Nancy Lawson was an Educator, a Single Mom, a Writer, a Cancer Survivor, a Welfare & Food Stamp (pre "SNAP") recipient, a World Traveler, a Poet, a Theologian (or at least deeply spiritual) a Playwright, an Actress, a Victim of Domestic Abuse, and a lover of Earl Gray Tea. She also suffered at various points from depression, Bi-Polar disorder/ schizophrenia (depending on diagnosis). In her own words...
Nancy Lawson

a picture from her early teaching days in San Franciso
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Tuesday, August 30th, 1977-in which the Sandovals pay a visit and Nancy stresses about teaching Sunday School
Pete had his mehatrexate today-apparently with no ill effects. I overslept this morning and Pete woke me at 10:30am when Betty Phipps came to the back door...she said, "I;m so sorry, I waited till I was sure you'd be up!". I got dressed and Pete and I took some vegetables (beans, corn, squash, tomato, cucumber, peppers) over to her house and I had a cup of coffee with her. Be5tty kept Pete while I dashed over to WIC headquarters to pick up my August coupons. I tried to fix lunch and Diane Sandoval phoned to say she was coming over, Thelma called (Vernon might have to go jail and she's having trouble collecting her unemployment), and Betty came over again to invite Pete for a walk. Betty Nelson brought our laundry over. Then Diane, Paul, Monica, and Carmelita arrived (she's expecting their sixth and Paul's not a year old yet!) Monica, Rosanna, and Yvonne will all be in school this year-Monica's in the bi-lingual program at May Roberts. They left just after 2:30pm and I tried to settle Pete for a nap, but he was too excited to sleep. I finally turned on the television for him and I slept till 4:30pm, when he woke me up from a dream about carrots. Betty Phipps made chicken in her pressure cooker and brought Pete a piece. He watched his shows till 6:30pm, when Betty took him for an exploring walk. I did my Sunday School lessons and panicked-I can't do all that singing, and craft work, and...but I called the farm and Betty (Nelson said she'd come over on Thursday and help me plan. Betty Phipps and Pete came back with a sack full of stuff they'd collected, which Pete plans to make into a picture tomorro0w with white glue and construction paper. He showed Betty his "school book" and tried working on "a" while she was here. We did "p" last night and a maze. Tonight he did a dot-to-dot picture and "o". "c" was harder than "p". After dinner I read him My Mommy Says There Aren't Any. I dusted half the books in the bedroom tonight. Pete told me Taybear poured a bucked of dust on them and certainly looked that way! Scrubbed Hermit's bowl today since Carmelita spilled his water and Paul got into his shells. Promised Pete a bath in the morning. He said he was too tired tonight. Must ask Patty to take his pills for refills tomorro0w. I'll ask Betty Phipps to babysit while I see Dr. Daniels-don't want Pete there while I have my Pap. Thelma said she'd take us to MSTI. Read The Amiable Meddler today. Supposed to be funny...really sad.
Monday, August 29th, 1977-in which Pete is not allowed to see the Star Wars of his generation
We're being invaded by insects. Pete found a big ant on the floor tonight and I found a big black beetle or cockroach or something on the floor in the bathroom and smashed it and smashed but I douldn't kill it so I finally flushed it down the toilet. I hate bugs. Mr. Baker came today to take us to the hospital, but before he came Lorraine Bennett phoned to let us know she was back in town. We stopped by Ontario Pharmacy to refill Pete's mercaptopurine, only to find out they've never gotten a drug exception for it so they couldn't fill it. Pete was fussy and whiny before his blood test today but Sister Angelica talked him into a better mood, and he went back to see her to see how she ran his blood test, while I waited for him in the waiting room. We saw Marsha Dekker and she told me she might bring Allen over Wednesday if she can-her baby is due almost any day now (she's still working too-at least she'll be handy to the hospital..). Pete told me tonight that when Dave babysat for him he saw his friend , Bonnie, who took care of him when he was in hospital, and he ran right over and jumped in her lap he was so glad to see her. Pete was upset with me because I wouldn't take him to "Star Wars", but I told him we had to save our money for music lessons. John still hasn't found anyone to help. Good thing it's not the $25.00 for Nursery School I'm facing (kindergarten, that is)! John called today. Stewart wanted to know if Betty would act as intermediary with me-I said "no, but ask her yourself", and Pete's inside leg measurement so he could send him a bicycle. I said "HA!" Forgot to ask about music lessons or tell him about the drug exception (I did call Dr. Baskerville) and couldn't get him back so I'll have to call Wednesday (he's out tomorrow). He said he'd have Patty pick up Stewart's letter. I think Pete and I will