Dad took us to church. We were a little late to the service had already begun. They actually sang two hymns that I knew-"Oh beautiful, for spacious skies" and "mine eyes have seen the glory..." It was Communion Sunday so I took Communion and Peter came up to the altar rail for a blessing. After church, we stopped for coffee. I gave Gloria (Ogilvie-a tremendous woman and such a critical part of my life as both a youth and adult!-PL) the clipping I'd save from the Argus about Tammy (now Kinney-PL) playing little league ball, and gave Pastor "The Nursing Home Notes" about the visit of the Bibible School to the Home. Saw Carol Wallace briefly and met Lynn's big sister, Kit. Pete said "hello" to them but was very shy. Then Dad took us to the Arctic Circle (where Burger West is today-PL) for lunch (Pete ate another hot dog). We lay down for naps at 1:30 and I didn't wake until 5:00. We watched "The Muppet Show" and "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom" (all about how fast various animals can run. An Ostrich can go almost 50 miles and hour which makes it just about the fastest land animal). We started to watch "Disney World" but Pete got bored so we turned it off and cooked dinner instead. Then we played "store"-I've been saving empty canns for his "stock". I gave Pete some brown paper bags to put his groceries into and dug up a cash register tape to be the price of the groceries. Pete has a new game. He likes to pretend he can only say one word. Today it was "tippytoe".
"What's your name little boy?"
"What's your mother's name?"
...The gave goes on till I run out of questions. We had watermelon and cube stake for dinner (I used the $5.00 Thelma loaned me at Safeway and got provisions for tonight and tomorrow). I'm almost out of coffee0have just enough to left to make a pot tomorrow morning then I'll have to switch to tea. We have to go to the hospital tomorrow for Pete's blood test. I plan to take a cab since none of the volunteers drive on holidays. Dad said if I had any trouble he'd come in and take us, but we have to run a lot of errands on Tuesday so I don't want to make him come in twice. Tuesday, we get Pete's organ which will leave me broke. I hope it proves a good investment-Pete really wanted a guitar or a drum. Today was cool and rainy. If it rains tomorrow, we'll skip the fireworks display. We may anyhow because I don't really want to be walking around with Pete at 10:00 at night. Finished Corbett's Harry Martin's Wife today, so dull I can't even remember the heroine's name (it's Alice, I just looked it up) and read Lois Lenski's Ocean Born Mary (really intended for teenagers but not too bad). Pete didn't want a story or a bath tonight but after he went to bed, he said he was frightened and came and sat in the big brown chair in the living room with me. I've pulled an arm muscle again and my lef arm is really sore, so I'm taking the muscle relaxant left over from last time.
Nancy Lawson was an Educator, a Single Mom, a Writer, a Cancer Survivor, a Welfare & Food Stamp (pre "SNAP") recipient, a World Traveler, a Poet, a Theologian (or at least deeply spiritual) a Playwright, an Actress, a Victim of Domestic Abuse, and a lover of Earl Gray Tea. She also suffered at various points from depression, Bi-Polar disorder/ schizophrenia (depending on diagnosis). In her own words...
Nancy Lawson

a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso
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