Well, as I had more or less expected, Stewart didn't show up today. He had told Chuck Smith he was going to call Dr. Baskerville immediately to get instructions for moving Pete (removing, that is) to England, but John Sandquist called Dr. Baskerville and Stewart hadn't been in touch with her at all. John said he was calling the Bell Telephone man in Boise to see if they were still interested in Stewart. He said that he didn't think the confidentiality of his office extended to law breaking or to matters concerning health and safety. He gave me his home phone number in case I needed to get in touch with him over the weekend, and said if Stewart were to see Petey they'd arrange it so his visit was supervised and Petey wouldn't be left alone with him. Woke about nine this morning. I think I heard Marilyn leaving the tickets for the Magic Show because when I looked out there they were. We ate lunch (Pete helped me make hamburgers) exactly at 12:00pm for once. Pete wanted to sleep in the big brown chair and I'd just gotten him tucked in when the doorbell rang. Pastor Petravisik (sp) had come to call. He said the old house we used to live in (the one replaced by a doughnut shop) had been moved down to the end of Carol Wallace's road. I told him how frightened I was of what would happen to Petey if Stewart had custody-it helped to talk about it. He had just left when Dad phoned to say he was on the way in to put bolts on our doors. He did the front and back and checked the French windows in Pete's playroom but they have a deadbolt so there was no point in doing any more (anyone who wanted to in could just smash the glass in one of the doors anyhow-the bolts are simply a "delaying action"). Then, while Dad was here, the doorbell rang and it was Carol Carr and Gretchen back briefly from the beach, so Pete was able to thank them personally for his presents. Gretchen had her pet, Herman the hermit Crab with her and Pete got out his Seahorse book and showed her the pictures of the hermit crab in it (don't know how he found it). He touched Herman, very tentatively, too (Herman is a fresh water crab). It was so good to see Carol again-she looked happy, tanned, and not nearly so tense as the last time I saw her. She, Jeff, and Gretchen are staying in parents' house in August so she gave me the address, and I gave he one of our Western Bank photos. She said our s was the the only letter she'd gotten. She left, Dand finished the bolts and had a cup of coffee-then he left. Then Lori called to see if Pete could come over. He went at 4:30 for "Sesame Street" and "Mr. Rogers". I napped, and then he and Vicky came back here for "Electric Company". Vicky called him about 4 times today. I'm going to have to make some rules about phone calls at nap time. They're going on vacation next week. Called to give Sylvia my phone number again. Dave said "You're going tomorrow night aren't you?" His company came at noon today and he missed them because he couldn't get off work. I took a bath and washed my hair and used a cucumber mask (green face) tonight-sheer defiance. Pete had his Methatrexate today and whined a lot about not feeling well. We read an old Humpty Dumpty tonight.
I had a frightening thought today. I've always felt that each day Pete and I have together is a gain-one more golden memory...but the doctors only gave him five years (if the treatment worked) when he got sick. Suppose, instead, each day is one less of the total we have to spend together-a whole year of them has already flown by. Each day is such a fragile thing!
Pete wanted to play "Walkity Kaboo" today and be "tied up" and put in a suitcase to practice his "escapes". Maybe he'll be as interested in "escapes" as Betty Phipps' grandson John. I think it was John's magic show that started him off. Then he wanted to be a puppy. Then we played "cat and dog" on the living room floor (anyone looking in must surely have thought me demented). We did a lot of puzzles tonight (Pete's very good at them) while listening to Dr. Seuss records, "Horton Hatches the Egg", "Yertle the Turtle", "The Sneetches", "Fox in Sox", and "Green Eggs and Ham". Then I listened to my garage sale Irish Tenor sing "Scotland the Brave" and "Ireland My Home". We had watermelon, cantaloupe, (using up all our fresh fruit except apples), hamburger, carrots (Pete and I did a very complicated arithmetic lesson with our Bugs Bunny vitamins today-lining up all the cartoon characters, counting how many of each we had, adding and subtracting as we put them back in the bottle. Pete was on a counting binge today-kept trying to count up to forty, getting into the twenties, sometimes the thirties, and back tracking. I read Ferrar's Breath of Suspicion today (spies and heroin, London and Madeira) and started Catherine Aird's A Late Phoenix. I like her sense of humor and catch myself starting to use her diction. If I'm not careful, I'll wind up like that San Francisco friend of mine-you could always tell what he was reading because he'd sound just like his latest book till he finished it. Read Pete and another chapter of The Tin Woodsman of Oz today-he wanted me to retell The Wizard of Oz and the beginning of the The Tin Woodsman... several times.. I thought the Oz books too old for him, but he picked it out himself and seems to be enjoying it. He likes the quaint illustrations, too. Carol said Gretchen might have some more books for him. He loves them.
Nancy Lawson was an Educator, a Single Mom, a Writer, a Cancer Survivor, a Welfare & Food Stamp (pre "SNAP") recipient, a World Traveler, a Poet, a Theologian (or at least deeply spiritual) a Playwright, an Actress, a Victim of Domestic Abuse, and a lover of Earl Gray Tea. She also suffered at various points from depression, Bi-Polar disorder/ schizophrenia (depending on diagnosis). In her own words...
Nancy Lawson

a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Thursday, July 14th 1977-in which we have a "Peculiar Day" and Stewart threatens to make a visit.
I've just finished reading a most peculiar book, House of Hate. It was a first novel and it shows (who, for instance, would write "pursuant to" in a story, without even the excuse of a lawyer's letter?). In fact it was a most peculiar day altogether. Pete got me up at 9:30am. He swore he'd eaten his ceral but the milk jug and his glass of milk were still in the refrigerator, full. Gave Pete a bath before he got dressed since he didn't take one last night. He played with his boats and submarine and rumbber duck. We ate cantaloupe and then had pork chops with apple sauce and green beans from the farm (but they never did get really tender). Pete left most of his pork chop because he kept finding invisible pieces of "fat". He won't touch meat with fat on it-even pulls the fat off his bacon. He did eat some of the packaged chicken. The mail wasn't much of a haul today, my phone bill, the State Department of Revenue bill, and a form from the Welfare Office. Yesterday I got an envelope marked "contains information about funerals-destroy if this material is offensive" and I did because it was. Oh God, how it was! We lay down for our naps but we had two phone calls and John Sandquist came by, so we gave up and got up. John told me not to open my door unless I was certain who was there, because Stewart had called Chuck Smith, the hospital administrator and said he was coming later this week. He finally told Chuck he would arrive in Boise on Friday. And, as John says, "Ontario's not big enough to hide in". Stewart complained to Chuck that John hadn't answered his letters, but John said the first 3 hadn't any return addresses so he couldn't anyhow. I called Dad so he's coming over tomorrow to put chain bolts on the doors. As John said, that will give me time to get to the phone anyway. Then Vicky Plaza came over to watch TV ("Sesame Street", "Mr. Rogers", and "Electric Company") with Pete, just after we got back from visiting Betty Phipps (Petey was really visiting her little toy cars, but Betty and I had a long talk. While Vicky was here Thelma called to invite us to a pageant at the migrant school in Payette. Thelma took us over because Tom, Jim, and Ada were in it. Let Pete have lemonade and a cookie (we'd rushed through our hamburger to be ready). Marilyn called at 11:00pm to say she has tickets for Saturday's "magic Show" she's giving us. Will go to the matinee (4:00pm) since Sylvia and I are going out at night.
Wednesday, July 13th, 1977-in which Nancy experiences both fear and guilt, but a good day over all
I have been reading The Radiant Dove-yet another "lady turned governess, humble but winning all hearts"-like all such trite tales, it's very soothing. I even reread Alcott's Eight Cousins today in the search for distraction. I love Petey so much how shall I bear it if I lose him? But even worse than that would be if Stewart gained custody and he were in England where I could never know if he were fed, clothed, housed, given the medical treatments he needs...That uncertainty would be truly unbearable. Pete woke me at 11:00am this morning. I hadn't meant to sleep so late but I read late last night. I always put off the moment of going to bed, luxuriating having come safely through another day, knowing that Pete is sleeping soundly, breathing normally-as if my keeping watch could protect him from any harm. Pete had soup for lunch (chicken alphabet and I had to read him all the letters on his spoon) and I had a ham sandwich with a dill pickle. It was nearly 2:00pm when Dad came in. We went first to Ontario Pharmacy-more Melariil for me-then to the library. Pete checked out more books then I did. "Sesame Street Live" was overdue so I paid the fine and checked it out again, along with a Drum and Bugle Corps record I hoped Pete would like (he so wants a drum!). I found a new Keemelman's-Wednesday the Rabbi Got Wet. I think he's used up all the days of the week now. Then we went to Safeway and I used the last of my food stamps, filled a WIC coupon to get milk for Petey (we had only enough for his cereal this morning), and spent $10.00 over that ...and I'm still not certain if we have enough food to get by 'till my check comes. We picked up my prescription, put the groceries away, and went to the A&W. Pete had a burrito-can I never enforce his diet?-and milk, while Dad and I had root beer floats, and Mom a milkshake. I gave Dad our laundry but forgot Betty's sleeping bags. Dad brought in carrots, beets, a huge zucchini, and green beans. I gave Betty Phipps the zucchini and we had a brief visit. Want to have her over during the day when her family doesn't need her. Pete and I sat on the back steps and snapped beans. We watched Daniel work on his Cadillac and he explained "four wheel drive" to Pete. Pete rode his tricycle all over, then he pretended he was on a magical merry-go-round and he and tricycle couldn't get off-and whirled in circles till I caught him. He stepped-literally-into my shoes tonight and pretended to be "Momma", clomping about in my high-heeled sandals. I read him several of his new books, The Eggs, Halloween Parade, Sir Kevin of Devon, and The Cow That Fell in the Canal.We had cube steak, macaroni salad (Pete's choice) and watermelon for dinner. Pete helped with the cooking and rinsed and put in the strainer the dishes I washed. We played ball on the lawn pretending we were on TV...and Pete gave me a ride on his tricycle. A happy day!