have to walk over to the WIC clinic tomorrow to get our coupons for August. I hope Pete can walk that far and it doesn't rain! (cloudy and cold again today, warmer tonight). Pete went out to see Daniel tonight and he gave us green and red peppers and swill chard-I ate some of Dad's cucumber today-a mistake! Petey played with his electric train tonight and was singing a song about it "down-a-down...plop!". The plops were when the train hit the track he said. Pete said Taybear (my teddy bear-PL) taught him the song , Taybear's Daddy (Pink Robert) taught it to him, and Rabbit taught it to Pink Robert-as good as the provenance of most modern folk music. Pete would please Robert Bebog-he thinks all poems and verses...nursery rhymes, et al...are songs. I said "Good night, Sleep tight" to him tonight, and he said "don't sing me that song!". He tried to have a tantrum today because I wouldn't let him have hot dogs for dinner, but he couldn't keep it up after I pointed out it wasn't getting him anywhere. I read Lathen's Ashes to Ashes (chapter heads from hymns) and By Hook or Crook today. I'm sorry I only got four Lathens, now I'll have to read someone else. Read Pete Ivanko and the She-Dragon and Batman tonight.
Sunday, August 28th, 1977-in which Petey goes fishing but doesn't catch anything
Overslept this morning, in spite of the alarm and had only 10 minutes to dress for church. Fortunately, I had decided to wear what I wore last night and dressed quickly, but I had to finish dressing Petey while Dad was here. Still, we arri9ved at church on time and I had remembered to put Pete's fishing pole in the car. Petey had gotten up early, sliced his banana, and eaten his cereal and then gone back to bed. We sat with Margaret and Erik Bunce at church. Erik had some little cars with him and he and Pete played (I'd forgotten Pete's cars). Then Bernie and Richie came in late and sat with Pete and Erik. After church Dad dropped Bernie and Pete at Becker's pond. It was cloudy and overcast but the rain held off. Dad took Mom and me to Kentucky Fried Chicken for lunch-I was able to enjoy my mashed potatoes and gravy with a clear conscience since Pete wasn't there to see me. Then Dad got chicken snacks for Pete and Bernie (I'd saved some of my coleslaw for Pete because he likes it...from there, he won't touch mine). Then Dad dropped me at home and went back to pick up the boys. Petey had a bite but the fish got away. I was glad I didn't have to clean and cook one! Bernie said he'd take Petey fishing again, only next time at the farm where he thought he'd have better luck. So Petey must have behaved well. We napped-I was exhausted from staying awake worrying about what Stewart might do until 3am this morning. Then we watched "The Muppet Show", "Wild Kingdom", "Wonderful World of Disney"...then Pete and I went outside to play "Justice League" with his airplane, helicopter, and pickup truck. It was so cold we wore coats (our furnace came on again last night). Vicky called to see if Pete started school tomorrow. Maybe by next year he won't have to make so many doctor visits. Then we came in again and Pete watched "6 Million Dollar Man". We had hot dogs and beans for dinner while I ate last night's left overs and told him stories of "Charlie Brown" and "Charlotte's Web". He like "Charlotte's Web"better than "The Rescuers". Then we played "Snoopy and Charlie Brown and Woodstock" while I watched the Boston Pops with Ethel Merman and part of Masterpiece Theater's first episode of Charles Dickens' life. Petey listened to "Hardtack is a Fine Old Engine". Then I put him to bed and read Zeek Silver Moon and we talked about baking bread together like the story. Carol Wallace gave him a Sambo's book at church today and we cut out the Sambo and Tiger paper dolls and played with those tonight. I read Murder Against The Grain-Soviet American wheat treaty (?-writing was a bit faded here-PL)-ahead of its time.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Saturday, August 27th, 1977-in which we see a double feature and Nancy is irritated by people who talk in movies (now we know where Pete gets it from)
Pete and I went to the movies with the Loebachs tonight. We saw "Race For Your Life, Charlie Brown" and "Charlotte's Web". Pete had seen "Charlotte's Web" before on TV (he told the librarian the plot while we were there this afternoon) but didn't mind seeing it again-and it was, of course, better in colour. Pete got up at 7:00am to watch TV and didn't eat breakfast until 11:00am, when there was a Frisbee contest he didn't care about. He had a banana sliced on his cereal and I had to get more beananas today so he could do it again. He lay down about 1:00pm , and when Granpa came to get us at 2:00pm, he was sound asleep. At the library, he found a big chairl to sleep in while I got my books. He finally woke up enough to get his own books. He told me, "I got some really great books Mom!-Look at the pictures. I know some are a little bit scary, but I won't be scared, I promise!".
