toenails off, short and straight. Then he got dressed again and I dressed (in the orange dress Inge gave me because Pete said he liked it...the first time I've worn it). Pete wore long pants so he wouldn't burn his legs on hot car seats. Dad came in the truck and took us to the bank. I deposited $10.00 in Pete's savings account, $90.00 in checking, and got $46.00 so I could buy my food stamps-and lunch for Dad. Picked up my film at Estano's and was very disappointed with the results. They charged me $5.75 and only did one print of each. From here on out its Safeway for me. I did get two more rolls of color film (outdated naturally, they don't make 127 film any more) and some M2 flashbulbs (don't make those any more either). I got my food stamps and mailed my letter to Robert Belooj (sp)*. I sent him my phone number and asked him to call collect. I paid another $10.00 to the State Department of Revenue (at least I had the use of their money, interest free fro a year), and the telephone bill. We went to the A&W for lunch, used my steen (indecipherable hand writing-PL) burger coupon, but Dad wouldn't let me pay. We sat out on one of their benches 'cause Pete wanted to "go in" the restaurant . Their food isn't very good any more...they even use ice milk instead of ice cream in their root beer floats. Shan't bother with them again. We went to Sprouse Reitz and I got Peter's Hermit Crab an aquarium. Don't know if he'll prefer it to his shoe box or not. Got Peter a "Raggedy Ann and Andy" puzzle, and a "Scribbler" puzzle. Then we went to the library and I finished the "G's" this time. Pete and Dad waited outside. Then Pete came in and checked out a book for Grandpa to read to him...and then he had a nosebleed. We went to Safeway and I left my black and white film to be developed. They had cube steak today and I got some mushrooms, more coffee, green beans, and hamburger (how dull our menus are!). Got home at 20 to 5:00pm and gave Dad a cup of coffee while I put groceries away, turned on the TV for Pete, and collapsed. He slept through "Electric Company" and had a terrible tantrum. I woke up just in time to catch the end of "M*A*S*H*". We watched the baseball game (National vs American All Stars-National won), and part of the Victor Herbert special. Pete had a birthday party for his dollhouse dolls and we both had to get dressed up (at 10:30pm!). We finally ate dinner at 11:30pm (had a water melon, snack before that). Finished Delderfield's Too Few For Drums today. Read Pete Tweety and Sylvester-Picnic Time tonight. He made up a story about Goldilocks and the pop bottles-she drank them all and took the empties to the store.
Thoughts and Context. I guess it's to be expected, but it really bugs me to keep coming across names of apparent import to our lives (this Robert Belooj or Beloy or Belog.. that is mentioned over the past couple of entries) for whom I have no memory or additional information. Additionally, and as previously mentioned, I guess I no longer can maintain the illusion that I was a perfectly behaved little angel, but to have so much rage inside that it causes a physical symptom (nose bleed) is still a little scary to my 42 year old self-not that I don't still periodically feel angry or upset, but rarely over having missed a television show (though, really, thank goodness for things like DVR, HULU, and Netflix, yes?)-PL
Nancy Lawson was an Educator, a Single Mom, a Writer, a Cancer Survivor, a Welfare & Food Stamp (pre "SNAP") recipient, a World Traveler, a Poet, a Theologian (or at least deeply spiritual) a Playwright, an Actress, a Victim of Domestic Abuse, and a lover of Earl Gray Tea. She also suffered at various points from depression, Bi-Polar disorder/ schizophrenia (depending on diagnosis). In her own words...
Nancy Lawson

a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso
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