Tuesday, July 12th, 1977
We had our doctor's appointment this morning-Patty took us-and Dr. Baskerville said Pete's blood test was good, and his checkup was fine, except that he's gained two pounds...assisted I'm sure, by Thelma's 3 hot dogs with buns, grandpa's anniversary dinner, and the Prednisone he's been taking. I'd been giving him extra milk because of his bone softening but she said he might be absorbing phosphorus instead of calcium and told me to give him 3 Tums a day because they are pure calcium. Patty hadn't time to take us to the park but she said she'd try to later in the week. Pete ate a lot of green beans today-had bacon, eggs, and green beans for lunch. After our naps, Vicky Plaza phoned and asked Pete to come over, I called back to check with her mother and got Laurie, her 16 year old sister. She said it was O.K. for Pete to come over so she came and got him. They watched "Sesame Street", "Mr. Rogers", and "Electric Company", and then I thought it time for Pete to come home so I called and Laurie and Vicky walked Pete home. Then he wanted to go to the Dairy Queen-I've been promising him we would go ever since last week-so we walked over and had hot dogs. I had root beer, Pete had orange, and he gave the order, paid for it, and helped carry the food to the table. We walked back and had just gotten home when Sylvia came by on her way to do her grocery shopping. She had a cup of coffee with me while Pete and Sharon played "Trouble" (a dice game with pieces to move around the board), and went outside to play Pete' version of golf with his clubs. Pete and Sharon seem to get on very well together. We showed Sylvia the organ (she said she might have a little table we could put it on) and Sylvia said "Pete you'll have to play for Sharon to tap dance". Pete was very taken with the idea (but what he really wants is a drum). After they left I caught only the end of Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Gandoliers". Then I helped Pete set up his "Tiny Zoo" and put him to bed. He was pretending I was a radio tonight and he could tune me to speak "English (British Accent)" or speak "American". No side effects from the Methatrexate today. We read part of The Big Book of Real Boats and Ships, Tweety and Sylvester, and My Teddy Bear. I read Silent Castle Barebane which had the bloodiest ending I've encountered in a Gothic novel-swords, pistols, and quicksand.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Monday, July 11, 1977-in which Pete shares his fears
Pete and I had a very quiet, pleasant day today. John took us up to the hospital for Pete's blood test. Shirley did it and Pete didn't fuss at all. She forgot to put a band aid on but Pete didn't seem to mind. He saw Sister Angelica and told her he'd got two fish. John took Pete's Prednisone and my Tremon to Skagg's (which eventually evolved into Rite-Aid-PL) to be filled. Betty Phipps came over briefly this morning before we had to go and Pete had a good time telling her about our trip. I discovered Pete's doctor appointment is tomorrow and not Wednesday, so I called Sylvia and told her I thought we'd better skip the Payette Swimming pool. She said they told her the afternoon was usually pretty crowded, and Pete doesn't feel secure enough in the water to like horseplay. I arranged for Sylvia to bring Sharon over to play with Pete while she grocery shops on Thursday. If it's hot tomorrow I'll get Pete's little wading pool out for him since it's an even-numbered day (because of the water shortage they're still allowing irrigation only on alternate days). Pete got a package fro Carol Carr today "beach combings", shells, odd rocks, a tiny piece of coral, some seaweed-I think tomorrow we'll take his "seashore" book and try to identify everything-pretend we're walking along the beach. Pete and I took early naps and he went on a TV viewing orgy; "The Flintstones", "Sesame Street", "Mr. Rogers", "Electric Company" and "The Brady Bunch". Then I unplugged the set. Pete didn't want to go outside tonight, tho' he did sit on the front steps and blow bubbles for a while. He helped with cooking today, hamburgers, pork chops, and three small cans of cooked carrots (better for snacks than candy, I guess). We saved two of the cans for his "store" but I draw the line at three. He had a little spot on his back-I tried to investigate to see if were a bruise or an insect bite, but Petey told me "Mom I just have a spot because I'm very sick with Leukemia". Then he asked me if he had to walk very slowly because he had Leukemia. He said he told Vicky that he had it and she said they had to be very careful, then he asked me about the time when he was very sick and couldn't see any strangers, and then tell him about the things he can do now. He said he was frightened to go to sleep but wouldn't tell me why. I should have realized that his illness is frightening to him, too, and he needs to talk about his fears. We played race cars on the table, and dollhouse in the playroom (which Pete cleaned very nicely all by himself). Called Dad-Mom's having some bleeding again so she's seeing the doctor tomorrow. Pete switched back to 6MP and Methatrexate today. I read The Silent Cousin and Stranger at Rembrooke today. Read Pete Wheels That Work (a pop-up book), The Christmas Story, Child's Garden of Verses, and Little Red Riding Hood today.
Sunday, July 10th, 1977-in which there is more fishing, then a return trip home
Sunday-Pete woke up around nine and I had to go so we crept quietly out and went down to the bushes that screened the river. Then we got back into our bags without waking anyone else (quite an accomplishment) and slept again. We finally all got up about ten. We had hamburger and eggs mixed together and tomatoes and onions fried together (Pete didn't eat any of that but he liked the hamburger and had a second patty(. Then Dave took all the children fishing. Pete got his first fish (a rock fish) and I got a picture of Pete and Sharon standing together with Pete holding the fish way out on a stringer. Then they put the fish back in the water since it wasn't edible. Pete and Sharon each caught two fish. Then, when Dave came back, Sylvia and I put swimsuits on the children (and ours of course) and took them down down to the pool we'd bathed in. In daylight I noticed a fine stand of poison ivy along the path to the river, but I don't think any of us got into it. Pete didn't like the pool, it had mud on the bottom and he didn't want to get his feet muddy. Pete insisted on wearing his long green pants and his long sleeved sweater so he was in no danger of being burned. We had steak, green beans, and corn for lunch but it was cool enough for Pete to be comfortable. We struck camp after the dishes were done-fetched more water to drench the camp fire where we'd burned our garbage, loaded the car again, and were off. Davey slept all the way home, Sharon sat in the infant seat, and Pete slept on my lap. We unloaded all the gear except what food we had in the cooler (couldn't reach it) and Pete cried because he thought we didn't have any food at home (NOTE-I still do that! =-)-PL). I cooked him a cube steak in a hurry. He ate the whole thing and went to bed for his nap. He said Teddybear was calling, keeping him awake, he had a thought he couldn't get out of his head, and he didn't want to dream about the wreck (that near-accident shook him) but at last we both napped. Then soup, playing on the lawn, and baths for both of us with lots of soap. Called Thelma and Betty and told them Pete caught a fish. We read a Child's Garden of Verses and Little Red Riding Hood and Pete said his prayers and went to sleep.
Saturday, July 9th, 1977-In which Pete sleeps in a tent for the very first time.
Today Pete and I going camping, the very first time for Pete to sleep in a tent. Dave plans to take Pete and Sharon fishing, too. Pete got up early to watch cartoons. Pete insisted on my watching with him so I put his pillow on the beanbag chair and lay down and slept while he watched. Then came all the last minute things-finishing packing, putting our pills into my "first-aid box" (an old cosmetics bag), giving Pete his vitamins so we don't have to take them and his first Prednisone so I could pack it, cooking a hearty breakfast (bacon and eggs to follow our cereal) so Pete wouldn't start out hungry, trying to figure out how much food for Pete is enough and not too much...and writing this now since I don't plan to take my diary along. Dave picked us up at 12:30 and we drove back to the Loebach's house where they finished packing up their gear. Pete, Sharon, and I had half the back seat-the camping gear had the rest. We were on our way through Nyssa when a a young girl on a bicycle pulled out in front of us without even looking. Dave jammed on the brakes, stopping so close to her it looked like he was touching her front wheel. There was a tinkle like broken glass and Pete was crying because "the car hit him" (he bumped his eye on the edge of Little Davy's "infant seat". The girl kept on going-didn't even spare us a glance to see what damage she'd done. As we went on it started to rain and we thought of turning back but kept going. Dave said "The tent's never been rained on, so now's the time.". We went up to Lake Owyhee State Park and camped by the sulfur hot springs so we had plenty of hot water for dishes-just fetched it in a bucket. They have an aluminum frame tent and Dave got it set up very quickly though he had a little trouble getting the pegs in because the ground was so dry. It started to thunder and we had more rain (no lightening tho') so Sylvia and I took the children into the tent. We closed up all the flaps and told stories-I told "Elephant's Birthday Party" and Pete told "3 Little Pigs" (pretty well, too). Then the rain stopped. We were all hungry so we had bacon and eggs (we'd planned to have hamburger, but it was frozen solid). Then Sylvia napped while Dave and I watched the children. In the afternoon, little Davey wandered away and a neighboring camper returned him-said he'd been just on the edge of the springs. We ate hamburger for dinner. Pete had his with no bun-and I gave him a little bite of mine. When the dishes were washed and the children in bed, Sylvia and I put on our bathing suits in a nicely leaf-screened "dressing room" and went into the pool where the hot spring runs into the river. From step to step the pool was icy, hot, and in a few patches, lukewarm. It was too shallow to swim there but we splashed a lot and had a good bath (I forgot to take soap so I didn't get as clean as I might have). Good thing we didn't go skinny-dipping (yes, thanks, Mom, that certainly would have been awkward to write about!-PL) as we planned since more swimmers came as we were leaving. Dave had taken Pete fishing in the afternoon and gone in up to his neck retrieving a float that broke off trying to land a fish Pete had hooked-took his boots ages to dry out on the clothesline by the tent. Hung Pete's shoes up there too, since he'd stepped in the hot springs by the narrow plank bridge. Sharon spent her afternoon trying to "build a bridge" Pete could go across and not get wet. Dave had chopped wood with his hatchet and found a nice medium sized log and cut it into pieces. He constructed a fire pit with rocks and had a nice fire going when Sylvia and I came back from our starlight swim. We steamed our suits the best we could and I sat by the fire in my wet suit and the car coat Marilyn gave me-an odd combination. Then I changed into my nightgown and robe, and put the car coat on again so I could sit outside and have a cigarette before going to sleep. Sylvia changed into her slacks and shirt and decided to sleep in those. We had 5 sleeping bags in the tent so there wasn't too much room but Sylvia tired to get Dave to sleep across the bottom of the tent (the little ones didn't "fill up" their bags so there would have been room at the bottom-but Dave insisted on sleeping outside. He said he'd go in the car if it rained. Then Dave held the lantern for me while I gave Pete his pill. He was so tired (no nap) he wouldn't even sit up and swallow his juice to take the taste of the pill away-just swallowed the pill and went back to sleep. Managed to do it without waking the other children. Then Sylvia and I crawled into our sleeping bags, leaving Dave still sitting by the fire. We had our fluffy quilt under our bags, but the ground was still pretty hard. We spread a thin blanket over the tops of the bags in case it got cold in the night but we didn't really need it-the tent stayed warm. I turned a few times, carefully, so as not to bump anyone, burrowed into my bag so my feet touched the bottom, and slept. Sylvia said Davy cried in the night but I didn't hear him.
Friday, July 8th 1977-Of Day-Mares, Dunce Caps, and Anniversary Dinners
Sylvia called this morning to see if we could go camping this weekend. They wanted to leave tonight, but I told them my Dad was having a party tonight for his and Mom's anniversary. First she thought they'd go tonight and Dave would come back for us tomorrow, but they finally decided to go at 12:30pm tomorrow. I phoned Betty to see if we could borrow sleeping bags and she said we could. Pete and I were a little slow getting of the ground so I asked Marilyn to bring Nicole at 10:15am-then gave Pete his bath. He dressed; Nicole came (and brought some cherries as a present); they played the organ, built with Loc Blocs, went outside in back to ride fire engine (Pete with his helmet and badge-real ones courtesy of Ontario Fire Department...sadly I can't find either these days-PL) and tricycle, and danced. I tried to get a picture of them dancing together but got one of them hugging instead. Todd Marilyn I'd give her one if they turned out. She picked Nicole up at 12:00pm and Pete and I had bacon, green beans, and eggs for lunch. Then we napped. I had a very complicated "day-mare" which ended with me being "extinguished"-completely covered up by a great yellow dunce cap. I was glad to wake up. Pete and I started to gather up all the things we need for our trip: blankets, heavy coats, warm clothes and winter pajamas, extra pairs of socks e(you'd think we were camping in the arctic), then light clothes in case it's warm after all. I read The house on 9th Street by John Stephens Strange (who is really Dorothy Stockbridge Tillett) today-not too good, depending on a lot of coincidences. Pete watched "Sesame Street", "Mr. Rogers", "Electric Company", cried because "Emergency" has been replaced by "Gunsmoke", and then watched
"The Brady Bunch". Then it was time to put on our good clothes. Pete wore his baptismal suit (even insisted on wearing the jacket till it got just too hot) and I, in anticipation of the restaurant being air-conditioned, wore the pants suit I got for Christmas from Mom and Dad. It was nearly 8:00pm when Dad picked us up, wearing his leisure suit. Betty had fixed Mom's hair with a soft wave that was very pretty, and Dad had given Mom a big green orchid so they were both very festive/ I had a vodka collins and upset it all over the tablecloth as if I'd had several. Like Alice in Wonderland, I had to move to a new place and had a second drink which I consumed safely. Pete had a "Roy Rogers" (Coke and grenadine I think) and felt very grown up tho he didn't like it much. I had a rib eye and Pete got his dinner from the Chalois buffet. He ate 3 pieces of chicken (I hadn't let him snack all afternoon), ham, macaroni salad, more green beans, and a minute portion of potatoes and gravy. He had dessert, orange sherbet, but just took a bite and I finished it-I drank his "Roy Rogers" too. Dad let him help pay the check. He was quite excited because he got to go to the party and his older cousins didn't (Take THAT Bernie, Bryan and Richie!-PL). We stopped at Safeway and bought food for camping. Pete pushed the cart and it ran way with him outside but he caught it.