I got through J and K today and started on L-I got some new Emma Lathen's. I like her hero, John Thatcher. From the library, we went to Safeway. Got more cube steak and some very ripe watermelon (I think it will be our last this season). Mailed a letter to Starr Savage today and sent her a copy of Pete's story about the two little pigs who lived in the snow. I fixed chicken soup as soon as we got home and we lay down for a nap at 4:30pm. I set the alarm for 6:00pm so we'd have plenty of time to get ready. Pete wanted to dress up for the movie so I wore my new blue dress Betty gave me for the first time. He wore his "leisure suit". The Loebachs came at 7:00 so we were right at the head of the queue (or however it's spelled). The "Charlie Brown" movie was first and Pete thought the parts about being outside in the dark and the owl chasing Woodstock were scary, so he sat in my lap for most of the movie. There was a couple behind us who had apparently come in on their own, sans kids, and kept explaining the movies very loudly to each other, which was pretty irritating. Little Davey took off down the aisle by himself and got lost, but Peter went and guided him back. For the most part he was very well behaved (a lot more active than I remember Pete being at one and a half, but then Pete was in training at the Komstam Nursery to be a proper phlegmatic Englishman). I heard nothing further about my "emergency phone call" from England, so have decided it was just another ruse to get my phone number. I fixed Pete and me cube steak and peas and sweet potatoes for me when we got home, but Pete just picked at his dinner. He said he was so tired he could collapse and he could just go to sleep without a bath, but he insisted on a story because it made him sad if I didn't read one. He had Ivanbo and The Dragon and I started Death Shall Overcome. So cool and rainy today the furnace switched on. Fishing with Bernie tomorrow!
I got through J and K today and started on L-I got some new Emma Lathen's. I like her hero, John Thatcher. From the library, we went to Safeway. Got more cube steak and some very ripe watermelon (I think it will be our last this season). Mailed a letter to Starr Savage today and sent her a copy of Pete's story about the two little pigs who lived in the snow. I fixed chicken soup as soon as we got home and we lay down for a nap at 4:30pm. I set the alarm for 6:00pm so we'd have plenty of time to get ready. Pete wanted to dress up for the movie so I wore my new blue dress Betty gave me for the first time. He wore his "leisure suit". The Loebachs came at 7:00 so we were right at the head of the queue (or however it's spelled). The "Charlie Brown" movie was first and Pete thought the parts about being outside in the dark and the owl chasing Woodstock were scary, so he sat in my lap for most of the movie. There was a couple behind us who had apparently come in on their own, sans kids, and kept explaining the movies very loudly to each other, which was pretty irritating. Little Davey took off down the aisle by himself and got lost, but Peter went and guided him back. For the most part he was very well behaved (a lot more active than I remember Pete being at one and a half, but then Pete was in training at the Komstam Nursery to be a proper phlegmatic Englishman). I heard nothing further about my "emergency phone call" from England, so have decided it was just another ruse to get my phone number. I fixed Pete and me cube steak and peas and sweet potatoes for me when we got home, but Pete just picked at his dinner. He said he was so tired he could collapse and he could just go to sleep without a bath, but he insisted on a story because it made him sad if I didn't read one. He had Ivanbo and The Dragon and I started Death Shall Overcome. So cool and rainy today the furnace switched on. Fishing with Bernie tomorrow!
