As Peter put it "I had a rough day today". We both did. John Sandquist called me at a little after 9:00 am and told me a volunteer named Elmer something would take us, and I should call him immediately-so I did. When Elmer picked us up he told me that nobody is supposed to call him before 10:00am. Then he told me about all the traffic tickets he's gotten! On the way to Boise, he was well over the speed limit ( he said he was doing 60, but the speedometer was closer to 80*). In Boise he ran 3 red lights and braked in the intersection each time. Then he went across a railroad crossing while the bell was ringing and the train was right there (Dad ran one too, on Sunday. He said the light must have changed while he was crossing but it was red before-that's why I didn't ask him to take us to Boise), and Elmer sped all the way back to Ontario. I was going to call John and tell him what I thought of their volunteer, but the office was already closed when we got back. Pete's spinal tap went well but they had to try 3 times for the bone marrow. Dr. Holt said the bones are too soft...the bones in his spine are getting soft (maybe that's why he complained of an ache in his lower back last night after our walk). They finally got an IV in a vein on the side of his wrist-judging by the bruises they poked him 3 times. He said "Mother, I told them where the good veins were in my hand" He didn't seem to have a reaction to the Venncristen and Cytoxam this time. We go back August 10th but just for a checkup. He got a little car out of the drawer when they did his platelet count, and a toy telephone (trim-line) from the toy box after they did his tests. He took Teddybear and I got him out of the car and had him handed in to Pete (I could hear him crying) while they were doing his tests. Pete had 2 special treats today-we split an order of cinnamon toast before MSTI (in St. Luke's cafeteria) and we we stopped at the Orchard street McDonalds on the way home. They had banana shaped airplanes to advertise their new banana shakes and the waitress gave me one for Pete (without making us order a banana shake). I had a hot cherry pie to follow my Big Mac and gave Pete a bite. He ate part of his Big Mac and drank some of his milk. then took the rest with us in the car (I finished his Big Mac in lieu of dinner). He slept in the car all the way back to Ontario and watched TV instead of taking a nap, but I napped. He wanted to go over the Betty Phipps' house and I told him no, she doesn't want company when she has her family at home to care for; but just then she knocked at the back door to tell us to call Sylvia-so we sat on the back steps and talked for a while with Betty and Helen, our other neighbor. Helen's mother had just died Sunday. That's a death in every family here. Ray Tuttle's father, Betty's father, Helen's mother, Daniel's brother-except Pete and me (tho Dad's brother died recently, too-of a broken neck incurred supervising a construction job). Maybe Pete's illness makes me notice death more...
Met Sharon Walker, MSTI's new social worker. Pete and I walked over to the college and back tonight. He saw a thistle (like Eeyore's) and now he knows why Tigger said "OUCH! HOT!". I I showed him how a snapdragon snaps on our walk yesterday. His 11:00pm Prednizone wouldn't go down.
*Obviously this was prior to Idaho having raised it's speed limits along I-84
Nancy Lawson was an Educator, a Single Mom, a Writer, a Cancer Survivor, a Welfare & Food Stamp (pre "SNAP") recipient, a World Traveler, a Poet, a Theologian (or at least deeply spiritual) a Playwright, an Actress, a Victim of Domestic Abuse, and a lover of Earl Gray Tea. She also suffered at various points from depression, Bi-Polar disorder/ schizophrenia (depending on diagnosis). In her own words...
Nancy Lawson

a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Wednesday, June 29th, 1977-"Mr Elmer's Wild Ride" or "Insane, Train, & Automobile"
Bad Driving,
bone marrow,
Spinal Taps,
St. Luke's
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