"The Brady Bunch". Then it was time to put on our good clothes. Pete wore his baptismal suit (even insisted on wearing the jacket till it got just too hot) and I, in anticipation of the restaurant being air-conditioned, wore the pants suit I got for Christmas from Mom and Dad. It was nearly 8:00pm when Dad picked us up, wearing his leisure suit. Betty had fixed Mom's hair with a soft wave that was very pretty, and Dad had given Mom a big green orchid so they were both very festive/ I had a vodka collins and upset it all over the tablecloth as if I'd had several. Like Alice in Wonderland, I had to move to a new place and had a second drink which I consumed safely. Pete had a "Roy Rogers" (Coke and grenadine I think) and felt very grown up tho he didn't like it much. I had a rib eye and Pete got his dinner from the Chalois buffet. He ate 3 pieces of chicken (I hadn't let him snack all afternoon), ham, macaroni salad, more green beans, and a minute portion of potatoes and gravy. He had dessert, orange sherbet, but just took a bite and I finished it-I drank his "Roy Rogers" too. Dad let him help pay the check. He was quite excited because he got to go to the party and his older cousins didn't (Take THAT Bernie, Bryan and Richie!-PL). We stopped at Safeway and bought food for camping. Pete pushed the cart and it ran way with him outside but he caught it.
Thursday, July 7th, 1977-the Gambler's Special
Well, today was the "gambler's special", the 7th day of the 7th month of the 77th year. I t was also my Mom and Dad's 42nd Anniversary. Today was very quiet day for Pete and me-we slept late, having for once nowhere to go, and napped early. We had a hamburger and green beans for lunch. Pete put the hamburger in the pan, the green beans in the pot, and tuned on the stove. He helped with the cooking but refused to make his bed all day today. Sometimes we was an elder statesman and sometimes a one year old (funny, my wife often makes the same kind of commentary today-PL). He told me today when he was a parent he was going to name his son Scott because Bryan (presumably Babcock, my cousin?-PL) had a friend named Scott who went with them to the movies. He (Pete) was on a story binge today. I told him Elephant's Birthday Party, Pinocchio, and Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy (the movie plot) 3 times each. He played his organ and told me he was "making music about Jesus". I had to tell him the story of Jesus' life and death and resurrection while he played. He is very much concerned with things of the spirit. He had an adventure tonight. Vicky Plaza wanted to come over and play while we were cooking dinner, but they decided he would go to her house after dinner instead. I walked him over to Vicky's house and left him to play-then Vicky walked him home when it was time for him to come back. They telephoned me while he was there so I had the novel experience of talking to him on the phone. They left the phone off the hook at Vicky's house, so our phone was out of commission for some time. I could hear them watching the "Brady Bunch". When Pete got home he suddenly remembered he wanted to watch "Electric Company" and had missed it so he cried. I talked him into watching the end of "The Waltons" with me and then we switched off again (I used to watch "Hawaii Five-O" in London, but its much too violent for Pete). "The Waltons" had John Boy in a fight and I had a hard time explaining that to Pete (a boy was annoying Mary Ellen and John-Boy told him to stop and then they had to fight...). We played football and hide & seek, round and round the two big trees on the front lawn. Then we listened to "Fox in Socks" and read The Little Red Caboose, Ten Little Monkeys, Elephant's Birthday Party. Pete ate nearly a whole can of green beans I heated up. He decided to bathe in the morning-Nicole is coming over at 10:00am while Marily cans cherries. We read comic book excerpts and Sagggy Baggy Elephant. I read The Soft Rain today.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Wednesday, July 6th, 1977-In which Pete's Father reveals more of his true colors, we visit the Hospital, and Pete gets an IV
Unseasonably cold today and we were properly grateful. It was pleasant to be able to sleep under a blanket without finding even a sheet intolerably hot. Marilyn Cates called and woke us up about 9:30am. She wanted to see if we would like a ride to Bible Study at Pat DeVore's. I was so sleepy I had to say no (I always wake up fuddled till I I have my morning coffee-something I think I must have inherited from her-PL-and my arm was very painful this morning). I did tell her I'd like to go next time-apparently everybody brings their children and they just play together while the mamas talk. I called John and asked about schools for Sylvia. He said both May Roberts and St. Matthews have been highly recommended to him. I think I'll try St. Matthews next year (at least I will if Pete keeps on doing so well), because it's close enough so we can walk there...called Sylvia and she said we'd have to skip going out this weekend because they're broke but they might go camping, and if Pete and I could wait till the last minute (in case Dave's job interferes) maybe we could go along. We'll go out another time. John Sandquist picked me up to go the hospital. There was a Doctor Peter Sullivan in ER today-he told me he had been at the clinic in San Francisco where they had first thought about sending Petey (noting that, at the time, the treatments I was going through were fairly revolutionary-at least for where we lived-PL). He's a pediatrician and very good-he found a good vein and got into it on the first try and administered Pete's IV himself. He put Pete completely at ease-told him to be sure and remember Peter is a good name. They were really on their toes-the pharmacy sent down Methatrexate(sp) in an IV instead of Venncristen(sp) but it wasn't administered-Thank God. I think it would have killed him. John brought along 2 letters for me Stewart had mailed to him. Stewart said he was going to get Barclay's Bank to prosecute for the money I owe them (when I was having Pete, they advanced (amount unclear-PL) and Stewart got the check it was advanced against and put it in another bank (even from 38 years away, I can see her seething-my father had that power over a lot of people-PL). They made a half-hearted attempt to recover it while I was in England but so far as I know had dropped the matter completely before I left England. He also threatened to have me put in jail for Welfare fraud. Then he ordered us to come to England for 6 months for a "reconciliation", then he said he'd get Pete's custody and I'd be allowed unlimited access, but I'd have to finance my own trips to England. Unfortunately, Pete overheard part of the conversation enough to know that his father is a bad man who wants to put mommy in jail. He said, "Mommy, I don't want you to go to jail. Why would Stewart do a thing like that? We'll have to talk to Cliff (Cliff Looney is my attorney-and still practicing to this date-PL)". I was dismayed he'd picked up so much and tried to explain Stewart's actions (I have trouble enough explaining them to myself-let alone Pete), then he (Stewart) begged for a picture of Petey and me... but I've heard enough about kidnapping in custody disputes so I'm not sending him one. Anyway, if he were going to be sentimental about Pete's picture, he should have asked for one last year when Pete was in hospital and we all thought he would die. He's just a year too late, but his letters were so nasty they upset me (as, of course, he meant them to). John planned to write to Stewart and give him the address of the Welfare Department. He plans to show the letters to Cliff Looney. Read the letters while Pete and I waited for the doctor. Dr. Sullivan seemed quite pleased that Pete had been in his 1st remission for sol long. I guess that's a good sign. They gave Pete two balloons in ER, a green one with a bear (Pete said, "It's like the bear in The Peasant's Pea Patch" that gets into the horse collar"..for as much as we read, he has a really retentive memory), and a blue one. He saw Sister Angelica today and was so pleased. When we got home at 4:30pm, he ate soup and I had a bologna sandwich. Then he "programmed" his nap..."Mommy, I'm going to dream about my fireworks (sparklers) and about going to the Dairy Queen, but not about IVs". Called Thelma tonight-one of Herman's relations took $65.00 out of Thelma's purse-makes nearly a hundred dollars she's lost by theft in a week, she was afraid the people at the migrant school might think she had taken the money because she's the only new staff member. She's had an awful run of bad luck-seems hardly possible one person can have so many problems. Marilyn Cates called again tonight-Roger was out playing tennis-so we had a long chat. We hope to get together either Friday or Saturday (she was a bit under the weather today with a pain in her side). Pete's looking forward to showing Nicole his organ (he keeps calling it his "recorder") . Today he showed John how he can plug it in, turn it on, and play it all by himself. He barely lets me touch it. Marilyn promised to call me some evening about 10:00pm-she said she often feels blue then and needs to talk to someone else to get things back in perspective. I get lonely in the evenings so I'm really looking forward to having someone to talk to. Called Betty and Dad tonight. The carpet layers had been and Betty said she had nowhere to cook so they went out to eat and brought back chicken and fries for Mom and Dad. Dad said Mom really liked the portrait. I told him I was sorry not to have it framed, but I spent all my money on Pete's organ. Pete and played football on the front lawn and he had tricycle time in back. He decided he didn't want to walk to the Dairy Queen today, he wants to do that tomorrow. He didn't want a bath so I taped his toes and we read The Green Thumb Story and The Lonesome Egg (Bill's "bird egg" hatches into a turtle). I'm reading Helen MacInnes' Friends and Lovers-very romantic, even "love at first sight".
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Tuesday, July 5th, 1977-in which the budget is blown on an organ and Stewart (My Father) makes veiled threats
Well today I've done it. I blew our whole budget and bought Pete an organ. At the last moment I wondered if $29.50 meant that or $2,950-but it turned out that $29.50 was the correct price. Wanda, the music teacher from Frontier Music told me $29.50, she let me have if tor that. Some of the keys were dead so I left it for their repairman to to fit new reeds at no extra charge). Then they delivered it to the house since I had no way to go and pick it up. We had to sit it on the floor propped up on books so the air could circulate underneath. I have no proper place to put it yet (our tv and record player are still just sitting on the floor). Pete immediately began to "compose". If he could have pressed down at the keys at once, he would have. Then he tested all the minor and major chords. He was really disappointed when we had to leave the organ and was thrilled when it was delivered. Hope our neighbors don't complain about the noise! Dad came in about 2:00 and we went to the bank-I deposited the $5.00 that John (Paul's inebriated client) gave us along with another $5.00 I have left over from the end of the month in Pete's account, and put $100.00 from my check into my checking account. I kept $46.00 out (my food stamps have gone up to $47.00 this month but my price has gone up a dollar too, so nothing gained) for food stamps-got those at the post office, mailed my rent, and Rosanna Sandoval's First Communion picture (it was in the Argus), went across to the Prudential Office (yes, I have "a piece of the rock") and left a check for Harry (Erlebach-a long time insurance agent and Community member-PL). Then I picked up my WIC coupons-Petey needs to drink more milk so I don't think I'll have extra milk for Thelma this month. Then we went to Frontier Music and I paid for the organ. We went to the library. Couldn't find anything by any of my favorites that I hadn't read. Petey got some new books, too. We read The Cheerful Quiet and A Circus ABC tonight. We stopped at Safeway on the way home and I got $23.00 of groceries, but practically nothing to eat (I bought some more coffee-down to $6.59 for 2lbs). Got Mom some cookies. Gave Dad a cup of coffee and some cookies and gave him our portrait for their anniversary on the 7th. I think it's 41 years. Dad brought in more kitchen stuff-most of it will go to Thelma-and our laundry, beat tops for me and baby carrots for Pete. We didn't take naps today, but had a quiet evening. Vicky Plaza came over briefly to play with Pete, and try out the organ. We had hot dogs and coleslaw (I did, Pete didn't) and chicken soup for Pete. We had bacon and and eggs for lunch at Pete's insistence-he put the bacon in the pan, and put in his soup and turned the burner on. We watched MASH but it was a rerun. No more "Emergency" they've got "Gun Smoke" now. Haven't told Pete. John Sandquist said Stewart wrote him that people who get in his way have fatal accidents. Pete complained of his back hurting tonight-gave him 1/2 a Tylenol. My arm's a bit better but my hands really shook today-had trouble signing for stamps.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Monday, July 4th,1977-in which we receive an unexpected windfall, dine on fried chicken, and watch fireworks from the comfort of our front lawn
The 201st Birthday of our country-now we start on the next hundred. Seems hard to think of history as things I've seen, but I remember Pearl Harbor and Madame Chiang Kai Shek...the second World War, Korea, and Viet Nam...President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King being assassinated. The first jet planes and the 747-even the first beginning of television...