Monday, January 4, 2016
Friday, August 26th, 1977-in which Nancy receives an emergency call from London and Pete worries about bats (again)
The telephone company called tonight and said they had an emergency call for me-would I please call a London number, which they gave me. I called Dad and talked it over with him. He assumed, as did I, that it was another of Stewart's tricks. He suggested I call John Sandquist so I did and gave him the number. He said he wouldn't call it, but would pass it on. I told John that Stewart had tried once to commit suicide and I was a little worried on that score-but I knew, even if I talked to Stewart, that I wouldn't tell him anything he'd want to hear. As I told John, the only thing I'd consider an emergency would be if something happened to Pete and he was right here, sleeping safely in his bed. He didn't take a nap this afternoon, then went to sleep in front of the TV watching "Wild Kingdom", so I carried him in and put him to bed. He woke just long enough to have some chicken soup, milk, and a story (When the Root Children Awoke and Batman and Robin: From Alfred to Zowie), a song, and then back to sleep. He had his methatexate today and complained of his stomach hurting so I gave him 1/2 a Tylenol-perhaps that's why he was so sleepy. I set the alarm for 7:am in the morning so I can switch on his cartoons. I called Sylvia and we arranged to go to the movies ("Charlotte's Web" and "Run For Your Life, Charlie Brown") tomorrow night. Dad couldn't come in today so he's planning to take us to the library tomorrow, too. I called Thelma tonight but Sissie said she was busy and couldn't come to the phone. I just pray Stewart wasn't thinking of suicide tonight. It would be a terrible thing to have on my conscience that a phone call could have saved him and I didn't make it. But once we're divorced he can't be anything to me anyhow. I have to think of Pete and how to keep Stewart from doing him harm. I wrote to Starr Savage tonight while Pete was sleeping. I'll get Pete to paint her a picture tomorrow to slip in the letter. Elliot's left and Dad decided not to go with him after all because Mom's health is so precarious and he didn't want Betty to have all the care to doalone. Must be rather like Noah's sons seeing the old man drunk and naked for Betty to have to help Dad with Mom's care. Embarassing for both of them. I fixed the cinnamon bread I got at Safeway today., but didn't find it any better hot with icing than cold without. It was rainy and cold today and we stayed in all day. I ready Haining's The Ghost's Companion and The Wild Night Company. Washed my hair. Pete worried about bats again.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Thursday, August 25th, 1977-in which Nancy navigates the bureaucracy of Medicaid, and Stewart sends another threatening letter
Glen called this morning so I asked him about an alternate dentist in case I couldn't wait to see Dr. White, and he said he couldn't give me any names, I'd just have to call them all and see which ones took welfare cards. Then I asked him about going to see Dr. Daniels and he quoted a regulation I couldn't understand at all-but I went ahead and called for an appointment anyhow. I need a pap smear, and I've been having pains and needles in my left arm a lot. I also need to see about having my Tremon prescription renewed. Pete and I can't go in to see Dr. White until the end of September unless he has a cancellation before then. Pete had gotten up, eaten his cereal, and gone back to bed. He slept quite late this morning, and complained of feeling tired all day. He fixed my cereal for me. He'd finished the Total, so I was reduced to that awful Banana Crisp stuff, and he put a lot more in the bowl than I wanted. Then he carefully flattened the cereal with his hand and poured on the milk. I finished my letter to Uncle Rudy and folded Pete's picture and a wallet sized photo of Pete and me inside, and put it out for the mailman. It rained again today and was cool enough so I didn't put on the fans. I tried dusting the one in the bedroom by hand but wasn't very successful. Dad phoned tonight and I complained to him about it, so he said he had an old vacuum of Grandma Nancy's he thought I might use. The dirt just falls down inside the fan and is impossible to reach. I had a letter from Stewart today at this address. He said the divorce is going to cost me $50,000, I'll wind up on a "funny farm" (and Pete in a children's home), and he's going to get me for perjury, among other things. I told John about it and he's going to come over Monday to get it and copy it. Stewart must have gotten the divorce petition...perhaps he got my address from that-but I wish he didn't have it. Thelma took us to Safeway at 2:00pm. Pete had a yogurt stick and a burrito with Thelma's kids while he waited in the car. I got him a new "school book", The Shapes and Sounds of Letters, and some more construction paper-as well as the plain yogurt he wanted. Bought some cereal bowls