Nancy Lawson was an Educator, a Single Mom, a Writer, a Cancer Survivor, a Welfare & Food Stamp (pre "SNAP") recipient, a World Traveler, a Poet, a Theologian (or at least deeply spiritual) a Playwright, an Actress, a Victim of Domestic Abuse, and a lover of Earl Gray Tea. She also suffered at various points from depression, Bi-Polar disorder/ schizophrenia (depending on diagnosis). In her own words...
Nancy Lawson

a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Tuesday, July 5th, 1977-in which the budget is blown on an organ and Stewart (My Father) makes veiled threats
Well today I've done it. I blew our whole budget and bought Pete an organ. At the last moment I wondered if $29.50 meant that or $2,950-but it turned out that $29.50 was the correct price. Wanda, the music teacher from Frontier Music told me $29.50, she let me have if tor that. Some of the keys were dead so I left it for their repairman to to fit new reeds at no extra charge). Then they delivered it to the house since I had no way to go and pick it up. We had to sit it on the floor propped up on books so the air could circulate underneath. I have no proper place to put it yet (our tv and record player are still just sitting on the floor). Pete immediately began to "compose". If he could have pressed down at the keys at once, he would have. Then he tested all the minor and major chords. He was really disappointed when we had to leave the organ and was thrilled when it was delivered. Hope our neighbors don't complain about the noise! Dad came in about 2:00 and we went to the bank-I deposited the $5.00 that John (Paul's inebriated client) gave us along with another $5.00 I have left over from the end of the month in Pete's account, and put $100.00 from my check into my checking account. I kept $46.00 out (my food stamps have gone up to $47.00 this month but my price has gone up a dollar too, so nothing gained) for food stamps-got those at the post office, mailed my rent, and Rosanna Sandoval's First Communion picture (it was in the Argus), went across to the Prudential Office (yes, I have "a piece of the rock") and left a check for Harry (Erlebach-a long time insurance agent and Community member-PL). Then I picked up my WIC coupons-Petey needs to drink more milk so I don't think I'll have extra milk for Thelma this month. Then we went to Frontier Music and I paid for the organ. We went to the library. Couldn't find anything by any of my favorites that I hadn't read. Petey got some new books, too. We read The Cheerful Quiet and A Circus ABC tonight. We stopped at Safeway on the way home and I got $23.00 of groceries, but practically nothing to eat (I bought some more coffee-down to $6.59 for 2lbs). Got Mom some cookies. Gave Dad a cup of coffee and some cookies and gave him our portrait for their anniversary on the 7th. I think it's 41 years. Dad brought in more kitchen stuff-most of it will go to Thelma-and our laundry, beat tops for me and baby carrots for Pete. We didn't take naps today, but had a quiet evening. Vicky Plaza came over briefly to play with Pete, and try out the organ. We had hot dogs and coleslaw (I did, Pete didn't) and chicken soup for Pete. We had bacon and and eggs for lunch at Pete's insistence-he put the bacon in the pan, and put in his soup and turned the burner on. We watched MASH but it was a rerun. No more "Emergency" they've got "Gun Smoke" now. Haven't told Pete. John Sandquist said Stewart wrote him that people who get in his way have fatal accidents. Pete complained of his back hurting tonight-gave him 1/2 a Tylenol. My arm's a bit better but my hands really shook today-had trouble signing for stamps.
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