Today was very pleasant. For a start, it was cool with a little breeze blowing.
Pete and I took a cab to Holy Rosary for his blood test. Then we rode with Paul (a favorite driver and good friend-PL) on a call to the Palamino (a restaurant and lounge in downtown Ontario-PL). He picked up a man who'd been drinking heavily and I was little worried about Pete but he seemed very taken with Pete-gave him a quarter to put in his bank.
Paul persuaded him to eat so he went to Kentucky Fried Chicken and picked up a basket of chicken for Pete and me, too. He dropped the drunk, whose name was "John", at his place and came back with $5.00 he said John had told him to give to me (?)
We went back to his (Paul's) place and ate. I had a beer and Pete some diet root-beer. Paul packed up the leftovers, bananas, milk, strawberries, and some chicken, and brought us home on his way to pick up John again. Pete and I came home and napped. Then Betty (Phipps) came by with two packs of sparklers and some outgrown shorts of the the boys that she thought might fit Petey. We gave her our laundry.
Then we watched the CBS "Happiest Birthday" special-a reprise of last year's bi-centennial events. We watched the tall ships in New York's Harbor and the re-staging of the Battle of Gettysburg. Then there was a music special, "From Yankee Doodle to Ragtime". We had hot dogs on buns and watermelon and saw the spectacular Payette fire on the 10:00 pm news (Betty <Nelson> said their power was off for a while because of the fire).
Then we heard the crump of fireworks and went out to see if we could see them from here. Just as we went out, the Plazas arrived to watch from our lawn. Pete was pleased to see Vickie , and watched the fireworks sitting on Mrs. Plaza's (Kay-PL) lap, wrapped in our old afghan. Mr Plaza (Joe-truly one of the Greats!-PL) lit Petey's sparklers for him (fortunately, because I don't think I could have got them started) and Pete shared with Vickie. Daniel and Maria came home and watched on the lawn, too. Daniel said Mary Jo had gotten a sparkler spark in her eye one year (I'd put away Pete's second box by then-only let him have one box, but his eyes lit up like stars when he held his first sparklers). We had a good view only partially obscured by the house on the corner and the tall tree. We had cold chicken and strawberries (Pete took the tops off) when we came in. Pete wanted a "picnic" but it was too cold. We taped his toes and he went to sleep to dream of fireworks and his organ he's getting tomorrow.
Today was very pleasant. For a start, it was cool with a little breeze blowing.
Pete and I took a cab to Holy Rosary for his blood test. Then we rode with Paul (a favorite driver and good friend-PL) on a call to the Palamino (a restaurant and lounge in downtown Ontario-PL). He picked up a man who'd been drinking heavily and I was little worried about Pete but he seemed very taken with Pete-gave him a quarter to put in his bank.
Paul persuaded him to eat so he went to Kentucky Fried Chicken and picked up a basket of chicken for Pete and me, too. He dropped the drunk, whose name was "John", at his place and came back with $5.00 he said John had told him to give to me (?)
We went back to his (Paul's) place and ate. I had a beer and Pete some diet root-beer. Paul packed up the leftovers, bananas, milk, strawberries, and some chicken, and brought us home on his way to pick up John again. Pete and I came home and napped. Then Betty (Phipps) came by with two packs of sparklers and some outgrown shorts of the the boys that she thought might fit Petey. We gave her our laundry.
Then we watched the CBS "Happiest Birthday" special-a reprise of last year's bi-centennial events. We watched the tall ships in New York's Harbor and the re-staging of the Battle of Gettysburg. Then there was a music special, "From Yankee Doodle to Ragtime". We had hot dogs on buns and watermelon and saw the spectacular Payette fire on the 10:00 pm news (Betty <Nelson> said their power was off for a while because of the fire).
Then we heard the crump of fireworks and went out to see if we could see them from here. Just as we went out, the Plazas arrived to watch from our lawn. Pete was pleased to see Vickie , and watched the fireworks sitting on Mrs. Plaza's (Kay-PL) lap, wrapped in our old afghan. Mr Plaza (Joe-truly one of the Greats!-PL) lit Petey's sparklers for him (fortunately, because I don't think I could have got them started) and Pete shared with Vickie. Daniel and Maria came home and watched on the lawn, too. Daniel said Mary Jo had gotten a sparkler spark in her eye one year (I'd put away Pete's second box by then-only let him have one box, but his eyes lit up like stars when he held his first sparklers). We had a good view only partially obscured by the house on the corner and the tall tree. We had cold chicken and strawberries (Pete took the tops off) when we came in. Pete wanted a "picnic" but it was too cold. We taped his toes and he went to sleep to dream of fireworks and his organ he's getting tomorrow.
Sunday, July 3rd, 1977-in which a little rain falls, we go to church, and watch the Muppet Show
Dad took us to church. We were a little late to the service had already begun. They actually sang two hymns that I knew-"Oh beautiful, for spacious skies" and "mine eyes have seen the glory..." It was Communion Sunday so I took Communion and Peter came up to the altar rail for a blessing. After church, we stopped for coffee. I gave Gloria (Ogilvie-a tremendous woman and such a critical part of my life as both a youth and adult!-PL) the clipping I'd save from the Argus about Tammy (now Kinney-PL) playing little league ball, and gave Pastor "The Nursing Home Notes" about the visit of the Bibible School to the Home. Saw Carol Wallace briefly and met Lynn's big sister, Kit. Pete said "hello" to them but was very shy. Then Dad took us to the Arctic Circle (where Burger West is today-PL) for lunch (Pete ate another hot dog). We lay down for naps at 1:30 and I didn't wake until 5:00. We watched "The Muppet Show" and "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom" (all about how fast various animals can run. An Ostrich can go almost 50 miles and hour which makes it just about the fastest land animal). We started to watch "Disney World" but Pete got bored so we turned it off and cooked dinner instead. Then we played "store"-I've been saving empty canns for his "stock". I gave Pete some brown paper bags to put his groceries into and dug up a cash register tape to be the price of the groceries. Pete has a new game. He likes to pretend he can only say one word. Today it was "tippytoe".
"What's your name little boy?"
"What's your mother's name?"
...The gave goes on till I run out of questions. We had watermelon and cube stake for dinner (I used the $5.00 Thelma loaned me at Safeway and got provisions for tonight and tomorrow). I'm almost out of coffee0have just enough to left to make a pot tomorrow morning then I'll have to switch to tea. We have to go to the hospital tomorrow for Pete's blood test. I plan to take a cab since none of the volunteers drive on holidays. Dad said if I had any trouble he'd come in and take us, but we have to run a lot of errands on Tuesday so I don't want to make him come in twice. Tuesday, we get Pete's organ which will leave me broke. I hope it proves a good investment-Pete really wanted a guitar or a drum. Today was cool and rainy. If it rains tomorrow, we'll skip the fireworks display. We may anyhow because I don't really want to be walking around with Pete at 10:00 at night. Finished Corbett's Harry Martin's Wife today, so dull I can't even remember the heroine's name (it's Alice, I just looked it up) and read Lois Lenski's Ocean Born Mary (really intended for teenagers but not too bad). Pete didn't want a story or a bath tonight but after he went to bed, he said he was frightened and came and sat in the big brown chair in the living room with me. I've pulled an arm muscle again and my lef arm is really sore, so I'm taking the muscle relaxant left over from last time.
"What's your name little boy?"
"What's your mother's name?"
...The gave goes on till I run out of questions. We had watermelon and cube stake for dinner (I used the $5.00 Thelma loaned me at Safeway and got provisions for tonight and tomorrow). I'm almost out of coffee0have just enough to left to make a pot tomorrow morning then I'll have to switch to tea. We have to go to the hospital tomorrow for Pete's blood test. I plan to take a cab since none of the volunteers drive on holidays. Dad said if I had any trouble he'd come in and take us, but we have to run a lot of errands on Tuesday so I don't want to make him come in twice. Tuesday, we get Pete's organ which will leave me broke. I hope it proves a good investment-Pete really wanted a guitar or a drum. Today was cool and rainy. If it rains tomorrow, we'll skip the fireworks display. We may anyhow because I don't really want to be walking around with Pete at 10:00 at night. Finished Corbett's Harry Martin's Wife today, so dull I can't even remember the heroine's name (it's Alice, I just looked it up) and read Lois Lenski's Ocean Born Mary (really intended for teenagers but not too bad). Pete didn't want a story or a bath tonight but after he went to bed, he said he was frightened and came and sat in the big brown chair in the living room with me. I've pulled an arm muscle again and my lef arm is really sore, so I'm taking the muscle relaxant left over from last time.
Saturday, July 2nd, 1977-in which we spend a Lazy Saturday, and Petey gets a haircut
I gave Pete a haircut yesterday and eliminated all his curls so now he looks very "little boyish". Oddly his hair looks thicker since I cut it than it did before. Mine seems to be falling out a lot. I keep finding long red hairs on the carpet. This morning Pete got up early to watch cartoons. I turned the TV for him and slept while he ate his breakfast. Then he wanted me to watch with him so we both took pillow and blankets into the living room and settled ourselves in the bean bag chair...I watched the cartoons for a while then fell asleep again, but Petey seemed satisfied that I was in the same room with him. At 10:00am, Thelma called. She came over and took Pete to her house to watch cartoons. They'd mowed the front lawn and Pete and Tommy loaded up Tommy's trucks with the cut grass and played "hauling hay" into the back yard. They had a picnic lunch, hot dogs and iced tea with saccharine and watermelon. But Thelma let Petey eat 3 hot dogs and he had a cup of orange pineapple juice and he's not supposed to have any citrus. That's all his carbohydrate ration for ages. Pete got some sunburn on his arms, too, but it doesn't seem too painful (I rubbed a lot of Nivea in afte3r his bath), Fortunately, he was wearing long pants so his legs didn't get burn. I gave him all his medicine before he went so he was set fair till 41:00pm-but when I called Thelma just before 4:00, she'd started cleaning her oven and couldn't bring Pete till it was finished...so he didn't get his second Predisone till 6:00pm (and right now I'm waiting to for it to be late enough to give him the third). While Pete was gone, I vacuumed the living room and kitchen and cleaned the bathroom. The enamel is pretty thin in spots, so it never looks really clean, but I know it is clean, and that's what counts. Pete helped me to wash the dishes when he got home. He had cheeseburgers for dinner and this time he put on the cheese. He had his dinner on a TV tray, being "the patient in the hospital". He had green beans-he put them in the pan and turned on the stove by himself. He knows how to turn it off, too (when we were young, Betty and Howard called me frantically at school-they'd decided to toast marshmallows, turned the stove on, and couldn't turn it off again). Thelma told me her father is dying of lung cancer and "it;s only a matter of days". She doesn't think they can get back there in time to see him...Thank God Pete and I have had some preparation time! Borrowed $5.00 in food stamps from Thelma so I can buy something for the 4th. Pete took a bath tonight-he was filthy -and washed off most of his band-aids. Read Day Lewis:Whispers in the Gloom.