and cashed a check so I'd have enough to take him to the movies. I filled my last WIC coupon and gave Thelma 1 doz. eggs, a large can of pineapple juice, and 2lbs of of cheese (I let her pick them) since we still have lots of eggs and cheese. Got home too late for Pete to nap. I napped while he watched TV. We had dinner (soup, cube steaks, corn) and watched some of "Welcome Back Kotter". They mentioned Cyrano de Bergerac and Pinocchio, so Pete wanted the story of Pinocchio again. We played "car sale" and "car wash" since it was too wet and cloudy to risk going for a walk. Gave him a quick bath-only two boats and two Weebles-and read him The House That Jack Built and My Kitten. We listened to 'Eroica" and "Hungarian Rhapsody". I read James' Cover Her Face-not bad
Wednesday, August 24th, 1977
Mrs. Norris picked us up at quarter to eleven. We went to Ontario Pharmacy where I left Pete's methatrexate to be filled. We went in as soon as we got to Dr. Baskerville's office. Pete is up to 49 pounds. I told him he'd have to have toys for his "special treats" instead of food-must get his weight down while he's on 6MP and methatrexate. His white count, hemoglobin, and platelet count were all normal today! We called Mrs. Norris at her daughter's house, picked up Pete's medicine, and came home again. We had hamburgers for lunch and then napped. Pete was watching his programs while I read the paper. There was an advertisement for the Pix (now an extension of Eldridge Furniture in downtown Ontario, though remnants of the theater's seating can be found at Jolts and Juice Company-PL). They have "Charlotte's Web" and a Charley Brown movie this week. I tried unsuccessfully to call Sylvia Loebach to see if she wanted to send Sharon with Pete and just as I hung up the phone, Sylvia drove up. I made her a pot of tea and she said she might like to go to the movie too. We planned to make it some night this week (I'll have to cash a check) and to take the children on a picnic one day next week. They may be moving to Nyssa-Dave has taken a job there, tho he's still waiting to hear about one that was offered him here. Pete, Sharon, and little Davey played and watched TV while Sylvia and I talked. After they left, Pete and I planned to go outside but it had rained today and the mosquitoes were fierce so we stayed inside. We took some corn over to Betty this morning and she loaned Pete Bill's "car wash" to play with, so Pete organized a "car sale" in th living roomj and then we pretended we were washing and repairing all the cars. I started a letter to Uncle Rudy, and Pete made him a "cut and glue" picture of mountains, a train, and a railroad track while he listened to "Hardtack is a Fine Old Engine". I played "Carmine Burana" and Pete said he like it. I defrosted the refrigerator today with Dad's gadget-had everything piled on the table when Sylvia came. It really is fast-the ice comes off in big chunks instead of a little at a time. It was cool enough today so I didn't think things would spoil being out for a short time. Pete finished the hamburger for dinner, wanted some of my bacon, but wouldn't touch Dad's green beans. He asked for corn and I cooked it, but he was too tired to eat it. Called Thelma. Vernon was arrested for having stolen property-some of the parts he used to fix his bike were stolen from a State Policeman's child's bike. Read Pete The Root Children Wake Up. No bath tonight, too tired.
Tuesday, August 23rd, 1977-in which a relative comes to town and we learn that Pete's Grandfather was the "Black Sheep" of the Hansen family
Today was a very special day. Just after we had gotten dressed, Dad came to the door with Uncle Elliot. We hadn't seen him since last summer. They only stayed a few minutes, but Dad took some pictures of Pete and me with Uncle Elliot. Just after they left, Leona, the new Public Health nurse arrived. She gave Pete another "music lesson" as well as checking his pulse and respiration and looking at some little bruises that were worrying me. Thelma called. The woman who was supposed to hold her Fair Employment Practices hearing had had a car wreck and couldn't get here-and her other appointment had been moved up. James and Tommy had gone out after she told them not to, so they couldn't go to the fire station with Pete (at which point, Pete was so upset he had a nosebleed and dashed into the bedroom and slammed the door so I wouldn't see). We decided to go to the A&W for lunch without the boys if necessary. Then Sylvia called and asked me to babysit tonight but I told her I couldn't because my uncle was here and I didn't know Dad's plans. I tried to call John to arrange arrange a ride to the doctor's tomorrow, but our phone was out of order. Got the phone company and they said they'd check it. Then Thelma came, with Sissie, James, and Tommy-said Vernon had been arrested last night for "stealing" an old bicycle that had been given to him. We ate coney dogs (30 cents today!), hamburgers, hot-dogs, and burritos for the kids (Pete