June 19th, 1977-Father's Day-
Dad had refreshments at church today-that is, he was supposed to, but Betty (sister) bought a Father's Day cake for Harold (Brother-in Law) and one for Dad from Albertson's and those were the refreshments. Betty served and I helped clean up. We went to church with Dad and Mom, early because Dad was ushering. On the way we gave Dad his card and a small photo of Pete and me. Richie invited Pete to a barbecue at his house so Betty and Harold kindly invited us both. We came home and took naps-I was so tired & slept a long time before Pete finally managed to wake me up. I had some salad and melon and Pete had raspberry yogurt. Pete upset his milk on the table but didn't panic this time because "it was just a little accident" * I thought he would never get over screaming at every spill when I got him back from Thelma's). He played by himself while I watched the news on TV for the first time since we moved here. Pete took "Danny the Puppet" back to Betty Phipps' (neighbor) house and came right back because we were waiting for Dad to come and pick us up. We had stopped at Safeways on the way home from church and I bought $20.00 worth of groceries (mostly meat...and half my food stamps), which Pete helped me stash at home. I washed out some empty cans and Dad came in to get us and we enjoyed the cool ride out to the farm, the more because our house was very hot today. We had steak, fresh picked salad, jello fruit salad, the remains of the cake from church (even Petey got a second small piece of cake tho I didn't let him have any potato chips), and some Gallo Sauterne-not bad at all for a Gallo wine. I haven't completely lost my palate, i knew it was a sauterne before I looked at the label. Bryan (Nephew) glued Pete's model car for him-I hope it stays together this time! Pete stayed outside with the boys the whole time we were there. Tina (Niece) nattered her lamb just before we left and Pete finally worked up his nerve to walk over all by himself and pet it. Dad cut me a lot of lettuce-I cut some but too close,and let him take over while I weeded out some of the grass that had grown up through the lettuce. The garden and the trees are flourishing so far but the water's so low in the canal they can't irrigate. Dad drove us home. I tried to leave early so he wouldn't have to drive in the dark,, but he stayed to fix the door on our refrigerator's freezer compartment-he drilled some holes and looped copper wire to hold it on-then made a copper hook to hold the door shut. so it was pitch dark when he left. When Pete took his bath last night the band aids came off his skinned knee and when he washed off the glue, there was nothing to show he'd ever fallen. He was too tired for a bath tonight so I just read him Bear Circus and put him to sleep.I started The Make Believe Man but didn't like it so I switched to to Widow's Plight tonight
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ReplyDeleteThink I got it figured out now. I remember that day, you were excited to finally pet her.