Friday, July 1st, 1977-In which the milk sours, juice turns to cider, and too much coffee is drunk
Today was a washout...we took our naps early and Pete even went back to bed an extra time to "to sleep till Thelma comes" to be ready for Thelma, but Thelma didn't come. We waited till nearly five then called. There had been a theft at Thelma's school-she had $25.00 taken-then there was a windstorm -then Herman was coming in-then there was an argument with Herman over Monty's Social Security checks...so we didn't get to go over and Pete had hysterics he was so disappointed. Finally I told him I'd take him to the Dairy Queen for lunch tomorrow (:But I want to gout tonight,l Mommy, I don't want to stay home!") Our milk soured in the refrigerator. Pete's apple juice had turned into apple cider in the can, the hot dogs we had for dinner looked funny (they were coated with a white fat-I boiled them long enough to kill anything, I think) the corn bread I got at Albertsons fell apart in our sandwiches. We're out of everything and food stamps, too. My check came and the stamp forms but I couldn't get to the bank (I was waiting for Thelma) and it was too late to get food stamps anyhow because they don't sell them after three!! I smoked too much, drank too much coffee, and read too much today. Finished Murder Out Of Commission; RB Dominic (which I started after I finished Creasy's Splinter of Glass last night); Farewell Party, June Drummond; and A Shadow of Himself, Michael Delving. I also changed the beds, carefully rumpling Peter's so he could be grownup and make it himself, and finally wrote Howard and thanked him for the $40.00 he and Sandy returned to me. I didn't event get to take Petey out for his evening walk; it rained briefly, the wind blew a lot, and the sky continued to look threatening all evening. We listened to Dr. Seuss' "Bartholomew and the Ooblec", "Fox in Socks", and "Green Eggs and Ham", coloured and cut out some of the animals in the "mini safari" book Betty Phipps gave Pete last summer (he's just "grown into" it), played with the Loc Blocs. Pete had a good time standing on my feet and pretending to be the waiter in his surrealistic restaurant (Don't ask-let's just say I was a weird kid at times =-) -PL)...and we played dollhouse-taking all the dolls to the hospital where they had trays and IVs-what Pete remembers most from his tour.
Friday, August 21, 2015
This pic is actually from a little beyond the time frame of the current writings but thought those who are reading the Blog might have an interest =-)
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Thursday, June 30th, 1977-In which a gift is received, a pool is splashed in, and hard choices are made
Sylvia came over at 10:00am. First we went to the post office and picked up Pete's package. It was from Carol Carr and her children-a tiny driftwood sculpture, 3 posts wrapped together with tiny "nesting gulls" on two of the posts and a gull in flight perched on the third, and a tiny, tiny starfish. Pete was delighted. He handled it very delicately (there's nothing wrong with his fine muscle coordination anyhow). Then we went to Albertsons. Their Bingo promotion has ended and I didn't win a thing...too bad. Used up all my remaining food stamps on meat and bought Pete some more batteries for his electric train. Then we brought my groceries home and picked up Pete's big ball. We went to Sylvia's so she could put away her groceries and drove by Lion's Club Park. The wading pool was crowded so we brought Pete and Davey home, put water in Pete's pool, Sylvia made teaand we had apples, cheese, and dried fruit. Sharon was away today on a special program so Pete and Davey wer on their own. At first Pete was inclined to be whiny over not going to the park but he snapped out of it and he and Davey waded and splashed and played ball (the water was too cold to sit down). I took a couple of pictures-they looked cute. Hope they turn out. Then Sylvia and Davey left and Pete and I had some soup, then napped. I left the pool out and right after naps Pete got back in it. This time he could stretch out, kick, splash, and (at Mary Jo *Eiguren, now Spangler*'s suggestion)try blowing bubbles. Mary Jo said the tiny tots' class at the swimming pool had been so jammed it wasn't effective and they're not doing it again. She recommended the Barinaga's daughters who give private lessons, but I think that will have to wait till next summer. Pete went in to watch TV while I emptied the pool and quickly watered the lima beans (Daniel had told Pete to do it but he wanted to watch "Electric Company" and forgot-at that, he only caught the end of the show). I called Yamaha about their lessons, $15.00 a month for one hour a week and an $18.50 beginning fee...but music is something he will always be able to enjoy-where he can compete at a normal level...(as the non-singing, non dancing "old man character in every Musical Theater production I was ever in, I'm not entire sure this was the case, but I sure love her optimism!-PL)
They ask the parents to attend with the children to learn what to do at home to reinforce the lessons. Piano rental was $30.00/month and limited to 6 months. I couldn't possibly afford that-but I explained my limited budget and the woman tol me they'd just gotten a small, cordles electric organ (3 octave, 6 chords) on a trade in, and it was only $29.50, She said it had an adequate keyboard for 2 to 3 years of musical instruction so I asked her to hold it for me and arranged with Dad to take me over Tuesday to buy it. I can't affort it, but I can't afford not to have it-maybe that'll be be an incentive to quit smoking. Pete told me very solmenly today, that he didn't want to wait an extra year to start school..."I don't want to just be at home with you all the time, Mother, I want to do some grownup things on my own". If he could just relax sometimes and enjoy being a child, but his illness has mad him grow up so fast! Still he enjoys playing baby too. We cleaned his playroom tonight...Hercules isn't in it...
A Sample Page of Mom's diary...left handed, small writing (I can't find the right controls to turn the picture upright, but you get the idea =-). PL
They ask the parents to attend with the children to learn what to do at home to reinforce the lessons. Piano rental was $30.00/month and limited to 6 months. I couldn't possibly afford that-but I explained my limited budget and the woman tol me they'd just gotten a small, cordles electric organ (3 octave, 6 chords) on a trade in, and it was only $29.50, She said it had an adequate keyboard for 2 to 3 years of musical instruction so I asked her to hold it for me and arranged with Dad to take me over Tuesday to buy it. I can't affort it, but I can't afford not to have it-maybe that'll be be an incentive to quit smoking. Pete told me very solmenly today, that he didn't want to wait an extra year to start school..."I don't want to just be at home with you all the time, Mother, I want to do some grownup things on my own". If he could just relax sometimes and enjoy being a child, but his illness has mad him grow up so fast! Still he enjoys playing baby too. We cleaned his playroom tonight...Hercules isn't in it...
A Sample Page of Mom's diary...left handed, small writing (I can't find the right controls to turn the picture upright, but you get the idea =-). PL
Wednesday, June 29th, 1977-"Mr Elmer's Wild Ride" or "Insane, Train, & Automobile"
As Peter put it "I had a rough day today". We both did. John Sandquist called me at a little after 9:00 am and told me a volunteer named Elmer something would take us, and I should call him immediately-so I did. When Elmer picked us up he told me that nobody is supposed to call him before 10:00am. Then he told me about all the traffic tickets he's gotten! On the way to Boise, he was well over the speed limit ( he said he was doing 60, but the speedometer was closer to 80*). In Boise he ran 3 red lights and braked in the intersection each time. Then he went across a railroad crossing while the bell was ringing and the train was right there (Dad ran one too, on Sunday. He said the light must have changed while he was crossing but it was red before-that's why I didn't ask him to take us to Boise), and Elmer sped all the way back to Ontario. I was going to call John and tell him what I thought of their volunteer, but the office was already closed when we got back. Pete's spinal tap went well but they had to try 3 times for the bone marrow. Dr. Holt said the bones are too soft...the bones in his spine are getting soft (maybe that's why he complained of an ache in his lower back last night after our walk). They finally got an IV in a vein on the side of his wrist-judging by the bruises they poked him 3 times. He said "Mother, I told them where the good veins were in my hand" He didn't seem to have a reaction to the Venncristen and Cytoxam this time. We go back August 10th but just for a checkup. He got a little car out of the drawer when they did his platelet count, and a toy telephone (trim-line) from the toy box after they did his tests. He took Teddybear and I got him out of the car and had him handed in to Pete (I could hear him crying) while they were doing his tests. Pete had 2 special treats today-we split an order of cinnamon toast before MSTI (in St. Luke's cafeteria) and we we stopped at the Orchard street McDonalds on the way home. They had banana shaped airplanes to advertise their new banana shakes and the waitress gave me one for Pete (without making us order a banana shake). I had a hot cherry pie to follow my Big Mac and gave Pete a bite. He ate part of his Big Mac and drank some of his milk. then took the rest with us in the car (I finished his Big Mac in lieu of dinner). He slept in the car all the way back to Ontario and watched TV instead of taking a nap, but I napped. He wanted to go over the Betty Phipps' house and I told him no, she doesn't want company when she has her family at home to care for; but just then she knocked at the back door to tell us to call Sylvia-so we sat on the back steps and talked for a while with Betty and Helen, our other neighbor. Helen's mother had just died Sunday. That's a death in every family here. Ray Tuttle's father, Betty's father, Helen's mother, Daniel's brother-except Pete and me (tho Dad's brother died recently, too-of a broken neck incurred supervising a construction job). Maybe Pete's illness makes me notice death more...
Met Sharon Walker, MSTI's new social worker. Pete and I walked over to the college and back tonight. He saw a thistle (like Eeyore's) and now he knows why Tigger said "OUCH! HOT!". I I showed him how a snapdragon snaps on our walk yesterday. His 11:00pm Prednizone wouldn't go down.
*Obviously this was prior to Idaho having raised it's speed limits along I-84
Met Sharon Walker, MSTI's new social worker. Pete and I walked over to the college and back tonight. He saw a thistle (like Eeyore's) and now he knows why Tigger said "OUCH! HOT!". I I showed him how a snapdragon snaps on our walk yesterday. His 11:00pm Prednizone wouldn't go down.