forgot his burrito in the car-more tears), milk for Pete, root beer for everyone else. Then we went to the fire station. Sissie and Pete went in, the boys had to stay in the car. Pete saw the new pole-I took pictures of Pete by the pole and at the wheel of the largest engine. I double exposed, forgot my flashbulbs, but finally got two pictures I hope will be good. Pete and Sissie got a ride on the fire engine. Tommy and James were so mad they wouldn't speak to Pete. Home, naps, and then the man arrived to fix Betty Phipps' doors. I found the screws for him and he put on one new one. Then Dad called to say they'd come for us about 7:00pm, so I dashed over to water Betty Phipps' lawn while Pete watched his programs. Turned off the hose just as Dad and Uncle Elliot arrived. I changed quickly while they waited in the truck and Pete and I were off to the farm. We had barbecued steaks for dinner and I had a long visit with Uncle Elliot-the first time we've ever really talked. Betty told me Monty Keffer had tied to date Tina and she'd flatly forbidden it. She also told me some members of the church want Pastor Petrasik to resign, and I told her about Ron Eldredge. She was also surprised that Dad used to be considered the black sheep of his family (poor and "roving"). We got home at 10:00pm and the Phipps' were there waiting to get in. I had the only key to their house! Betty gave me a bottle of wine and Pete a helicopter (he took it to bed with him). We had a bath and washed his hair to be clean for Dr. Baskerville. I read Jame's The Black Tower. Pete had Hop On Pop and Mr. Bear and the Ride
August 22nd, 1977
Pete was in fine fettle tonight. He switched over to 6MP instead of predisone today, and was running a little temperature (99+). Now I know what "feverish activity" is! He just wouldn't settle and go to sleep. Nobody came to take us to the hospital this morning so we finally had to take a cab. Gordon did our blood tests (mine was a week late).-arm for me, finger stick for Pete. Sister Angelica was away so he didn't visit in the lab. We had lunch in the cafeteria. I had a ham and cheese sandwich and rhubarb pie. Petey went with veal and mashed potatoes and gravy, and some jello. I finished for him. Then we took a cab home again. I talked to Vi on Paul's radio and asked her again if she'd like to go to church. I told her I start teaching Sunday School on the 11th.
We took early naps. Julie Warren came over just as Pete was lying down so I had to send her away. Then we watched all Pete's programs. I called Thelma and she's planning to bring Tommy over about noon. I called the farm. Betty said Mom has flu-and I called Dr. Baskerville but Sylvia said nothing can be done, just to wait. Then I called Mr. Tuttle to tell him I had Betty's key in case the man comes about the door (probably too late, since we had a postcard saying they'd be back tomorrow or Wednesday). I've got to call Dr. Daniels-pins and needles in my arm, pap smear, prescription refill...and I need to call Dr. White the dentist-I've a tooth that aches whenever I eat anything hot or cold and Pete has never been to the dentist. I keep putting both off-tomorrow...
Pete woke up twice tonight, scared from having nightmares about the bats in "The Rescuers". He made me tell him the story again at dinner and this time, for the first time, it upset him. It's 1am now and he's still awake. I scrubbed the beets and carrots Dad gave us tonight and Pete helped husk the corn. We had corn on the cob for dinner, but one piece stayed so tough we couldn't eat it. Pete made hamburger patties and I mad coleslaw with the red cabbage Dad gave us. We went outside to play but the mosquitoes were so vicious we came right back in and played Batman and Robin in the library room, pretending the green carpet was grass. Pete built a very elaborate Loc Bloc house with a garden, then pulled it all apart again. We built a swing set with a ladder out of Tinkertoys. Pete listened to "Hardtack, He's a Fine Old Engine again, then had his bath. He said he was too tired to play, then took two boats and the submarine in the tub. Read him The Wise Monkey's Tale and School For Sillies then sat with him. We played my hair was a tent for him to go to sleep in.
We took early naps. Julie Warren came over just as Pete was lying down so I had to send her away. Then we watched all Pete's programs. I called Thelma and she's planning to bring Tommy over about noon. I called the farm. Betty said Mom has flu-and I called Dr. Baskerville but Sylvia said nothing can be done, just to wait. Then I called Mr. Tuttle to tell him I had Betty's key in case the man comes about the door (probably too late, since we had a postcard saying they'd be back tomorrow or Wednesday). I've got to call Dr. Daniels-pins and needles in my arm, pap smear, prescription refill...and I need to call Dr. White the dentist-I've a tooth that aches whenever I eat anything hot or cold and Pete has never been to the dentist. I keep putting both off-tomorrow...
