Nancy Lawson was an Educator, a Single Mom, a Writer, a Cancer Survivor, a Welfare & Food Stamp (pre "SNAP") recipient, a World Traveler, a Poet, a Theologian (or at least deeply spiritual) a Playwright, an Actress, a Victim of Domestic Abuse, and a lover of Earl Gray Tea. She also suffered at various points from depression, Bi-Polar disorder/ schizophrenia (depending on diagnosis). In her own words...
Nancy Lawson

a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso
Monday, August 17, 2015
Sunday, June 26th in which all but Pete have ice cream and an apology is made.
Dad called this morning about nine. Pete wasn't home yet but he said he'd stop by on the way to church just in case Pete got back. Betty (Phipps) brought Pete over just a few minutes after I hung up. He'd had his bath, and he was wearing aftershave! Betty said he asked her what men wore since girls get to wear perfume. He was so please with himself for smelling good. He'd had breakfast at Betty's house, too-I left his cereal set up and the door open so he could get in in case he got homesick. , but he'd had a grand time. They took him to the Payette Park to play and Betty took him for a walk around the block. Dad came home for us not long after Betty left (before I'd had time to unpack Pete's suitcase) and we all went to church. Carl Willis preached the sermon this morning, on the importance of expressing gratitude. We stayed for coffee, mainly because Pete wanted to play with Nicole Cates. Saw Carol Wallace briefly and arranged with Marilyn Cates to take Pete over to the house Tuesday. Pete didn't want to go home after church so Dad took us out to the farm. We had a scratch lunch-Dad had bought some ice0cream and cookies for a treat and some diet pop for Petey. The kids (cousins) all had some diet pop but the other goodies didn't come out until Pete left (abstinence is easier without temptation). Betty (sister) and I went for a walk and picked puffballs and other weeds after she'd spray painted them. Then she made me a "dried flower" arrangement in a big green vase-really unusual. She came across and old shadow-box I had made while going through the stuff from Casper. Had Molee Van Hom's and Aunt Maud's pictures, one of our house and us in Illinois, and some seashells and a real starfish-so I think Pete will enjoy it. Got the laundry too-the hem has come completely out of my flowered cotton robe Betty gave me (I've had it for four years now so that's not too surprising). Dad gave me some beet tops and tow baby carrots for Pete and drove us home. We'd only been here a few minutes when Sylvia arrived to apologize for lat night-they'd gotten lost on the rally, arrived at the Blue Flame in a rush, only to discover that everyone had already left0and they forgot me. I told her I'd been disappointed and a bit hurt (true) but didn't tell her I'd had my doubts about going anyhow (an evening spent drinking with total strangers isn't really my idea of fun). She's taking me out to dinner and on somewhere afterwards while Dave babysits (I couldn't really ask Betty Phipps again) to "make up for it". Should be fun...and Pete and I are going to "camp" with them , maybe just in the backyard, but Pete will like sleeping in a tent. We plan to go to the Lion's Club wading pool Thursday with the kids. Pete and I didn't nap till late then slept till 9:00pm. He played golf in front, I took him for a short walk. We had dinner (pork chops green beans-and beet tops and avocado for me) and I put him back to bed-it was very hot again tonight and he had Pediamyacin which makes him sleepy.
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