*Obviously this was prior to Idaho having raised it's speed limits along I-84
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Tuesday, June 28th, 1997-in which we learn more about Nancy's priorities in life, and Petey acts very grown up (mostly)
Read Honey For Tea; Cadell and reread Heat Lightning ; Dodson today-enjoyed both. I discovered that at least in 1969 Dodson was married to another favorite of mine, Richard Lockridge, but whether that was before or after his marriage to Francis, I don't know. Marilyn (Cates-PL) picked us up just a bit before 11:00-she'd had one of those mornings when things fall apart. Life is really hard for perfectionists. I told her, truthfully, that I don't do any housework if Petey wants me to play, I go and play. I'll have all the rest of my life to have a nice shiny house, with no little boys to make messes...and I'd rather have the mess and Petey. He had a good time with Nicole. Marilyn's mother-in-law is also a perfectionist and lives near enough to give her an inferiority complex. I never even met Stewart's mother-and she never got to see Petey...her loss, not mine. Haven't decided whether to send Stewart a picture or not. He's a little late (two and a half years) in asking. Told Marilyn my mother's adage "People come to see me, not my house, and if they come just to see my house, I don't want to see them". She (Marilyn) gave me some really cute dresses and a car coat that will be nice next winter. We plan to have a picnic on our front lawn next week. Pete and I took a long walk tonight-clear up to the railroad tracks so he could see what they looked like. We looked at the crossing gate, too, and the freight cars parked there. Someday I hope to take him on an Amtrak train. Maybe Lorraine Bennett's daughter would let us stay overnight in Boise with them. I called John Sandquist just before two and he still hadn't anyone lined up to take us to MSTI tomorrow. I hope whoever does it will be willing to stop at McDonald's on the way home. Daniel oiled Pete's tricycle for him tonight. He was outside playing and disappeared-I found him sitting on a lawn chair and visiting with Daniel and Maria, quite grown up. We each took a bath tonight and Pete gave me a second one by plunking his little wet self into my lap. When I was giving him his 11:00pm meds, he had a nosebleed and scared both of us-if only there was a magic way to stop him picking his nose! Read him Timothy's Horse and the Nook Family Circus tonight. I packed a small suitcase for overnight in case we have to stay in Boise. We've never had to yet, but they're doing so much tomorrow. Betty Phipps came over this morning with a big double handful of cherries-the little old lady across the street had asked to give them to Pete. He had a tantrum tonight because I hadn't let him put the cheese on our cheeseburgers. He wants so much to do grown up things. Got his train tonight and ran it with the lights off so he could see its headlight.
Monday, June 27th, 19777-In which we go for a taco, Pete gets blood drawn, and a trip to the library yields dividends
Dad came in and replaced the cover on the light for me. I'd gotten the bulb in ok but was dizzy yesterday and I'd had enough of standing on the table. Then we went to the bank. I cashed a check for $25.00 and put $10.00 into Pete's savings account for his bicycle. Mailed my letter to Lorraine and got some stamps (Layfayette bi-centennial commemorative) at the post office. We drove through Ontario Pharmacy and I left Pete's Methatrexate to be refilled. He's on Prednizone now but we'll have the other when we need it. Then we went to the hospital. Shirley Kimball did his blood test but did a finger stick she didn't know how to fill the small bottles so Phil came in to finish up. Luckily they only had to poke him once. We took Dad to Taco Time for lunch and ran into Dr. Baskerviille. Pete had a taco and even ate the "salad" part. Dad and I had combination specials-taco and enchilada. Had a moment's qualm of conscience but decided a taco is closer to what his diet allows than most ready made meals one can buy. Wanted to ask Dr. Baskerville about camping and wading but restrained myself and called her office instead (she was much incensed at lunch about a lady who'd decided to have her baby at home, was 6 weeks overdue, and had been in labour for 40 hours before they brought her into the hospital). When I called the office she ok'd both activities and thanked me for not asking her at lunch. We went back by Ontario Pharmacy and picked up Pete's prescription then went to the library. Dad napped in the truck (a 1972 Dodge if I remember-truly a beast of a vehicle-PL) while Pete and I went in. I found an Elisabeth Cadell I hadn't read and the Dr. Seuss album that Pete likes was in so I checked it out again. Pete got his own books and briefly mislaid my card but we found it again. I'd stopped at Safeway on the way home (more juice and cigarettes) and got some watermelon so Pete and I had that. We were playing on the front lawn and Pete started to race around the house to get his tricycle and fell, scraping one knee and skinning the other. Used my Bactine and band-aids but wasn't sure the recovery was complete until Pete started dancing in the kitchen. He got Nancy Lloyd (a doll that mom had-PL) to dance with him, then put her in a chair to wach while we danced. We saw Betty Phipps and went over to her house briefly (I had to fill her in on developments since my "party-less night"). Pete played with her cowboys and Indians (figures-PL). We unpacked and put away the box of surplus kitchenware Betty (Nelson-PL) sent in and I packed som of it up for Thelma. Betty sent me a bread pan so I'm returning Thelma's-only unplugged the hot plate I've had on top of it...and that's been plugged in (off) for months! Packed that for Thelma too. Gave Pete a bath, under protest, to be "clean for Nicole", but once rubber ducky joined him, he enjoyed it...even wash his hair. We read the Peasant's Pea Patch again, Timothy's Horse, and looked at the pictures in Apples For Sale. We also played "Horton Hatches the Egg" but for some reason, the phonograph's volume is very low-like a whisper even when turned up. I read Lockridge's Streak Of Light. Pete had some chicken alphabet soup for a late snack, "reading" it in the spoon. He let me open the windows tonight.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Family Stories-in which Betty cuts her own hair, the car gets a tarring, Howard goes Moo, and chickens go swimming
The following are a few brief stories about mom's family-written on a loose page of notebook paper. I'm sure she must have shared these with me at some point, but I don't recall them as well as I might-mostly they are additional context for lives that now seem long ago and far away-PL
Mother (Alice) sent Betty to bed for her nap. Presently she heard a curious clicking sound. When it went on she opened the door to the bedroom. There Betty sat with the scissors and an egg shaped bald patch on side of head where she'd cut off all her hair
We had a Pontiac for many years. My parents got it before I was born and finally sold it when I was thirteen. It had a tarred roof and every summer the roof had to be carefully spread with new tar out of a tube. The tires were thin rubber and had to repaired with a tire patching kit. It had a divided front seat and Howard (Mom's brother-PL) used to stand up in the back with his head in the crack between the two front seats and go to sleep.
When Howard was small he loved cows. Betty and I used to sit in the back seat with him and watch for fields of cows. Whenever we spotted one, we'd pull Howard's hair to make him turn his head and look-and he'd say "See da moo!, See da moo!". In fact, "moo" was his first word, even before "mama"!
We had an old hen who was broody so Dad set her on a clutch of duck eggs. When the eggs hatched, the hen took her family for a walk. She went by the cow pond and the little ducklings all jumped in. The poor hen was running back and forth all round the pond clucking at her crazy chicks, while they ignored her and went swimming
Mother (Alice) sent Betty to bed for her nap. Presently she heard a curious clicking sound. When it went on she opened the door to the bedroom. There Betty sat with the scissors and an egg shaped bald patch on side of head where she'd cut off all her hair
We had a Pontiac for many years. My parents got it before I was born and finally sold it when I was thirteen. It had a tarred roof and every summer the roof had to be carefully spread with new tar out of a tube. The tires were thin rubber and had to repaired with a tire patching kit. It had a divided front seat and Howard (Mom's brother-PL) used to stand up in the back with his head in the crack between the two front seats and go to sleep.
When Howard was small he loved cows. Betty and I used to sit in the back seat with him and watch for fields of cows. Whenever we spotted one, we'd pull Howard's hair to make him turn his head and look-and he'd say "See da moo!, See da moo!". In fact, "moo" was his first word, even before "mama"!
We had an old hen who was broody so Dad set her on a clutch of duck eggs. When the eggs hatched, the hen took her family for a walk. She went by the cow pond and the little ducklings all jumped in. The poor hen was running back and forth all round the pond clucking at her crazy chicks, while they ignored her and went swimming
A Poem typed on thin rice paper
The following is a Poem I found among my mom's materials. It's not attributed to anyone, but I'm not sure if that means she wrote it herself or if it was just something she had come across that she enjoyed. Either way, it was kept in her effects which is an indication to me that it inspired her in some way. If others recognize, I would be happy to properly acknowledge the original author-PL
If I had but one night to spend with you
for laughter, music, love, etc.
It would not be June 21st
and I say December 21st too brief
Should we try the land of our forefathers
the land of the Midnight Sun
where nights are six months long
Too short to satisfy my longing. An instant
A moment with you is an eternity with another
So my night will not be the side of Mercury
that never sees the sun
The mere life of a planetis too short to spend with you
I would choose the longest night
of that larger existance in which our
expanding universe is but the flaring of a flame
and when it was done, would part from you
with the same regrets I have now
and through always
If I had but one night to spend with you
for laughter, music, love, etc.
It would not be June 21st
and I say December 21st too brief
Should we try the land of our forefathers
the land of the Midnight Sun
where nights are six months long
Too short to satisfy my longing. An instant
A moment with you is an eternity with another
So my night will not be the side of Mercury
that never sees the sun
The mere life of a planetis too short to spend with you
I would choose the longest night
of that larger existance in which our
expanding universe is but the flaring of a flame
and when it was done, would part from you
with the same regrets I have now
and through always
Monday, August 17, 2015
Sunday, June 26th in which all but Pete have ice cream and an apology is made.