Pete woke up twice tonight, scared from having nightmares about the bats in "The Rescuers". He made me tell him the story again at dinner and this time, for the first time, it upset him. It's 1am now and he's still awake. I scrubbed the beets and carrots Dad gave us tonight and Pete helped husk the corn. We had corn on the cob for dinner, but one piece stayed so tough we couldn't eat it. Pete made hamburger patties and I mad coleslaw with the red cabbage Dad gave us. We went outside to play but the mosquitoes were so vicious we came right back in and played Batman and Robin in the library room, pretending the green carpet was grass. Pete built a very elaborate Loc Bloc house with a garden, then pulled it all apart again. We built a swing set with a ladder out of Tinkertoys. Pete listened to "Hardtack, He's a Fine Old Engine again, then had his bath. He said he was too tired to play, then took two boats and the submarine in the tub. Read him The Wise Monkey's Tale and School For Sillies then sat with him. We played my hair was a tent for him to go to sleep in.
Friday, January 1, 2016
Sunday, August 21st, 1977-in which Grandma Alice's health worsens, Nancy and Peter pick some vegetables, and there's corn for dinner
Dad had to usher for church today so he picked us up at 9:30am. I took the photos of Pete and Nicole along to let Marilyn pick which one she wanted. Margaret sat with us in church, but Eric and James weren't with her today. Linda Petrasek gave me the teacher's manual and one of the learner's tests for Sunday School. It starts September 11th. She said they still hadn't arranged transportation, but she'd bring me herself if necessary. Now that I'm committed I'm nervous about it, but I know Pete will enjoy it. He wanted to go last winter, but I had no way to get him there. We went out to the farm after church and picked beans and corn. Dad gave us tomatoes, a cucumber, green peppers, carrots, and beets-then we had egg and bacon sandwiches for lunch. Mom got a chill while we were there and started shaking badly. Dad said she'd had one in the night, too. Dr. Daniels wasn't available (I guess he doesn't even have an answering service to pick up his phone) so Dad called the Emergency Room at the hospital. They told him it sounded like flu, and to give mom 2 aspirins and some 7-up, start her on clear liquids (but they didn't specify what that meant and he'd given her some carnation instant breakfast when I called tonight. She'd been vomiting and Dad was about to give her meatballs with onions but I talked him out of that. He said 7-up just didn't seem like enough (I know how he felt, but I always feel the same way when Pete has to be on clear liquids and bland diet). Then Dorie Hatch came over and took Pete and me home so Dad could stay with Mom. She took us by Safeway and I got some rolls for Pete's Sunday treat, some pop, and hamburger. I let Pete pick the rolls since they were his treat. Then Dorie was going back to the farm to help Dad with Mom. He'd put a lot of covers on Mom and Dorie wanted to take them off again if mom had a fever. She was afraid Dad wouldn't be able to read the thermometer. Dad's going to get in touch with Dr. Daniels tomorrow. I asked him to let me know if it is flu so I can call Dr. Baskerville (Pete sees her on Wednesday anyhow). We napped-for once Pete didn't have to stay up to see his programs since they're not on on Sunday. At 6:00pm, I started watering Betty Phipps' yard, while Pete ate up our left over watermelon. After I finally got the hose set on the lawn, Pete and I snapped green beans and Pete husked the corn for dinner. I kept moving the hoses while we were cooking and eating supper-finally finished about 9:30pm. I checked the houseplants, too, and all except for two were still moist so I put a little water on the two dry ones. The petunias in the pots outside are done for, I think-just too hot. We had a few spots of rain after church this morning but it never really turned into a storm. Pete wanted some soup after dinner (cube steak and corn) and I had a quick bath and washed my hair while it heated. Then Pete had a bath after he ate his soup. Yesterday when he got out of the bath he had black dirt still so today I really soaped him all over (he was too tired to wash himself). I cut his fingernails and toenails, cleaned both, and put tape on his toes-then put him to bed (no sheet due to weather). Read him Farmer Palmer's Wagon Ride-adventures of a pig and an ass. I read Hyman's The Lansing Legacy. Carted the garbage out tonight and swept the back porch while Pete rode Tricycle.