Dad called this morning about nine. Pete wasn't home yet but he said he'd stop by on the way to church just in case Pete got back. Betty (Phipps) brought Pete over just a few minutes after I hung up. He'd had his bath, and he was wearing aftershave! Betty said he asked her what men wore since girls get to wear perfume. He was so please with himself for smelling good. He'd had breakfast at Betty's house, too-I left his cereal set up and the door open so he could get in in case he got homesick. , but he'd had a grand time. They took him to the Payette Park to play and Betty took him for a walk around the block. Dad came home for us not long after Betty left (before I'd had time to unpack Pete's suitcase) and we all went to church. Carl Willis preached the sermon this morning, on the importance of expressing gratitude. We stayed for coffee, mainly because Pete wanted to play with Nicole Cates. Saw Carol Wallace briefly and arranged with Marilyn Cates to take Pete over to the house Tuesday. Pete didn't want to go home after church so Dad took us out to the farm. We had a scratch lunch-Dad had bought some ice0cream and cookies for a treat and some diet pop for Petey. The kids (cousins) all had some diet pop but the other goodies didn't come out until Pete left (abstinence is easier without temptation). Betty (sister) and I went for a walk and picked puffballs and other weeds after she'd spray painted them. Then she made me a "dried flower" arrangement in a big green vase-really unusual. She came across and old shadow-box I had made while going through the stuff from Casper. Had Molee Van Hom's and Aunt Maud's pictures, one of our house and us in Illinois, and some seashells and a real starfish-so I think Pete will enjoy it. Got the laundry too-the hem has come completely out of my flowered cotton robe Betty gave me (I've had it for four years now so that's not too surprising). Dad gave me some beet tops and tow baby carrots for Pete and drove us home. We'd only been here a few minutes when Sylvia arrived to apologize for lat night-they'd gotten lost on the rally, arrived at the Blue Flame in a rush, only to discover that everyone had already left0and they forgot me. I told her I'd been disappointed and a bit hurt (true) but didn't tell her I'd had my doubts about going anyhow (an evening spent drinking with total strangers isn't really my idea of fun). She's taking me out to dinner and on somewhere afterwards while Dave babysits (I couldn't really ask Betty Phipps again) to "make up for it". Should be fun...and Pete and I are going to "camp" with them , maybe just in the backyard, but Pete will like sleeping in a tent. We plan to go to the Lion's Club wading pool Thursday with the kids. Pete and I didn't nap till late then slept till 9:00pm. He played golf in front, I took him for a short walk. We had dinner (pork chops green beans-and beet tops and avocado for me) and I put him back to bed-it was very hot again tonight and he had Pediamyacin which makes him sleepy.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Saturday, June 25th, 1977-Cartoons, Stockings, and a Disappointment
Pete woke me up at 6:30am to turn on the cartoons for him, after which I went back to sleep. Had a curious dream about walking beside a river-kept encountering little brown owls tucked into niches in the cliff on the other side of the river. I don't know if they were real owls or pottery ones, but the seemed very important. Finally woke up and Pete and I watched more cartoons together. Then Pete made his bed and we played "WalkityKaboo"-he wanted to be tied up and then be "Steve Loston" (the way he translates the $6 Million Dollar Man "Steve Austin"'s name) breaking his ropes and escaping. Then Petey started packing his suitcase to take to Betty Phipps' house. He packed his pajamas (even tho its so hot, I'm sure he'll sleep in his underpants), two pairs of slippers because he couldn't decide which ones he liked best-his "duckies" or his brown ones-his baptismal suit which he planned to wear to Betty's but he wanted in the suitcase till time to go, a pair of socks to go with his suit, clean underpants, and his Teddy Bear. He wanted a small suitcase so he could carry it, so I took the loose mirror out of my dressing case and let him use that. We had pork chops, apple sauce, and green pepper strips for lunch.he had all his medicines and the pediamycin seemed to make him sleepy because he took a long nap. I gave Pete a bath when he got up so he'd be clean for Mrs. Phipps, and he ate dinner (we split a cube steak and I had mushrooms with mine, and finished my lettuce and onion salad from yesterday) in his underpants in case of spills which was lucky because he dribbled grape juice down his tummy. He was about to get dressed in his good clothes when Betty Phipps came over to say they were taking him to the park in Payette, so he put his play clothes back on. Took him over full of his importance and carrying his own suitcase in one hand, Teddy Bear in the other at quarter to eight-he just couldn't wait any longer. I got dressed for the party0slacks, sleeveless top, stockings (in spite of the heat), earrings, and then I waited, and waited, and waited but nobody came. I called Betty and told her I wasn't going but she kept Pete anyhow-and had Bill go out and get me two beers so I could have my own party. Pete's glad because I was wearing my sandals and Betty Phipps teased me about my crooked toes. I wrote to Lorraine Bennett, mended "Dolly's" leg, read, listened to Haydn, drank my beer and took a leisurely bath-on my own for the first time in months but I would have liked to go to the party. They could have called anyway.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Friday, June 24th, 1977-in which Petey learns to golf
Pete wanted me to write about the machines (video games) at the Mall, one with motorcycles, one with 3 cars, and one with race cars and two steering wheels-he and James and Tommy were "driving" them after Windy's (the clown) demonstration while we waithed for Thelma (I wouldn't give them any quarters to put in so they couldn't really play, but Pete thought they were). That was what impressed him most about the Mall. Guess imaginary pleasures are often greater than real ones. I slept till noon today. Then Petey and I both took baths and washed our hair. I twas hot and we drooped around the house till Dad came to see if we'd like to go out for a cold drink. I had a root beer float-gave Pete a couple of swallows. He didn't want a bite of the ice cream tho because "it has carbohydrates". He had diet 7-up but didn't drink it (he wanted diet orange but they were out). Our A&W* has stuffed bears but they don't have the straws that are advertised on TV so Pete was disappointed. He had his Methatrexate today and took a very long nap in front of the TV. We had "sloppy joes" because he's been asking for them a long time but he just picked at his. Marilyn Cates called today to get our correct address-said she'd pass it on to the church secretary-and to see if I'd like to have some dresses she's not wearing (I could use some summer ones, but I think these were winter clothes) since we're roughly the same size tho I'm a bit taller. We're going over to her house next week and I'll have a look. Pete and I went out about nine because the house was so hot. I got down tricycle and he played hide and seek around the house (I went into the kitchen and he looked for me, then I came out and he'd gone around the house so I looked for him). The neighbors had had a party and he watched their guests go. Daniel had unearthed a stand pipe for watering, leaving a big hole. He told Pete he used to sleep in a hole like that in the war-and they used to drive caterpillars right over them. Helen Horne (our downstairs neighbor-I finally asked her name) gave us some more peas and we played "beavers" and ate them raw. She gave us some pretty nasturtiums for the house too. Told Daniel that John Sandquist was interested in his old Cadillac. Pete tagged him around. Daniel and Maria had company and one of their guests, a young man, was practicing putting on the front lawn. Pete got out his golf clubs and was given a lesson in proper stance...and two "real" golf balls. They played till it was too dark to see and Pete forgot his tees and left them outside so we had tears when he went to bed, but he had a good time playing. We split an artichoke for dinner and I finished the sloppy joes. Pete didn't want any more. He couldn't settle to sleep tonight-the heat and his long nap. He was frightened-I had to close the window so the curtains wouldn't blow-lonesome-I got Taybear and he got in my bed-hot (couldn't do anything about that-thirsty-I got him a drink-and at last asleep
Thursday, June 23rd, 1977-In which Little Davey comes to play and a very grown up tea is served
Pete and I babysat for little Davey this morning. We managed to be up and dressed by 9:00am when she came. Pete and Davey played cars in Pete's playroom. We turned off all the fans so he wouldn't get his little fingers into one. Then we took Davey outside because it was so hot. I was trying to maneuver him, slinky caterpillar (toy), and a ball down the stairs and one of my thongs gave way, but I didn't drop anything. He really liked slinky caterpillar and Pete gave it to him. He was good as gold, didn't fuss at all after she'd gone tho he did try the doorknob on the back door where she'd gone out. She and Sharon had their hair cut. When Sylvia came back, Davey was sitting on my lap on the front stairs-quite contented (luckily since she'd forgotten to leave a dry diaper for him). Pete begged her to stay and have a pot of tea so she did, and Sharon and Pete, being very grownup, had a "cuppa" with us. The car rally starts at 5:30 so we arranged for me to give Pete his medicines before he goes to Betty Phipps, and give him his dinner. Sylvia paid me $1.00 for the two hours I had Davey-the first money I've earned in over a year. She said she'd like to have me babysit regularly because they only have one sitter. Pete and I took naps and then John Sandquist came over to pick up the wheelchair. He said our house was the coldest he'd been in today-the fans do help-but it got awfully hot in the late afternoon. Pete settled himself with his car stencil set right in front of the living room fan and stayed there. John said after Stewart talked for 1/2 an hour, he called John back immediately to double check USDS address. Stewart said he was sending documentary proof that he had $12 Million dollars backing for his import scheme...well, we'll see... or rather I'm betting we won't. Arranged for a ride to Boise the 29th*-Thelma (Keffer-PL) might take us. Thelma called and came over to get us so I could cash in my last WIC coupon. She wanted to go to the Mall and we arrived just in time to see Windy the Clown's balloon tying demonstration. Pete wanted a balloon so badly that he tried to go up and ask for one at the end but lost his nerve. Then Windy moved to the other end of the Mall to tie balloons and Petey watched again. Vicky Plaza was there and said "hello Petey!" and Windy turned around, said ""Hello Petey!" too-and gave him a balloon! It was tied into a puppy dog, and Pete went to sleep with it beside his bed tonight. Couldn't find the picture to coulour for him to enter the colouring contest tho-but that was a minor disappointment since he had the balloon-and James returned my Haydn album-again-the one I got this time plays..I think. Got green peppers, mushrooms, and strawberries and gave my WIC groceries to Thelma. Pete and I went for a walk at 9:00pm-saw a badminton game, a lost kitten, a little boy (toddler) with whom Pete a "conversation", and Peter walked on the "magic" stepping stones (Tree pictures stamped in concrete) by the "wishing well" The moon was out, too. We ate yogurt for dinner-too hot to cook or eat. Pete played "George Washington cutting down the cherry tree" with my arm tonight. We both had bubblegum. Pete couldn't bubble, and got it on my nose. Pete went to sleep at 12:30am laughing and Thelma told me she'd had Monty arrested for growing and using marijuana, being "out of parental control. Pete and I are so lucky in being able to love and be happy now.
*PL Context & Notes: At the time I was being treated with Leukemia, Mountain States Tumor Institute (MSTI)-where the specialists were located-was in Boise, ID-meaning regular trips back and forth-along with having to seek out family, friends and volunteers to transport us since mom did not drive. I should also note that, as I was growing up, the "Mall" in Ontario (West Park Plaza) was actually a pretty thriving enterprise-not the husk it is today.
*PL Context & Notes: At the time I was being treated with Leukemia, Mountain States Tumor Institute (MSTI)-where the specialists were located-was in Boise, ID-meaning regular trips back and forth-along with having to seek out family, friends and volunteers to transport us since mom did not drive. I should also note that, as I was growing up, the "Mall" in Ontario (West Park Plaza) was actually a pretty thriving enterprise-not the husk it is today.
Friday, August 14, 2015
June 22nd, 1977-In which Pete's father finds his millions...or not
Marilyn (Cates-PL) came and took us to the park. We couldn't go to Lion's Club Park because they were watering so we went to one near 4th avenue on the other side of of town. Marilyn left Pete and Nicole with me and she took Kristen and went to get her allergy shot. Marilyn told me about a friend of hers whose child has uncontrollable temper tantrums. She was referred to John Sandquist but refused to go "because that's only for parents who beat their children". Gave John a boost; I think he's great. Then we went to the Dairy Queen. Pete had milk with chocolate in it because he wanted " a different color of milk." We got home about 12 and Pete got too tired to wait for Grandpa so he lay down and went to sleep. At 1:30 I called to see if Daddy wanted to come later but he'd already left. I got Pete up and we went to the library while Dad ran errands. I returned "Lieutenant Kieje"-I never even played it this time. Meant to get Pete another story record but I forgot. Pete went into the haunted house (a library display-PL) and the "story lady" showed him a terrarium she'd made with things she found on beaches. Pete got his own books with my card. I'll be glad when he can have a card of his own. He can "read" his "opposites" book now. After the library, Dad took us to Safeway (now Red Apple Marketplace-PL), and I used up most of the rest of my food stamps on coffee and juice. Safeway only had Eddy's bread-one size, one kind (white) bread. I finally found one last stray loaf of the sprouted grain raisin bread Pete likes. The "pull by" date was June 20th, but I got it anyhow. Then I filled a WIC coupon and got 2lbs of of cheese-a really nice assortment of Colby, cheddar, Velveeta spread, and Kuminost spiced natural. We came home and I brewed some coffee. John Sandquist called while Dad was here and Dad fixed the hook on the refrigerator door while I talked to John. He'd had another letter from Stewart (My father-PL)-said he he couldn't make any sens of it-and Stewart had called him today. He said Stewart did all the talking (Yup!-PL) while he made an occasional note for half-an-hour. Stewart told him he has $12 million (dollars) backing from some bank to import motor homes and is making $636.00 a month so John said "How about some support?" and Stewart said " Nancy said she didn't want any". He also told John he hadn't known where to get in touch with me for 2 years and that he'd never sent any letters without return addresses. He then gave John " a guaranteed address" ( the one he claims is his mother's) but said they would not accept any registered letters. He asked John about prospects for a reconciliation if he came over and John told him he would not be welcome. He asked for a picture of Petey and for my address but John told him he would relay any messages . Cliff Looney called this afternoon and I asked if he needed more money but he said he was going to absorb the extra costs because he knew my financial position was not very good. John gave Stewart Cliff's phone number. Dad said today he and Mom should have stayed in Casper (he'd brought in a box of stuff from Betty that she "didn't need"-mostly kitchen stuff he'd brought from Casper). He bought a new watch band today-I wish I'd given it to him for Father's Day. I told him they might have been happier there, but I didn't know what Pete and I would have done without him and his support in Pete's illness. He told me he was pleased because I seemed to be doing much better. He'd missed Wednesday lunch but wouldn't stay for me to feed him. He said he looked forward to the day I'd be self-supporting again. I hope maybe someday I can do something with children's services or the Mental Health clinic, even if it means learning to drive all over.* Dad said he'd found my beginner's license in some stuff he was going through. He was sad today-but I hope I convinced him that Pete and I really needed him. We took naps after he left. Pete had his pillow and blanket in front of the TV set. Sylvia (Loebach-A friend Mom refers to often in these early pages but for whom I have little/no memory-PL) called and asked me to babysit for little Davey at nine tomorrow while she and Sharon have their hair cut. She insisted on paying me so she doesn't "get too far behind" with babysitting. Pete and I played cars outside after our naps in front, then brought everything in so he could play with tricycle in back. Betty Phipps came over to talk and he got and he got grubby writing in the the dirt to show her how he could make letters. Scrubbed Pete up and Betty took us for a ride/ We drove by Bonanza 88 (sort of like a "dollar store" in the area that is now the St. Alphonus Rehab/Medical Complex + Plaza Inn-PL) and I though about dashing in to get more shorts for Petey, but they were closed. Safeway isn't selling toys any more either. Then we stopped at DQ and I got Pete a pushup Popsicle...he wanted some white milk because "chocolate is fattening" and he didn't want Tab (I don't blame him-it tastes terrible). Then he wanted to save the carton for his "store". He wanted to go over to Betty Phipps' house to play "Trouble" and he fussed and fussed til she gave him the game. I was really ashamed of him-hope he doesn't get the notion he can have everything he wants by fussing. We ate late (I didn't start to cook anything till after 10:00). Pete only ate 2 slices of bacon...it was too hot to eat. Then he took a bath while I put toys up so baby Davey won't get into them. He got out and dried himself...then got back in to get his toys out. He slipped and scared himself, but wasn't hurt except in his dignity (certainly not the first time-PL). We taped his toes today as Dr. Baskerville suggested but he begged me not to tell anybody. He cried when I put the tape on but I told him it was so his toes wouldn't be crooked and funny-looking like mine and that made him laugh. The tape came of in the tub and he begged me not to do them again until tomorrow. I don't know if he needs it all the time or if he can have an "overnight vacation" Read him The Peasant's Pea Patch tonight. He went to sleep at midnight.
*PL Context: Mom never did learn to drive but in her later years, just months prior to her passing, she did toodle around the State Hospital parking lot in my Toyota Corolla with me in the passenter seat...going verrry sloooowly.
*PL Context: Mom never did learn to drive but in her later years, just months prior to her passing, she did toodle around the State Hospital parking lot in my Toyota Corolla with me in the passenter seat...going verrry sloooowly.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
June 21, 1977-The First Day of Summer
June 21, 1977
Appropriately enough it was hot today. The water shortage continues with headlines about powers of enforcement for water violations...and in the next block someone in an even-numbered house (they're supposed to water tomorrow) was letting water run down into the street and stream down the gutters of the whole block. I haven't even filled Pete's wading pool...tho if it's hot tomorrow, I'll do it and use the water afterward to water the lawn (at Daniel's suggestion). Patty took us to Dr. Baskerville's today. Pete's weight was exactly the same as last time. If it hadn't been for all those cookies in Bible school, he might have lost, and he starts on Prednisone again next week. Damn it's so hard to let him do things and not feel like a freak, but we will do better-we have to! At least with the heat he's eating less. She gave me a prescription for Pedamyacin-his nose is still draining and its yellow, not clear, She said to go on giving him Benadryl. Pretty soon he'll be consuming his own weight in medicine every day. He had his Methatrexate today, too. I also got some coffee filters for my glass pot. We took Patty to lunch at the Dairy Queen. Pete had a burrito-another mistake. Pete complained of his stomach hurting tonight so I gave him 1/2 a Tylenol and that seemed to take care of it. Pete got a letter from Lorraine Bennett today. He sure gets a lot of fan mail. We took naps and then played on the front lawn till he threw his ball into one of Daniel's marigolds and broke off a leafy branch. He was sorry, but I'm afraid it really hurt the plant. Then we decided to go for a walk. We went up to the new City Hall so Pete could climb on the "dirt mountain" (nice white sand...would be lovely for a sandbox) behind it. Then we walked up the block beyond ours-the green house where the lady with the CB radio lived is for rent. Maybe that's why I only get channel 7 and channel 2 again. We played tag and hide and seek and made a four armed octopus with our shadows. We watched a marching band on "Sesame Street" and Pete asked me if he could be a marching man when he grew up because he's " practicing a lot"...he never plays, he "practices" for being grown up. He's making his own bed now because Nicole (my first crush-PL) makes hers. I called Marilyn (Cates-Nicole's Mother-PL) today and we plan to go to the park at 10:00 am tomorrow. She said said she has some sunscreen for Pete-we'll both be glad of it. We were all out of bread so Pete and I baked muffins tonight and he took the box for his store. We built a Ferris Wheel with Tinker Toys and a park for his stackup men with Legos and talked about all the rides I'd tried. Pete wants to go to San Antonio to ride in the boats and on the baby elephant (it must be grown by now!)
PL Comments/Context: I guess I should have pointed out before now that I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoceutic Leukemia when I was 4...thus the many references to doctors, hospitals, and medications (since I was still in treatment during this period). The "Daniel" mentioned earlier was Daniel Eiguren, our landlord and neighbor in the duplex we were living in at the time. Daniel's wife, Maria owned and operated an antique store in Ontario for many years (as I remember it, it was nestled between what is now Eldredge Furniture and Fiesta Guadalajara downtown).
Appropriately enough it was hot today. The water shortage continues with headlines about powers of enforcement for water violations...and in the next block someone in an even-numbered house (they're supposed to water tomorrow) was letting water run down into the street and stream down the gutters of the whole block. I haven't even filled Pete's wading pool...tho if it's hot tomorrow, I'll do it and use the water afterward to water the lawn (at Daniel's suggestion). Patty took us to Dr. Baskerville's today. Pete's weight was exactly the same as last time. If it hadn't been for all those cookies in Bible school, he might have lost, and he starts on Prednisone again next week. Damn it's so hard to let him do things and not feel like a freak, but we will do better-we have to! At least with the heat he's eating less. She gave me a prescription for Pedamyacin-his nose is still draining and its yellow, not clear, She said to go on giving him Benadryl. Pretty soon he'll be consuming his own weight in medicine every day. He had his Methatrexate today, too. I also got some coffee filters for my glass pot. We took Patty to lunch at the Dairy Queen. Pete had a burrito-another mistake. Pete complained of his stomach hurting tonight so I gave him 1/2 a Tylenol and that seemed to take care of it. Pete got a letter from Lorraine Bennett today. He sure gets a lot of fan mail. We took naps and then played on the front lawn till he threw his ball into one of Daniel's marigolds and broke off a leafy branch. He was sorry, but I'm afraid it really hurt the plant. Then we decided to go for a walk. We went up to the new City Hall so Pete could climb on the "dirt mountain" (nice white sand...would be lovely for a sandbox) behind it. Then we walked up the block beyond ours-the green house where the lady with the CB radio lived is for rent. Maybe that's why I only get channel 7 and channel 2 again. We played tag and hide and seek and made a four armed octopus with our shadows. We watched a marching band on "Sesame Street" and Pete asked me if he could be a marching man when he grew up because he's " practicing a lot"...he never plays, he "practices" for being grown up. He's making his own bed now because Nicole (my first crush-PL) makes hers. I called Marilyn (Cates-Nicole's Mother-PL) today and we plan to go to the park at 10:00 am tomorrow. She said said she has some sunscreen for Pete-we'll both be glad of it. We were all out of bread so Pete and I baked muffins tonight and he took the box for his store. We built a Ferris Wheel with Tinker Toys and a park for his stackup men with Legos and talked about all the rides I'd tried. Pete wants to go to San Antonio to ride in the boats and on the baby elephant (it must be grown by now!)
PL Comments/Context: I guess I should have pointed out before now that I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoceutic Leukemia when I was 4...thus the many references to doctors, hospitals, and medications (since I was still in treatment during this period). The "Daniel" mentioned earlier was Daniel Eiguren, our landlord and neighbor in the duplex we were living in at the time. Daniel's wife, Maria owned and operated an antique store in Ontario for many years (as I remember it, it was nestled between what is now Eldredge Furniture and Fiesta Guadalajara downtown).
June 20th, 1977
June 20th 1977-Monday John (Sandquist) took us to the hospital this morning. We both had blood tests today and I couldn't eat till after mine so we ate lunch in the hospital cafeteria. We sat with Terry Gough and Dr. Krause. Dr. Krause called Pete's current condition "a miracle" and I had to agree with him. I let Pete have some mashed potatoes and gravy with his lunch (still my favorite, it should be noted-PL), but I ate some of them. I had a piece of pecan pie and gave Pete a bite of it, which seemed to satisfy him. He liked it so much that he begged me to let him have some someday for his "spinal treat" (a reward for being good during the Spinal Tap treatments I was going through at the time). John picked us up again after we'd finished and took us to Ontario Pharmacy for Pete's Metharexate (sp) then we went through the drive-in window at US National and I cashed a check for $10.00. The gave Pete a sucker-not so good. Betty called this afternoon to say she was cleaning cupboards and would I like some glasses...and what else? I don't have many glasses that match tho I have some solver rimmed ones in different sizes. Told her I'd like some glasses and some cereal bowls. I still haven't used the glass coffeepot she gave me but I intend to soon, because the metal one is starting to make metallic tasting coffee. Pete picked me a bouquet of dandelions this morning and wanted me to take a picture of it so I'd "have it forever" so I put some film (I only had black and white) in and took two snaps of him with it. We played catch and "WalkityKaboo" on the front lawn, he rode his tricycle in the back-doing stunts, one hand, one foot, no hands, no feet (not too successful), and we watched TV and drew cars. Petey was really grumpy today-said he didn't feel good. Betty Phipps was sitting on the back steps talking to me about her daughter's garage sale, (which netted $350) and Pete kicked dirt on her. When I put him to bed tonight he said "Mama, I don't like myself." He'd spilled his grape juice, broke a glass when he was helping wash dishes, had a temper tantrum because I put the bacon in the pan instead of letting him do it (one of the slices had molded so I threw it away, cooked some really thoroughly, and put the rest ina different bag. Hope it doesn't make us sick but it looked, smelled, and tasted ok), his milk in the cafeteria was sour, his Tinker Toys swing set fell apart...in short, he had a lousy day. It was hot muggy, and sticky, and there's still a water shortage so I couldn't fill up his pool, and I wouldn't take him to the Dairy Queen either. Tonight's paper said saccharine causes bladder cancers in males so I guess I can't even let him have a diet pop any more. He did play with his boats in the bath tub for nearly an hour before bed. Then I read him The Nock Family Circus-a story about what circus people do when they're not performing. He typed a "letter" to Carol Carr and I wrote in the translation so she'd know what he thought he'd said. He said "I hope you live safely". I read Fenisong's Deadlock (not as good as Widow's Plight, which had a memorable Hungarian widow) and Ferrar's Blood Flies Upward, which was highly improbably but temporarily diverting. Need to go to the library and get some cigarettes (unless I quit tonight) tomorrow. Pete brushed his hair tonight "to be clean for Dr. Baskerville".
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