Friday, August 19th, 1977-in which Nicole comes to visit, the Fair is in town, and Nancy has a "Day-Mare"
Petey woke me up just before 10am, and just in time. I'd only gotten my bathrobe on when the doorbell rang. It was Marilyn with Nicole and Christen. I'd totally forgotten I invited Nicole over to play with Pete this morning. Fortunately, Pete dashed into the bedroom and dressed and I had coffee in the pot to give Marilyn a cup. Then she left to run errands and Nicole stayed. I managed to get dressed while they played-they went outside and I followed to keep my eye on them but Petey "ordered" me back inside. Then they disappeared and I found them in back-Pete barefooted-so I persuaded them both into the house so I could put Pete's shoes on. Nicole painted and played the organ. Then Nicole's grandmother arrived to take her home, under protest. Nicole said she hadn't had any time to play at all. She and Pete had played pirate ship (and Pete lost his green fishing bole string he';d taken out to have his hands tied up by the pirate. I don't like his insistence on playing at being tied up-I've warned him about it because of the danger he might be hurt or hurt someone else that he must never ever put anything around his neck or anyone else's) and golf. Marilyn brought Pete some of Nicole's pants-he's a little shorter than Nicole and they were a perfect fit. The new ones I got have to be shortened, but now he has 5 pairs he can wear. I just hope nobody recognizes them and teases him (like they did me when I had to wear "hand-me-downs" at school and the little girl I got them from took pleasure in pointing them out-and with "girls" clothes, it would be worse for Pete). Nicole left an noon and we ate lunch (I had hamburger, corn , sweet potatoes, Pete had hamburger-most of it "plain" because we ran out of ketchup). Then it was 1:30pm and Dad arrived with Mom. They'd dropped Bernie off at the church for his backpacking trip. We went to the bank-$100 in checking, $46.00 in cash, ten into Pete's savings ($68.00 now!)-then to the post office-$37.00 food stamps, $11.00 + telephone, $11.26 to the Department of Revenue (final statement). Then we went to Frontier Music and paid the $15.50 "beginning fee", and I asked them to keep my address and phone number confidential in case they get a call from Stewart (I mentioned muisc lessons in my letter to him). Then to the fair! Mrs. Probasco didn't charge any admission for Pete. We went tot the carnival rides. Pete went on the Merry-Go-Round (we met Sissie and she held him on).the boots, the airplanes, the horse-drawn carts, and I have 2 tickets left for him tomorrow. We went through the main exhibit hall, flowers foods, sewing, garden clubs, and co-ops; the small animals exhibit (the ducks and geese scared Pete but he liked the rabbits), and the cow barn (Pete almost ran through that-all those big cows); then back outside to meet Dad. He treated us at the A&W (I'd meant to treat them)-burritos, milk, and a root-beer float. Dad asked why all my clothes were so heavy (he'd folded them). I told him I didn't have any "summer" clothes (I had to wear wool pants today). Safeway (coffee, WIC coupons, water melon n' such-still haven't defrosted the refrigerator). Home. Pete's programs, naps (he went to sleep in front of the TV)-we woke up about 7:00pm. 3 hours of watering Betty Phipp's lawn and plants (Pete wouldn't help) then dinner of hot-dogs, beans, and sweet potatoes for me. Bath and bed. Read Pete Raggedy Ann And The Cookie Snatchers and Little Bunny Follows His Nose. I read Someone Is Watching by Giberson and finished Kelland's The Lady And The Giant. I called the fire chief this afternoon and made an appointment to bring Peter to look at the new station next Tuesday at 1:00pm, He said "Come any time", but I thought I'd better make it definite, and we have hospital Monday and doctor Wednesday. Pete wants to see the poles. Was talking to Thelma tonight and she's going to call and see if Tommy can go along, too. Pete's relationship with the firemen is pretty special so I hope Tommy behaves himself if he comes. Thelma wanted to go to the Fair tonight, in time for the show, but Herman called at 6:00pm and said he was coming right in to go with them, and then didn't show up. We arranged to go over with her tomorrow afternoon, and tomorrow night for the gospel singing. Dad invited us out to the farm to pick beans tomorrow, but we arranged to go Sunday after church. He said there were tomatoes, too. He brought me another squash today. I had throw the crookneck squash away. It got soft before I used it. Must call Mr. Tuttle on Monday and remind him about Betty Phipps' doors-should have done it this week. I don't know how good a job I've done on her lawn. Had to water it by flashlight tonight, with Petey yelling from the house "are you all right Mom?". I had a weird "day mare" today-dreamed I was running away through a series of different rooms, each with deliriously colored dainty lingerie strewn around. Then I was hiding ("blending in" like in "Guns of Navarrone") in a dingy student union type restaurant. It was over 100 degrees again today and I've been pouring sweat all day. As Pete puts it, sadly, "I'm dripping, Mommy! I'm just sitting here and I'm dripping!" Even our fans don't help much, and I'm afraid Betty's petunias in pots are just about done for.
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